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Custom MB-6582 - Work in Progress


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I thought I'd start documenting my MB-6582 for others to see...

Firstly - Big ups to TK & Wilba & Smash & All for making this happen! This is the best thing since sliced bread, and it's kept me off the streets and out of trouble.

My goal is to build it together with a 2 or 2.5 octave keyboard in one box

I've got a few midi-merges lying around, so I'll slap one of them inside, so that, hopefully the synth can be sequenced & it can be played with the keyboard at the same time. I read that someone was trying to make this work without a merge, but in the mean time, using a merge is fine by me.

I picked up a 4 octave controller the other day for $25, and I'll hack that apart for the keyboard etc.

For the Case, I bought a Broken "Bang & Olufsen Beomaster 2000" stereo / amp off fleabay ($27) that looked pretty spiffy.. it's about 60cm long and approx 25cm wide & 7cm deep. I really dig the grill at the back of the case, and it's shape as a whole.. it reminds me of a Atari 2600 Woodgrain.

It also has a catch underneath so that the whole unit can be angled up at about 30 degrees.

I got the B&O last night, and gutted it out (Which did make me a little sad as it was a fine piece of kit) - On a Side note, it has an AWESOME Jog wheel that would probably make a super jog wheel for tracktor etc..

I'll start constructing the MB-6582 Baseboard parts as soon as they arrive (Should be in a few days)

Now I just gotta read the manual and see if Pitch bend & Mod wheel is supported.. if not, I'll leave out the Mod wheels etc..



B&O Complete.JPG

B&O Gutted 1.JPG

B&O Gutted 2.JPG

Sussing out Keys.JPG

B&O Complete.JPG

B&O Gutted 1.JPG

B&O Gutted 2.JPG

Sussing out Keys.JPG

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Backlighting on the white one looks suss :/

As for the merger thing... you're better off using a chain. If your keyboard is plugged into your synth, how do you plan on entering notes into your seq? You can do


Which often gives the most flexibility... But then you may want to record midi out of the synth, which can be kinda tricky... Plus, I'm guessing there's a PC in that setup too? Might be worth reconsidering your setup...

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If your keyboard is plugged into your synth, how do you plan on entering notes into your seq?

This is what I was thinking..

Midi OUT of keyboard gets Split.. One Side goes straight to the Midi OUT of my MB6582 Synth.

The Other OUT connects to the Merge input 'A'

The MIDI IN on my MB6582 connects to Merge input 'B'

The Output of the Merge connects to the MB6582 Core input.

I'll do this once I have ironed out the 6582 core etc, and made sure everything is running sweet.

I was looking at the Picture of the Black&White LCD, and yea, the backlight does look a bit blotchy, but I'm also thinking it could be a crap picture taken by the seller.. I'll let you all know when I spark it up to see how it looks.

I've got the Blue one as a backup, but, to be honest, I'm pretty over blue.. especially blue LED's.. sooooo late 90's.. lol.



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Midi OUT of keyboard ...to the Midi OUT of my MB6582 Synth.


The MIDI IN on my MB6582 connects to Merge input 'B'

Out to out? In to in? Err, no.

Split then merge? why?

I was looking at the Picture of the Black&White LCD, and yea, the backlight does look a bit blotchy

I was thinkig more that it looks very bright at the edges

, but I'm also thinking it could be a crap picture taken by the seller

more likely that's a good photo and it's worse in real life :(

I'm pretty over blue.. especially blue LED's.. sooooo late 90's.. lol.

I'm so glad people are getting over the "blue led's on everything" thing.

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I think we are having a hard time understanding each other... It seems pretty simple to me, but I guess I'm not explaining it well enough.

Out to Out... well, yea, If the Midi Out socket of a Keyboard is being soldered to the Midi out socket on my Project. (I should really have called that "My Project" instead of "My 6582")

If it's any consolation, this will be the second time i've wired up MIDI internally for a project like this..



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Out to Out... well, yea

Well, Sorry to say it but, no... in MIDI land, outs go to ins, ins go to outs.... not the other way around...

If you did that before, I didn't work. If it worked, that's not what you did ;)

Just draw it in ascii if words fail you :)

Anyway, the question remains: Why the split+merge? What's wrong with something like I drew above?

Edit: and the other questions too...

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It's a bit tricky to do with ASCII, but I'll try..

MIDI Controller OUT ------>SPLIT----->Mikes Project MIDI OUT Socket


                                          \------>MERGE BOX ---------------> MB-6582 CORE Input



Mikes Project MIDI IN Socket ------------/

So, Just to confirm, the keyboard & the merge & the 6582 Core are all in one tidy box (The B&O Case).

The Box (Mikes Project) has a Midi IN socket, and a Midi OUT socket.

The Midi OUT socket is just that.. an OUT from the keyboard (Hence the split)

The Midi IN socket gets merged with the other split OUT from the Keyboard, The OUTPUT from the MERGE is then sent on to the INPUT to the 6582 CORE.

This way, I can sequence the fuker, and play it from the keyboard if I choose.. I'm mainly gonna be using it as a Polysynth...

Essentially the same as turning local to "on" in a midi synth.. The keys play it's own engine, and so does whatever is plugged into the midi IN socket (Midi channel permitting)

No PC in my setup, except as a glorified tape machine.

