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I've started a page to hopefully answer some of the über-n00b questions, like "I want to build a {blank}, but I don't know how many {blanks} I'll need."

I'd love someone to have a bit of a look at what I've done, especially the first table.

I'm not sure how much of the Bankstick info is completely made up, for example.

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Dupe: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/introduction_to_ucapps.de?s=faq#midibox64'>http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/introduction_to_ucapps.de?s=faq#midibox64

And, not entirely accurate because the whole idea is that you can customise it ;)

If you want to make it easier on n00bs (definitely a good idea) maybe you could tidy and merge (where necessary and sensible) these pages:












These pages are a bit of a mess.... There's a lot of duplication and crossover between the content.... Don't forget to fix any links in pages that refer to the originals, by following any backtrack links from the pages you change.

Edit: seeing as this is a big change, and these are important pages, it may be best to make new pages in a new namespace, and leave the original pages intact, until you get the 'thumbs up' to remove the old stuff

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Dupe: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/introduction_to_ucapps.de?s=faq#midibox64

And, not entirely accurate because the whole idea is that you can customise it ;)

My main drive for doing this is the observation (perhaps skewed, perhaps not) that unless we do this in a very, very, VERY basic form: ie a table; which is prominently positioned on the wiki somewhere you just can't miss it, then we will forever be answering the question:

"I want a..., I'm looking for a module list."

Re the customisation: this is a vital part of the MBHP, and should not be overlooked.

However, 99% of newbies are attracted here with the idea (perhaps mistaken) that they can relatively easily build a box to do X,Y,Z.

Once they have been here a little while, have got their first box together in the standard form, THAT's when they get addicted, and realise that all this customisation is possible.

We just need to work on getting the total newbie to the addicted phase, without injuring the virginal newbie brain with the scope of possibilties provided by the platform.

Got to keep these kit selling folk rushed off their feet!  ;D

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My main drive for doing this is the observation (perhaps skewed, perhaps not) that unless we do this in a very, very, VERY basic form: ie a table; which is prominently positioned on the wiki somewhere you just can't miss it, then we will forever be answering the question:

"I want a..., I'm looking for a module list."

Agreed! I'm not saying "ditch the table", just that only one should stay... you can choose which one :)

We just need to work on getting the total newbie to the addicted phase, without injuring the virginal newbie brain with the scope of possibilties provided by the platform.

Totally - that's why I think it would help to clean up those pages I lnked above. From the front page, they're the first things linked to, and the descriptions of the links (and the intended content) would make those pages the first ones I would visit, as a newbie...but they're kinda all over the place...

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I actually think that I might just slam the table into the head of the introduction page.

That way, the first thing you see on the introduction page answers forum FAQ No# 1.

As you scroll down the page, you get more detailed information about each project.

This way, I also don't need to find and update any existing links.

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Hmm the problem with the really nice table is that it's full of half-truths ;) For instance you don't *need* a lot of the modules in the SID row. Maybe this row (and some others) should get split up into multiple rows like SID (no control surface), SID (Step A control surface), ...

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Good point.

I was trying to figure what the best way to do this would be.

Maybe with colour, bold face, or just asterisks.

Something that suggests "this is all you really need, the other stuff is more fun though."

The same holds for a lot of the projects.

Of hand, the LC info is for a full implementation, including ledrings, MTC display and nav buttons.

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Easy, you keep a table like you did, with standard requirements; and an anchor to a paragraph elsewhere on the page with more detail :)

Maybe you could do a table with Minimum required, TK's setup, and maximum supported.... or something...

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Here's a suggestion from a noob. How about some kind of explanation on the correct procedure for the Group buys. For instance I don't know when to pay, before the group buy, after I receive a payment request, or just what . Maybe there is not a real protocol for this but perhaps there should be.


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The group guy is an odd animal.

It's a relatively new addition to our repertoire, as far as I know in the last 3-4 years or so...

At this point pretty much every group buy is a little different in the way they work.

The main rule that applies is: don't take up with a group buy if you can't really afford to.

Most group buy organisers get peeved if you start hitting them with "sure, I'm in, but can't afford to pay until 2010..."

Generally, any rules are set by the 'group buy organiser'* and will usually be outlined in the post announcing the buy.

* we need a better name for this. 'group buy chief'?

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when to pay [... ] after I receive a payment request

Figures, don't it?

Generally, any rules are set by the 'group buy organiser'* and will usually be outlined in the post announcing the buy.

* we need a better name for this. 'group buy chief'?

It's the BGBC (=Big Group Buy Cheese)

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Here's a suggestion from a noob.

Always welcomed, thankyou!

The bulk orders thing is pretty simple - the rules are made up by whoever is running the order. This way it's fair to the person doing all the hard work. Usually all the info you need is in the first post, but if you're unsure you can always post and ask - after you read the whole thread of course :)

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