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my midi mon build


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stryd, i have got a copy of both applications now, i will try them tonight and see what works best, i can do the boards in solidworks but its really over the top for that.

the boards arent going to be that big really as i would probably use smaller leds than the large ones i have got now. thanks for the advice, its appreciated as always.

if i could do it as a dual layer top and bottom board that would be great, a single side even better its just down to the routing.

do either applications do an automatic pathway creation for you or is it all manually drawn circuit paths? im going to spend an hour or so looking over the manuals for each one first and see which one will do things the best for me.

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Solidworks is not over the top, but a really bad choice. If you're not already really really good at laying out PCBs you should really really go with a pcb design app, as they do a lot of the work for you. Like error checking and the likes ;)

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Edit: Sorry SLP I didn't see your post until after I'd posted this :)

They both do autorouting (automatic creation of tracks) although it's advisable to avoid it where possible, as autorouting has some rather questionable results. You might like to use the autorouter, and keep the parts that are good, and do the remaining tracks by hand... You'll probably need to do a 'tidy up' of the autorouted tracks you want to keep.

If you find you prefer eagle but still want bigger boards, you can probably make some kind of split layout and join it with wires...

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well this evening i bit the bullet and did a manual build on the board layout and set myself on a wireing road to madness!!!

it only dawned on me a short time after just how many connections i had to do on this board alone, so i decided to do one side tonight and the other side tomorrow.

i trimmed down a section of matrix board that was already cut down from the board with the leds on which will sit above this one on spacers.

then i took an ide cable and cut it into segments of 8 rows and then trimmed out individual cables from it, each cable was soldered to the hole next to the pins of the ide connectors and then bridged with solder. then i ran the cable through the hole next to it and threaded it around the board, tightening as i went along then finally soldering to the relative pin on the main ide connector out.

my god it was all a blur towards the end, pics as follows!!

the initial wiring rats nest!


cables looped into holes for strain relief


the top of the board with cable runs


the underneath of the board one side finished.


i then put the multimeter on all the pins relative to the master out pins and after many back and fore checks all is fine!!  so i have decided to finish up for the night and get back to it tomorrow evening and perhaps get this board finished also, all i have to do then is wait for my 2x5 ide headers to arrive to go onto the ribbon cables coming from the leds.

more to follow

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finished up the link board for the leds to the dout board. its a bit of a mad way to do it, but it was enjoyable albeit a little hazy on times!! but its tested with my meter and its all correct which im amazed at, and it fits under the main board fine, i just need the rest of my parts to arrive from rs and cpc now.

top view:


bottom view:


attatched to the display board:


one of the members sent me through a gm5 kit and it arrived in less than 2 days which was great!!! many thanks to rosch/roger for this, it means i can run the midimon internally now!


now then it states in the info for the gm5 that it can be connected to the core for digital midi use i think using j11 on the core and j6 on the gm5, is this right what i am thinking or am i wrong?

also if this is the case can someone explain the wiring to me in a more simplified way as the heads not understanding it at the moment!!

heres a pic that you can draw onto if you so feel the need to make it even more simple for the stupid man ;)


what im reffering to is this section of the info page, a link schematic added to the info sheets would be great as the current one fails to show this link wired or run in any of the pdfs, unless im blind again!


more to follow!

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now then it states in the info for the gm5 that it can be connected to the core for digital midi use i think using j11 on the core and j6 on the gm5, is this right what i am thinking or am i wrong?

You're right :)

This works exactly like a normal midi cable would - it just cuts out the optocouplers, because they are not needed when there's no real midi cable in use....So, if you had it wired up in the normal way:

GM5 MIDI Out ---> Core MIDI In

GM5 MIDI In ---> Core MIDI Out

That translates to:

GM5 Ox ---> Core MI

GM5 Ix ---> Core MO

So to use the full terms from the schematics, just solder wires like so:

J6:Ox --- J11:MI

J6.Ix --- J11:MO

Maybe it's a bit less voodoo if you know what the acronyms are:


Ox = Out

Ix = In




Am I helping or making it worse? :D

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sorry guys i havent been in for a little while, i needed to take some time out and rest up.

stryd, i will take a read up on things today, if it isnt making sense i will let you know, iy will be nice to just do a link ribbon rather than having to wire the midi pins/ports to each other, taking the easy route so to speak.  doing it this way im taking the time to learn about the modules and allocations of ports.

all i have to do now if buy a couple of components to do the jumpers and buttons on the side and then do the button board for the shuttle etc and i can get the case work cut and build the finished thing then!  well... im hoping i can!!

