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Boss Dr55 Modified and Midified


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So its been quite a while that i was active overhere...this is/was because of another project i was doing, namely modifying and midifying my Boss Dr55. It isn't quite finished yet but i really want to show it ;) As you can see in the pics i managed to get 10 pots :o on this little drum machine. Which include new modifications that i haven't seen yet on the net.



From left to right:

-Full Accent

-BassDrum Decay

-BassDrum Pitch (new)

-Noise Level

-Rimshot Pitch (new)

-Rimshot Resonance (new)

-SnareDrum Pitch (new)

-HiHat Pitch (new)

-HiHat Level (new)

-HiHat Decay (new)

So that is total control over all the sounds... 8)

On the back side you will find midi in and out and a switch for the direction of the midi (which is still a hole as you can see).....the normal CSQ, footswitch, three trigger inputs for BD, SD and RS and audio out offcourse. I'm also going to make an adaptor connection for it which is quite easy to do....the midi kit is already soldered just needs to be placed in but that ain't the biggest hustle..i'm also going to make individual outs on my Black Beauty :)

On this site http://www.synthforum.nl/forums/showthread.php?t=104131 you can find two pieces of audio with a total length of 15 minutes...in the second part i'm putting the DR55 through a modified Boss SD-1 with Monte Allums GT-1 mods for that killer 808 bass sound.....

If you want your DR55 modified like mine just PM me or mail me at dender at acidcult dot nl

Time for some more pictures.....





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Thnx man, It is actually plugged. :D That was one of the things i really wanted not to destroy the original case. I just sawed out to sleeves where the case snugged in. Then dropped the pcb with a couple of washers to get the knobs a little bit more down. The write button is now almost equal with surface which i actually like. Makes it much smoother to the eyes. And i think it sounds great to...especially the BD.....unk unk unk

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No it's only midi sync and no not MB driven....

More info on this site on the midi kit....


You can use the same kit als o on a Dr110 btw.

And it's not a shame since there are trigger ins but just read the story don't only look at the pics :D

So if you have stepsequencer or another drum machine with trigger out there is no prob. Still have to make individual outs.

Thnx Goblinz i tried to make it as ugly as possible so you would love it ;)

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No it's only midi sync and no not MB driven....

More info on this site on the midi kit....


You can use the same kit als o on a Dr110 btw.

And it's not a shame since there are trigger ins but just read the story don't only look at the pics :D

So if you have stepsequencer or another drum machine with trigger out there is no prob. Still have to make individual outs.

Thnx Goblinz i tried to make it as ugly as possible so you would love it ;)

Was only kidding, think it loos really smart, especially the way it plugs in to the panel.

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