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Latest Eagle Lite 5.4 can't read BRD files for ain,din,dout


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Not sure if I'm in the right forum page here, and a search didn't show that this has been posted before, so...

I just upgraded Eagle to the latest version 5.4.0 and while the brd files for the PIC and STM core boards open fine, I get an error when trying to open the brd files for ain, din and dout. Error from Eagle is:

Eagle for Mac OS X can't update file xxxxx  (data structure is older than version 4.11)

Anyone else seeing the same problem?

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Yeh, these are Eagle 4 files, using Eagle 4 is the correct solution; using Eagle 5 to convert them after downloading is the workaround...

On that topic.... I've seen quite a few eagle 4 users denounce v5... Is it something in particular that makes it not-so-hot?

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For me it's:

* The UI actually got worse. It runs a lot slower than 4.x on pretty much any Windows machine I tried it on (supposedly this is not the case on MacOS)

* The new drawing algorithm limits the selection of useful colors even further as most color combinations just lead to an unreadable mess.

* A lot of commands have been moved into popup menus that were not there on 4.x, which means a lot of extra mouse moving and clicking. That doesn't really sound all that bad, but it's incredibly annoying when you're tweaking a layout and spend 30% of the time clicking menu items that weren't necessary or even there at all before.

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Yeh, these are Eagle 4 files, using Eagle 4 is the correct solution; using Eagle 5 to convert them after downloading is the workaround...

On that topic.... I've seen quite a few eagle 4 users denounce v5... Is it something in particular that makes it not-so-hot?

Hmnn... i'll get you next time.  :P

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