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MIOS upload / core error ???


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today i tried to install the displays on to the Core Unit.

In first sight everything seems to be fine, MIDI is working and also the Displays light up. I have also double

checked all pins are properly connected.

so now,  when i switch on the Core, i get continuously sysex Strings send to the Midi Out, which is probably

right. so when i now start to upload of the mios operating system via midi, also everything seems to be done

correctly as far as the mios studio application says...

but as soon as the mios upload has been fulfilled, the display changes to the first picture, also still midi

sysex is sent by core and the the displays seems to flash a little in the speed of syses is being sent.

when i then switch off back on, nothing changes, but also for some reason i could recognize, sysex

is no sent continuously anymore all the time. so what i mean is, it changes speed of sending messages.

after i uploaded now also the sequenzer software, the display turns to the second picture and still sys ex

is sent consant continuously without changes of speed.

is there anything i am doing wrong? or does somebody know what the issue might be?

thanks for any advise

picture 1:


picture 2:



i have left the core switched on now in the current state. it just started to run a huge amount

of sysex messages in very high speed and then stopped. now it is again sending sys ex in

short instances again.

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today i tried to install the displays on to the Core Unit.

In first sight everything seems to be fine, MIDI is working and also the Displays light up. I have also double

checked all pins are properly connected.

so now,  when i switch on the Core, i get continuously sysex Strings send to the Midi Out, which is probably


no it isn t.

Have you uploaded any application?

Are you using smart mode when uploading mios, and checking the wait for response box?

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now for some reason it seems right.

i switch on the core an only one sysex message appeared, but the display is as the first picture


fking hell...

just when i finished writing the post the core started to send continuously sysex messages again  ???

and now it even changed between the two pictures. i need a cigarette  ;D

i have put the upload in to wait state and switched the core afterwards on, also i had used smart mode.

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hmmm ???

actually i don't think that it goes on and off.

if so, during uploading mios it should get of course interrupted and abort the upload,

not give me upload success message. also the display back light should go on / of is well???

i have just measured again the voltage is on j1 about 9 volt and on j2 around 4,96 volts

i have downloaded the mios_update_v1_9f.zip file and tryied to upload the mios_v1_9f_pic18f4620.hex file.

as i mentioned, upload sucess, after on /off screen as picture and still sysex send... sometimes it starts to run

thru fast...

could it be there is something screwed up with the PIC oder Core

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well, what do you think what it might be if nothing gives a positive result.

i can upload mios in any way, i want. the core still keeps sending the messages.

after switch on / off, first only one, then after a minute or so all the time...

shall i get a burner and delete the core an reprogram it? or should i even think about

building a new core with a clean pic?

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i found a relating thread, so i tryed now once again exactly like Mios Wiki.

Switch on "display is like the 2nd Picture"

Continuous sysex is sent by core

uploading mios 1,9 update.hex

display changed to the 1st picture, no more sysex messages

switch off / on... only one sysex message appeared display like 1st picture

upload setup_mbseq_v3.hex

core again start to send continous sysex messages, display stays same

switch off / on display changes to picture 2 and continuous syssex messages


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How can you be sure that MIOS is correctly uploaded?

Have you checked the "wait for upload request" and used smart mode? (smart mode only for application upload)

Can you upload an application while the core seems to be functional?

Have you tried to disconnect the LCD?

Have you checked 5 times every single component and every single point (with a multimeter for example)


shall i get a burner and delete the core an reprogram it? or should i even think about

building a new core with a clean pic?

i would wait

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as far as mios wiki says.

mios is installed properly when after switch on, only one sysex message appears...

this is what happens when uploading mios...

but then when uploading an application, for some reason the primary bootloader gets activated again.

i had this problem allready before i even buy the displays... i thought there is something wrong

with the midi connection, because sometimes it wouldnt let me upload smething. i have made the hole

midi troubleshoot 5 times... for fuck sak some reason now all midi is ok.

i dont know, i realy spend lots of cash for the parts...

i will build a complete new core and burn my own pic, hopefully it will work

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I don t want to sound arrogant or anything but what about answering at least some the questions i am making you? Sometime  it is better to switch your head off and let somebody else doing the debugging for you (i ve learned at my own expenses)


