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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

the mainly question is where to get the magnet for that...

and whats the priceing for that....5$ are a bit to much for peace of silicium :o , if this would be cheaper then a mechanical encoder  ;) - i would start to thinking of cnc designes for axis, shafts and so on... but with 5$ i dont start to think about that...


the mainly question is where to get the magnet for that...

and whats the priceing for that....5$ are a bit to much for peace of silicium :o , if this would be cheaper then a mechanical encoder  ;) - i would start to thinking of cnc designes for axis, shafts and so on... but with 5$ i dont start to think about that...


small magnets (cheap!) and BIG (!!!) magnets


:D  you may need a tiny tiny tiny magnet... because, you have to put many of this tiny tiny magnets on a tiny tiny disc...and because you need a better resolution then, one step by one turn  :P

or you could take a magnet disc, and the take magnetic shielding stuff (What ever this is) that is easy to drill with a cnc, and then drill isolation areas in the stuff........ it then may look like a disc from a optical encoder.... then you put the shield-disc on the magnet-disc, and so on......... oh man too komplex...


:D   you may need a tiny tiny tiny magnet... because, you have to put many of this tiny tiny magnets on a tiny tiny disc...and because you need a better resolution then, one step by one turn  :P

or you could take a magnet disc, and the take magnetic shielding stuff (What ever this is) that is easy to drill with a cnc, and then drill isolation areas in the stuff........ it then may look like a disc from a optical encoder.... then you put the shield-disc on the magnet-disc, and so on......... oh man too komplex...

It needs one radial polarized magnet in the center of the encoder spindle. The encoder works "analog", with hall elements and proximity ratio.

Greets, Roger

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

If I want to use this things to replace the encoders from Midibox 64e, what things I have to change - or better: is it possible...

If I take this: http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/eng/Products/Magnetic-Encoders/Linear-Encoders/AS5510

that costs 0,6 Dollar @ 1000 Pieces - and work with the IIC Bus (128 encoders then maximum?! per core)

I know there is a Mios IIC driver out there.

And If it works with the Software (Midibox 64e), the next question is, how to connect them together, is it wrigt that i simply connect all IIC Chips on one Line (2/3Wire) like this: http://www.totalphase.com/image/docs/beagle_datasheet/i2c-01.png

What problems can accour?


This chip has a ball package, which means, you have to solder tiny contacts between chip and pcb.

It might be possible to do at home, but i wouldn't recommend...

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