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MIDI controller design stage in conjunction with Torq DJ sofware


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Hello all,

I have been only using M-Audios Torq DJ software a few days now. Previously i was wanting to construct a MIDI controller for ableton live but instead i purchased a remote zero SL. Now i want to build a controller for use with each channel something like the allen and heath Xone 2d (see attached download link containing pdf initial design below)..

I am totally new to electronics and have never programmed in my life apart from a small bit of visual basics years ago. I have purchased quiet a few books on MIDI and electronic projects and hopefully with a bit of help from here i will accomplish my project which i am going to undertake.

I suppose firstly i would like to hear comments on my design to see if it is possible...A lot of the functions will be MIDI mapped to the Torq software and then i would like to add some LED displays for drop down menus for the sampler and effects..

I have been looking through the site and reading up on quiet a few posts...i am most certainly not looking for step by step instructions from anyone as i know this already annoys you ;-)

i suppose now i want to go off and find suitable parts for my project and to try gain a better understanding...some initial feedback on the design tho would be very much appreciated..




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the help is there for you its not an issue , but it always helps if you go and read , read, read all the info here , inthe threads, on ucapss and in the pdf files. that way your questions related to any issues or  projects will be better constructed and will show the guys here that you have at least made an effort in learning this stuff yourself.

for some of the guys who have some learning difficulties or other issues that hinder them the guys here will help you as much as they possibly can, i know this as they have helped me immensly since i joined but i had to do a lot for myself first. most of my questions coming when i needed to ask after trying things myself.

take a good read through everything first and if theres something you need to know pop a question up and we will see what we can do to offer advice for oyu.

in the meantime welcome to the forum!

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Thanks SSP looking forward to this project been on here for a while and i have to say its not as frightening as i thought at the start, reading actually does help and the wiki site is awesome...

just a quick question, is a stickbank refering to a usb memory stick?? silly question but just wanting to clarify and what exactly would it be used for on a MIDI box?? i see people are saying they would keep patches on it? is this to free up memory?

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Thanks man, i had read that already...i understand it now tho with further investigation...ive found now when designing your midi box (after the interface has been designed) that if you draw out the individual parts that are listed in the MB Hardware platform...i.e your DIN Module, Core, AIN Module etc.. and conect them all up it makes it a lot easier to understand how  your machine is going together...ive done mine out in cad and i would defiently reccomend it for somebody llike me with no experience...ill post the drawing file when it is completed...its also a good way to show somebody if your device isnt working and they can see if your circuit plan is correct...just a thought ;-)

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yea its a good idea to get the schems and link them up in a drawing also get your button and encoder schems and link those rather than use the legends on the pdfs, that way you get the pin cnx done on the drawings too. i spent a few days doing just that for my next project, that way i dont have to bug anyone for advice until its built and im in testing stage if i need to.

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