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this eveing i was able to read the schematic and build my gm5 module, only needing advice regarding 3 parts and that was it.

i managed to do some smt work for the first time in a long while and it went perfectly fine first time!!! which even amazed me!

with smashtv looking on for a message on the chat board i then began the "its working dance" and shook my ass like crazy! i check it in mios and threw a load of data at it and used the mios keyboard also and it worked  with the green led (need to change that for blue) flashing like mad!

now the only thing im stuck on is the pin wiring from j6 on the gm5 to the j11 on the core, yes i see the MI and MO on the pins on j11 of the core, but i dont understand which pins connect to which on each other board. i really need a stupid mans diagram which shows the link between both boards pins.

can someone help me out on that please as theres nothign in the schematic

i will upload some pics in the morning right now im going to bed a happy guy!

thanks again to smash and sinesurfer

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  • 2 weeks later...

well after a little break for a while i finally tucked into the kit again, i finally had a full day to myself and decided to get on with things.

first was the switch array which took a little time to do and when i finally plugged it in... nothing, why?? simply because i forgot to put the bridges in, and then after a little tweaking everything was working fine.






with power: the momentaries fire up when the power is fed through, i had to twin up on 2 150ohm resistors for this as the feed is 9v, however its my fault because i should have just got some 330ohm resistors and used 1 per led switch, next time i will remeber that!


after that i had to do the extension board that comes off J5 on the core module that goes to the switches and jumpers that control the lcd for the midimon. i made a few changes in that the momentaries light up on pressing as the other switches do and the jumpers are on latched switches to be used when needed also.. i cant test it simply because i have run out of 10 way molex housings, so i have to get some tomorrow.





close up:


so as soon as i can get the 10 way connector i can test this part with my midimon.

more to follow as i can.

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this evening was supposed to be a all modules test, hoever, i didnt get a couple of connectors that i should have today so i couldnt test the mtc module as well.

so while sat at the pc talking with nils i decided it was agood time to test, so i took IC2 out of the core, connected mi/mo from j5 on the gm5 and the gnd and connected them to the core, all worked fine, midi went in but.. not out.. hmmmmmm

tried a hex dump... no joy, now bearing in mind lots of mios windows on the screen etc.... realised after much checking pins , cables etc and finding they were all right as per schematics i didnt connect to outs in mios... stupid man i am..

did that and did a check over standard midi, hex dump worked, then tried via digital ines and viola it worked, next was issues with the scroll buttons etc wouldnt scroll or do anything, checked it all over and it was fine then nils said...and i quote

nILS did you configure anything in the source code?

19:38 ssp nothing i didnt touch it

19:38 nILS cool

19:38 nILS v2.0c?

ssp one sec

19:40 ssp ok kick me again

19:40 ssp ffs

19:40 ssp it was b

so i uploaded the v.c hex file and tried again... bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!! scroll buttons worked first time my work was good.

well now i put my hands up for not checking that hex version, seems i didnt pick the right file and its one thing i didnt think to check, i wont make that mistake again.

once again thanks to nils for helping me trouble shoot the project, its good to know its not my build work that was at fault just the wrong hex file.

now things are working there i just have to connect the mtc module and test it all on a sequencer and then its casework time!!!

pics when its all running, and then no more till its in its casework.

god i love this place!!!!

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yesterday was a real real bad day, tired to get things running and couldnt, the mtc display would not kick into life.

i spent the better part of the morning checking, checking and re-checking my wiring before i had to pop into chat for some help, nils helped me a great deal with checking certain things before he had to leave for a while. smashtv popped into chat and we spoke about it, it was only then he realised that the schematic pdf's were conflicting as they said to use different ports.

so with a quick re-seat of the core to dout board conenctor lead and a reloading of the v2c hex file i fired it all up and bingo, there it was in all its glory!!

so i opened up the sequencer and ran some mtc through it all the display was running fine. i had to do a check using 5 pin midi in first , then i changed it to digital off the gm5 board and its now all working perfectly!

so today has been a casework day, im just doing the input sockets on the rear lower section of the case then it goes to the laser cutters.

i just hope i got my maths right!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i should of had my casework yesterday... it didnt arrive, so i hoped it may arrive today... nope not a sign of it.

so i guess im waiting until monday, however im going to do some really nice renders today of the case with the front rest and end cheeks on as one of the members wants to see what it would look like.

i have given the project a name however im going to keep that under wraps until its finished, although a few members already know what it is "ssshhhhhh!!"

renders to follow!

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well i have decided to show you the case design i did in its glory with a full render and painted with the wood.

now the first design i had i chose to go with a graphite flake satin powder coat similar to the one used on mackie desks, the reason for this was that the keypad i got for the unit was a dark colour so it would have to be that sort of colour for the facework, i then decided on a walnut wood front rest with side cheeks as the darker wood suited it better.

so i sent this one to the powder coaters only to find a lighter keypad on the net from hong kong, so i ordered that and have had a new case made in the meantime.

heres the initial colourscheme and casework.