Heaps of hardware sequencers tho.

I hope this answers all your questions....



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You might consider adding a second MIDI out to the rear panel for the MB-6582 MIDI output.  This way you can record knob movements into an external sequencer, and have bidirectional transfers to/from MIOS Studio for firmware updates.

The case looks awesome!  I can't wait to see it in action!

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You might consider adding a second MIDI out to the rear panel for the MB-6582 MIDI output.  This way you can record knob movements into an external sequencer, and have bidirectional transfers to/from MIOS Studio for firmware updates.

Good Call.. Will do!

What was even cooler about the B&O Case was that it already has 3 DIN Sockets built in!



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No need for merge/split there, just follow the original layout -

keys ---> seq ---> synth

         (thru on)

keep in mind, i included the seq in that, and you didn't in your drawing. It's not clear haw you want to run that.

Still no need for merge/split, even with the extra feature of recording knob movements

synth OUT ---> keyboard ---> sequencer ---->synth IN

(local off)             (thru on)         (thru on)


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No need for merge/split there, just follow the original layout -

I appreciate it's elegance... And maybe I should just have three Midi sockets on the back of my box... Midi keyboard Out, MB6582 IN, MB6582 OUT and then patch appropriately depending on the scenario..

(FWIW my $25 Midi controller keyboard has no Midi in or Thru)

Anyway.. moving on...

I think I'll hack up the $25 MIDI Controller next... it's 4 Octave, which is a shame..



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Why would you need to repatch?

(FWIW my $25 Midi controller keyboard has no Midi in or Thru)

Then you have a use for a merger: (cheap keys aren't as cheap now that you've grown your setup :( )

synth OUT ---> merger---> sequencer ---->synth IN

(local off)              ^            (thru on)



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Why would you need to repatch?


What if I just want to Play the synth? No Sequencer involved?

As for dedicated controllers with an IN? To be honest, I have not seen many of then around.. (Well not the low end ones)

The reason why I kinda did prefer my 'kludge' way was that it covers most scenarios that I'd use.. I can play it, I can sequence it, I can use it as a controller keyboard playing another synth with both voices doubling up.. All with or without a sequencer involved. Sure it's not as easy to record Knob movement etc, but to be honest, I generally don't ever record that sort of MIDI info.. Just the Audio.

As for extra cost.. Killing one of the $20 merges i've got lying around is fine by me.

Here's a close up pic of that Jog wheel if anyone is interested.. It's got a nice bit of mass behind it.. If anyone wants it, it's theirs (Plus the surround)



B&O Complete + Closeup of JogWheel.JPG

B&O Complete + Closeup of JogWheel.JPG

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What if I just want to Play the synth? No Sequencer involved?

Would help me to offer you a solution, if you make up your mind what you want ;) Anyway the answer to that is, you don't use the seq. Just leave it on, doing nothing but forwarding midi down the chain.

(Well not the low end ones)


As for extra cost Killing one of the $20 merges i've got lying around is fine by me.

My point exactly. Cheap controllers with no midi in, are not designed for more advanced setups like yours, so if you expand like you have, then you have to spend extra to enhance the controller, which negates the initially low cost of the device.

The reason why I kinda did prefer my 'kludge' way was that it covers most scenarios that I'd use.. I can play it, I can sequence it, I can use it as a controller keyboard playing another synth with both voices doubling up.. All with or without a sequencer involved.

You can do all that with what I just suggested, but it has less hardware/cost/complexity/etc and allows for greater flexibility, like bidirectional comms with the synth and seq.

Sure it's not as easy to record Knob movement etc, but to be honest, I generally don't ever record that sort of MIDI info.. Just the Audio.

Again... make up your mind what you want, I'll fire you the best solution I can think of. But the above solution will allow you to do everything you've mentioned so far, including just recording the audio.

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Hehhehehe :D

Well I guess the aim of the game, is to ensure that your cabling allows your devices to function to their full capacity. Adding splitter/router/merger in there is worth it, if you need them to get what the synth has to offer... I think you'll only need the one merger, to compensate for your controller keys.

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Hey all, some input please....

What do you recon of these layouts?

First pic, the keys are more forward.. better for playing..

The control surface will be more raised to keep inline with the keys etc..

The top of the keys (the ugly end) will have to be covered by some nicely made timber... still thinking about it's shape.

2nd pic, the keys are back more, and the control surface is nearly flush with the timber etc..

mod section coming soon.. not sure if I should make it out of aluminium or timber.

the keyboard I hacked up also has USB & a thumby stick for mouse pointing etc + a few knobs and sliders + octave up & down buttons with LEDS.



(No nothing is soldered in yet... just looking how those encoders would look + Knobs)





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Great idea! I think I like the top one more.

Although if I was building something like this, I might put the keys on the right side so I could play with my right hand while tweaking knobs with my left hand.

Or I might do it like you plan to... I can see advantages that way too... esp. if there's a mod wheel or some other control on the left side anyway.... (I'm thinking SoftPots on this would be cool, let me know if you want some).

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Wow, that's a lot bigger than I thought it was (Now I see it along side the MB-6582.)

I think what Wilba says about having the keyboard on the right for live persormances is right though, makes it a lot easier for playing whilst tweaking! Looking good though.

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