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simple control surface questions


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I am about to upgrade to v2. so, in preparation, before i do anything else, i want to make the control surface.


i bought an encoder with pushbutton from smashTV. it has 5 pins, 3 on one side and 2 on the other. how do i find the specs so i know how to connect it to the digital input of my DINX4? which pin is for the button push?


does it matter how i order the buttons/encoder? should i put all the buttons first then the encoder?

thanks !


yes, thanks everyone, it was of course a simple wiring issue. i had screwed up the J1:SI din to J9:SI connection, putting it instead to J1:S0.

cool edit function.

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So i finished the panel, at least soldering the buttons to the veroboard.

i have all the grounds of the buttons connected, all together, as illustrated in mbhp_32buttons.pdf.

i connected my DINX4 to my CORE. i used alligator clips to test to see if the buttons would send data, and i get nothing.

all the resistors are in place, in the correct orientation. two slots are stuffed.

help !

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inside the .zip file that you downloaded from the ucapps.de site, ie:


there are a number of setup_*.asm files, ie:




these files need to be modified (slightly) to suit your hardware layout, ie to tell the core which pins your switches and encoder are attached to.

these files are then compiled into a single .hex file which is uploaded to your core via MIDI.

details of how this is done are available on the wiki

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ok, i am stuck. it's sad because i thought i was totally going to solve this tonight, but i simply can't -

i have uploaded the setup_6581.hex to my core. I am 1000% sure that the DIN4 module's 5 leads have good connection.

i connected the button leads from my rotary encoder to J4:D6 (menu edit) and nothing happens.

i connect it to all the other inputs, to see if i can change ANYTHING, nothing happens.

J1:RC gives 4.99v.

J1:SC gives 0.14v

S0 gives 4.94-4.95

Vd givs 4.99.

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OK, i have spotted 1 wiring error.

The orange wire on J1 of your DIN board is connected to the wrong point. The point it is connected to is the DOUT thru.

Unsolder this point, and re-solder to the direct opposite point (ie, the middle of the other side of the header)


Vs  Vs

Vd  Vd


Sc  Sc

Rc  Rc


You want to connect to SI, not SO.

(Better yet, get a header socket, and plug it straight in)

Then you can move on to the interconnection test.

BTW, how is the SID board connected to the core? It looks a bit dodgy in the photo...

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great ! thanks guys, i was wondering about that earlier... why there was SI on the other side of the header.

the SId is connected dogily, yes, with only half a SIL. i lost the cap :))

but, it makes sounds. it works most of the time. i've even used it at 2 shows so far !

once it wouldn't boot!

will try this.

thank you so much guys for the help, i couldn't enjoy life last night.

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OK. I have changed the lead to S0 instead of SI.

when i load the ain64_din128_dout128 app i get on the LCD:

AIN                                        DIN            DOUT

crazy flashing numbers: 0          1o              1o

i disconnected my veroboard to make sure there was no shorts. i connect only the button from the encoder.

when i push it, nothing happens.


i try to connect it to the other registers to see if it's the first chip, nothing.

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One thing at a time ;)

If the AINs are ungrounded the PIC goes nuts trying to process the constant changes it sees in the AIN pins....

But regardless you should always fix one thing at a time. See the GROT in my signature ;)

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i did not ground the Vd pin.

I'm glad, cause that would be a short circuit! (Vd is +5V in this case, see the wiki, search for Vdd)

If you still have the DINs connected to the wrong pin, that's why they don't work. Don't sweat what's printed on the silkscreen of the PCB, get out the schematics and check.

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