So as i got the new keypad on its way i decided to go with a lighter colour and wood, i chose a powder coat colour ral-1013 oyser white with satin beech wood.

i recently got to have a hands on with the new atruria origin synth and loved its colour and the layout graphics for the buttons and dials, the colour scheme was really nice so it meant that that was the way i was going to go with mine so i took as many high res photos as i could for reference.

also going into the case is a 15.4 touchscreen assembly this will allow on screen control of the faders and meters etc in digital performer which will make things much easier for me. internally there will be the gm5 interface using the digital midi link to control the core and the dout/mtc display coming off a 9v supply, then theres a supply for the screen and one for the internal 4 port hub. also going in is a canniblised shuttle pro with a new array of buttons and a keypad for transport controls for digital performer and punching into a specific time location. the rear of the unit will have a fused iec power connector socket with built in on/off switch and a midi in out from the gm5 should i want it, also the svgs hd input d connector for the screen, i did think of using a 5pin screen connector to take everything from a rack unit but due to not finding the connector i wanted in stock i went with this design instead.

in the meantime until i can finish things heres the final render of the casework and wood that is supposed.. supposed to be here monday, im hoping.


i have also given the project a name and im in the process of reistering the domain name and i want to do a blog thing on there and here of the build of this and other things i want to build, i also want to have a solidworks section on there showing the case design etc just in case its too much stuff to put on here (are the mods and tk ok with that??)

heres a rear pic of the case showing the name i gave it "HU-MON" and also a nice big jpeg all fancy and stuff as nils puts it.



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Well the casework finally arrived today, the courier was going to go without delivering as he thought that thre may not be someone in ... go figure..

anyway, the casework arrived well boxed so it was like kid at xmas i opened it up to find this made out of 1mm mild sheet steel all laser cut


i carefully opened the packing and checked the casework, the oyster white powdercoat really shows this off nicely, this will look really nice when the lazertrans is applied i think.

i then flipped the lid over and checked all the studwork.


heres a few pics of the casework pre assembly





touchscreen brackets


keypad retainer baseplate





well i have been busy this evening getting things in and refining a few things and cables but its getting there, i just have to fit the gm5 and the psu unit finish connections and put the internal braces in then do the end cheeks and front rest.

however heres the first test fit, the white keypad is going to have new legends on shortly.




here is the rear panel, it has a fused and switched iec connector for the 240v feed in to the psu's, also it has the usb input for the gm5 which links to the core and the rear midi ports are for a set of midi outs, the other midi sockets are for the core and should i need to take the gm5 out i can replace the ic i took off the core and run midi directly into it again. also theres the svga input for the touchscreen as well, i need to take the frame off the lcd and have it painted in the same white to match the casework, something i will get done next week.


it wont be long now until its fully assembled with the wood sections in beech also.

more to follow!!

: forgot to add, im having some new shuttle/jog wheels made to replace the black and silver ones. they will do in the meantime though.

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sorry for lack of updates, been a little busy getting ready for the next project and sorting other things out.

well i have a weekend of quiet this weekend as wifey is away!!

today i wired up the 15 momentary array to the shuttle board, making sure that i kept in mind relative button layout to the numberd buttons on the board. by doing this i have now set it up so that i know what each button on the array is in numbered sequence and i can assign them using the command software when needed and get the lazertran sheets done


in the upper right you can see the psu unit covered with some thermal resistant plastic sheet this will make sure that the psu doesnt touch any of the lid mounted components and shield tham from heat also.

i was going to fit two seperate psu's into the unit one for the touchscreen and one for the core's 9v requirements, however after speaking with nils and driftzz on the chat site it was suggested to fit a +v reg with a prefix of 7809 this being a 9v output voltage regulator, so after finding the feed and gnd points i made a little board extansion for the 9v output and wired it up to the main outputs of the psu, a quick voltage check giving me 9.2v at 1.2a a good feed for the core unit and lcd along with the mtc display and the illuminated switches.


tomorrow i will do the leads from the fused iec connector to the psu unit at the same time running an earth wire to the case, connecting it all up and checking it for function , i also will then make some side braces and two internal braces to keep the case solid and then in the side brace panels make several holes for the side cheecks to be screwed into.

more to follow over the next few days.

socrates: well the case was just over £200 to have laser cut, studded out and then powdercoated and then delivered so all of that for that cost and i was very happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

did a power up last night but i didnt connect the core this time i just took a power reading from the psu first to make sure the 9v was still there, good job i did becuase the 7809 had gone and it was pumping out 12.28v it didnt like being on an ac psu so that was scrapped, im going to built the power input stage from the core thats shown on the bottom of the core schematics, this way i can input the 12v+ ac and it will change it to 9v+ dc and also change the 7805 to a 7809, its only a few parts so no big problem to build.

hopefully i will build that today and fire this up tonight and then i can link the touchscreen up and get it running. im still waiting on the wood sections, as soon as they turn up i will put some more pics up also just the lazertrans front legend sheets to do also.

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fired it up tonight for the first time with it cased and everything connected and it worked a treat! all sorted now, i just have to wait for the wood for the front rest and side cheeksand tidy a few cables up and its finished and i can get on with the next project or two.

heres a piccy for you, sorry its not the best but its 2am and im off to bed with a smile on my face, i will take a better one tomorrow and possibly a video of the touchscreen in action also.


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