EDIT: maybe you can pass by the chat sometime, always packed with debuggers

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;D sry, if i might sound a little harsh or what you would call it in englisch..., but i realy start to get headache...

i never thought to run into so many problems. one by another. at least now i understand  the schematics of the core


i am now sure MIOS is running  :-X

for some reason still it screws everything up when uploading the sequencer software,

but for now i dont even want to know why that is ::). but for a fact, other applications are running,

so mios has to be ok. i installed for exampel midi benchmark, ok. it ran nice.. i could see it working  :)

but the display is not working like it schould do. i installed the lcdinterconnection.hex it semmes

like id did something to the display, but not realy schowing anything, exept of the display of the

1st picture i post earlier, maybe sometimes a little flickering.

however i have checked at least 5 times that the pins are properly connected. at the paper i downloaded

from the web about my display it says as picture that here is pin1 and at the other side pin2. if so, it must

be pin7 starting for d0 above the pin1???

i can also adjust contrast and brightness by the trimpots, so i guess i did the proper pin connections...

i just don't get a clue out of the hole story. i just see, that with every problem i get, i create new problems

which have to get fixed. well, mios is running.

could it be that my displays wont work with the core at all because there are not compatbile?

it says it is KS0066 or Equivalent??? As far as i heard it schould be compatible?


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Is this a 4620?

Did you use smart mode? Wait for upload request?

Did you burn the bootloader or is it from smash? If it was you, please burn it again, and paste logs.

Upload MIOS again, and then a test app. Paste the logs here. If it is not working, do the midi troubleshooting, and paste the logs here.

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it is a 4620

i did not burn the os, i buyed from mike

yes i tried both ways to upload mios

i have done the midi troubleshoot

know the display is disconnected

mios upload log / use force feedback from core (after reboot, only one sysex has been sent by core):

Starting upload of mios_v1_9f_pic18f4620.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received error code 01: Less bytes than expected have been received

This was an expected error - please ignore!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Received Checksum: 54 - OK

Sending block 00000500-000005FF

Received Checksum: 5F - OK

Sending block 00000600-000006FF

Received Checksum: 01 - OK

Sending block 00000700-000007FF

Received Checksum: 36 - OK

Received Checksum: 08 - OK

Sending block 00007F00-00007FFF

Received Checksum: 0B - OK

Upload process complete

then upload of sequenzer_tk.hex (fuck is that, now he is only sending one sysexstring):

Starting upload of setup_mbseq_tk.hex

Sending block 00003000-000030FF

Received Checksum: 01 - OK

Sending block 00003100-000031FF

Received Checksum: 20 - OK

Sending block 00003200-000032FF

Received Checksum: 2B - OK

Sending block 00003300-000033FF

Received Checksum: 57 - OK

Sending block 00F00100-00F001FF

Received Checksum: 59 - OK

Sending block 00F00200-00F002FF

Received Checksum: 04 - OK

Sending block 00F00300-00F003FF

Received Checksum: 60 - OK

Upload process complete

i realy dont get a anything out of this, once it is sending all the time sysex,

now it dosent. all the time i had error, but not know...

schould i know try to put the display back on?

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now it works with the display  ::)

yesterday i realy started to think about what it might be and

startet to unsolder everything near the J15 and cleaned everything to make sure there are no shorts.

but i thought not about trying it once again.

so now i was realy wondering why the upload did work properly and the appliction is running as it schould.

now i again beeing realy carefull by soldering the wires into J15 (i solderd the wires directly on to the board

without the pins)

and it fucking works now  ???

i had to many problems to solve, one by one and with every problem i found i fucked up something else...  :-X

oh dear, at least i learned something this way. and i am realy surprised about how robust it al is, because when i think about how much i messed around it realy is a wonder nothing is realy damaged.

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;D ok, i will change that, this might in fact probably caused the problems.

the core did show so many issues and i did not know where they come from

i realy was going to get a new core, i did not even wanted to touch it anymore.

allready said to a friend, that i will make a youtuibe video with smashing the cre by a hammer

or blow it up in to the sky with a roket at new years eve  ::)

but then i read the post and thought ok then try the update once again. and surprise  8)

here a foto


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