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Selling PCBs on Brazil


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Well, first, as a new board member, I'd like to say that this is a wonderful project and I can't wait to start to make some midiboxes ;)

Unfortunately, the costs for importing the premade PCB from SmashTV is prohibitive, so we're left with wtching the boards or making them from companies down here. I would like to know if there would be any problems for splitting the costs of board manufacture between the Brazilian forumites; if not. the topic for the group buy would be on the Fleamarket, right?



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you could do it in the Bulk Order section and maybe link from there to an additional thread in your language category...

but if you look around the forum you'll find some people who created their custom pcbs for several projects and had them shipped (e.g. from china) for a good price.


but "Sale Requests" is definitely the wrong section to post this in (here you would ask for permission to sell a midibox device for no profit)

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me and ampersand was discussing about this subject yesterday. So, I think everyone who already tried to build a MIDIBox in Brazil probably has suffered with import fees, and worst, even can't import his parts/ components due to lack of an PayPal account or an International Credit Card . Also to make custom/ home-etching PCBs for people that never did it, this process is a bit slow. Yes, fun and learning it is, but as I spoke with ampersand we are looking for long-life made Pcbs. That almost home-made don't have enough durability.

As we found a PCB factory near of our city, we are planning, at least, to make in that factory 10 PIC BASED Core_v3 Pcbs (that's the minimum quantity that this factory do). So, we are thinking to try collect people from our country here, to paid that factory. Surely this is a sort of 'bulk order/group buy' stuff. Also I would like to say that the price will be very good for each Core Pcb (R$28, that's ~ $13 USD per PCB).

ampersand are looking for 2 core pcbs and me too, then we need to collect people who are interested in the other 6 core_v3 Pcbs, and I think this forum is the best place to find them.

To avoid any type of confusion, I would like to say that we are only looking for persons from our country to join in this group buy stuff, So we are far away to offer services such as Avishowtec by SmashTV or the Mike MIDI Shop and neither we are trying to go against them.

Then any opinion about this subject is welcome or an nameization too

I really trust that those PCBs will help our mates here building their boxes.


PS: Bellow is the web link for the PCB factory where actually ampersand are looking for to make the Core-V3 PCBs.


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To avoid any type of confusion, I would like to say that we are only looking for persons from our country to join in this group buy stuff, So we are far away to offer services such as Avishowtec by SmashTV or the Mike MIDI Shop and neither we are trying to go against them.

Thats ok for me!

Go for special bulk orders in Brazil.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks Thorsten.

ampersand and I are locals, we live in the same city. That helps in the organization for this bulk order, which we are collecting more info about that pcb factory, trying to take some pictures from their previous pcbs, etc.

So, when we have everything ok, if there is no problem, we will post a topic in portuguese inviting our countrymen to join in this bulk order.


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