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Panel design Idea I made (pic included)


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Mostly NI softsynths, reaktor, absynth.

A bit of Cubase also, (that why I have buttons between the encoders, for mute, solo and track select) Reason also (The 8 buttons in the middle to select patterns)

Does it make sense ?

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Well, your frontpanel certainly looks nice!

One question though.

Do you really need the LEDrings? It's going to be a lot of work soldering these. And i think you don't actually need them, since you are going to use encoders and a display. So any entered value will be displayed on the LCD and the encoders initiate an increment or decrement on any value. Just build/change the MIOS application code in such a way that if you press a button or move an encoder, the value change will immediately be displayed on the LCD.

Or are you going to use it in a different manner?

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Cpl of things...

1. the buttons above/below the LCD seem to close  - remeber LCDs have a backpcb (or whatever) that has the 4 mounting holes in each corner. Also, why have buttons above the LCD like that neway? Ur gonna be covering up the screen with ur hand everytime u reach for them...i'd put 8 either side, u got the room...:)

2. are u keeping to a 2.54mm grid size in shaffer? This way - if ur breadboarding ur pot/led/button controls it'll ensure everything will line up... if ur using standard 2.54mm pitch breadbrd o course ;)

Good luck!!


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More things I would think of:

First: I would make the distances between the buttons multiples by 2.54mm, so you can easily solder all your buttons to a platine. This way everything is stabilized a little and you dont need so much screws.

But this is only important if you dont put all that stuff directly to the frontplate.

Second: Remember putting the holes for all that drilling stuff there. E.g. the LCD screw holes.

Third:Especially the LCD in this point. Draw the spaces you need *under* the plate (also for the ensoders and so on). The LCD needs much more space than only the display itself. Those buttons right next to it look like they wont fit there.

Last point: Think of making some kinda overlays (some transparent film or plexiglass or so) for all your synthies and so on (if you want to). So you just have to change that overlay to see where every single Control is. And with this point: Think of every single hole you have to cut there. I made my design like that, that I only have to cut out rectangles to make everything fit.

Hmmm, OK now the really last one: Those buttons above the LCD... *I* would put them somewhere else. The LCD should be visible all the time.

Perhaps I would make those buttons more like 16 row ones, but thats just my way. I mean everybody has his (her) own workflow.

If you really think you will come along with that really good (think of that *before* building it), do it.

Phew... thats it. Hope I could give some usable advice.

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Wow thanks a lot guys.  I checked some "making of" photos and realized about the size of the LCD thing.  I'm very new to all of this so I have much things to learn.

As for the ledrings, I really want them, It's my little fantasy...  I know it's gonna be long but it's so nice :)

I'll modify it to be in accordance to the 2.54mm norm, if you can give me other tips or tweaks to do in shaffer it will be greatly appreciated.

I might put those 4 buttons above the LCD below instead.  The 16E has a lot of menu options accesible with buttons so I want to have a couple near the LCD :)

Also, last thing, I want to put 16 leds around the encoders (i'm a maniac hehe) any advice on how to draw them in Shaffer, those ones are tooken from the THorsten design...

Thanks all !

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Hi Nat,

you have to rotate the LEDs around the center, which itself has to coincide with the pot hole. There is a function for that somewhere in the menu. Sorry for not being more specific, but after a system crash I had to install a new OS and the Schaeffer software is not installed at the moment. You will need considerably more space for your design, distance between center hole and LED holes will have to be much larger.

Why don't you settle with 13 LEDs? That way, each LED indicates more or less an amount of "10", because standard MIDI continuous controller values range between 0-127. Three LEDs then could mean a value between 25 and 34. This is very easy to "read" / gives you easy to grasp information. I will go for this in my designs, though I like flashing LEDs a lot  ;)

Regards, ilmenator

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Hi Nat,

you have to rotate the LEDs around the center, which then has to coincide with the pot hole. There is a function for that somewhere in the menu. Sorry for not being more specific, but after a system crash I had to install a new OS and the Schaeffer software is not installed at the moment. You will need considerably more space for your design, distance between center hole and LED holes will have to be much larger.

Why don't you settle with 13 LEDs? That way, each LED indicates more or less an amount of "10", because standard MIDI continuous controller values range between 0-127. Three LEDs then could mean a value between 25 and 34. This is very easy to "read" / gives you easy to grasp information. I will go for this in my designs, though I like flashing LEDs a lot  ;)

Regards, ilmenator

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