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Undetented ALPS encoders deal


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Ok I talked too soon :)  Got the encoders ten minutes after writing the previous message.

There's a small problem however, I got only 100 encoders.  I called the company and they said the rest was on backorder and that I should expect the balance to arrive by the end of August.

So, I was thinking about working this way, I will ship the encoders I currently got to the persons that ordered first.  Does that seem fair to all ?  If not please tell me, I can also wait to get all the encoders.

In between, the encoders are *really* nice, stong build quality, the feeling is incredible, like a normal pot with a very subtle "grind" that reminds you're in the digital domain :)  Pretty far from the detented feeling.  I can also confirm that these are the encoders used on the Virus rack, they have the exact same feeling :)

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Ok, here are the ones on top of the list (including me, I took 32 but I'll only take 16 now to let other people get some)

NorthenLightX : 32

Pilo : 8 (he agreed to wait for the other batch)

Kr8R : 16

jesaipu : 24

pulsewidth947 : 8

Nat : 16

Total : 96

As for the price I don't know yet, I will know tommorow with my cc receipt.

In the meantime i'd like EVERYONE who ordered encoders to send me an email containing their forum nick, the number they want (can be less but not more), their name and complete mailing adress.  Also confirm the method of payment.

You can copy/paste this :

Nick :

# of encoders :

Adress (with name) :

Method of payment :

This way I'll be able to quote for shipping.

Please send the email here :

nat[at]studioimaginaire.com, write "Encoders" as the Subject.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still nothing, I guess we should expect them next week.

Once I receive the remaining encoders, shipping process will be fast, all the boxes and wrapings are bought, I only need to put them in the box, wait for payment and ship.

Thanks for your patience,


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The reason why I`m not quite sooo patient is that in the moment I have holidays ( the whole September! cool) and after that I`m on studying again (away from all that MB stuff). I`ve already soldered everything and I` just waiting for the encoders right now...

The point is, in the moment I would have so much time to finish this and in three weeks (I`ll have to move again) I wont have.

This is the reason, I hope you understand why I`m so hot about these babies.

But anyway: THNX to Nat for this. If we all wait, I can wait, too.

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hey pay,

if you have one encoder, you can use dpdt toggle swithces to switch the one encoder into whichever pins on the din module, thats what I did until I got the rest from Ian, then I pulled out the switches, and stuck the encoders in! The switches were in the holes for the encoders, and the single encoder was mounted in a milkbottle plastic bottle cap, and held to the panel with one screw!

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Ok, I have not so good news,

I emailed the company and they said there was a problem on the production line, the rest is scheduled to arrive mid november.

So, that may cause some problem for some of you, this is what we can do :

For the ones who are in a hurry, I won't mind if you buy encoders elsewhere, just let me know.

For the ones who are willing to wait, nothing changes. Nice thing is that the shipping to you is quite fast, it took 2 days to ship from canada to england and cost only 5 $ canadian :)

So, I will list here the people that are on the waiting list, what would be nice is if you can tell me wether you still want them or not, this way, if some people cancel, there will be room for other people if they want some.








Thanks for your patience

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Ok, just checked my stuff, since I have 24 encoder I can send since jesaipu is waiting, I can send the orders to Nomical and dragon :

Nomical : 14 encoders

Dragon : 10 encoders

If this is right please tell me guys and i'll proceed.  I will also need Nomical's name and adress, you can send it in private.



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