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Core32 bootloader with openocd & parport wiggler


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hi all,

i have been struggling trying to get my second core32 going (no preburnt bootloader!),

i'm not at all sure my wiggler is working as this is the first time i have had to use one.

my other core32 was preburnt :thumbsup: .

i have 2 schematics, 1 is wiggler.pdf and 1 is wiggler2.pdf.

i built ver.1 (uses 74hc244).

openocd binaries are no longer available in ver 0.1.0, so i have compiled my own with --enable-parport.

this .exe tells me i have no priveleges for direct io! i have giveio setup and status confirmed.

this is on winxp. parport is ECP.

i have 0.2.0 and 0.3.1 here but both seem to be incompatible with my wiggler.

has anybody used these versions with a diy wiggler?

any hints on compiling openocd?

i really cant afford a usbwiggler :)


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...I've got the installation files of v0.1.0 and could upload it for you.


i have v0.1.0 installer.

:wacko: now this:

C:\Program Files\OpenOCD\0.1.0\bin>openocd -f parport_lpt1.cfg -f STM32F10x.


Open On-Chip Debugger 0.1.0 (2009-01-21-21:15) Release

jtag_speed: 0

Error: JTAG communication failure, check connection, JTAG interface, target powe

r etc.

Error: trying to validate configured JTAG chain anyway...

Error: Could not validate JTAG scan chain, IR mismatch, scan returned 0x07ff. ta

p=stm32.cpu pos=0 expected 0x1 got 3

Warn : Could not validate JTAG chain, continuing anyway...

Warn : TAP stm32.cpu:

Warn : value captured during scan didn't pass the requested check:

Warn : captured: 0x0f check_value: 0x01 check_mask: 0x0f

Warn : in_handler: w/o "in_value", mismatch in SIR

Warn : no telnet port specified, using default port 4444

Warn : no gdb port specified, using default port 3333

Warn : no tcl port specified, using default port 6666


will ltc UART be any easier?(i have parts)

arrgh, this pc has only lpt, no com port.. :pinch:

schem attached.


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  • 5 months later...

Hi, I have a DIY wiggler made from schematics nILS posted, and a 0.4.0. version of OpenOCD.

I'm stuck and need help. When I run OpenOCD i get this:

C:\Program Files\OpenOCD\0.4.0\bin>openocd -f %MIOS32_PATH%\etc\openocd\interface\parport_lpt1.cfg -f %MIOS32_PATH%\etc\openocd\target\STM32F10x.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-02-22-19:05)

Licensed under GNU GPL v2

For bug reports, read


parport port = 0x378

Runtime error, file "C:\Users\Joc\Desktop\MIDIBox\trunk\etc\openocd\interface\parport_lpt1.cfg", line 11:

    invalid command name "jtag_speed"

I also tried wit 0.2.0. version of OpenOCD but with no luck. I have a feeling it's a minor obstacle but I'm a total noob. Does anybody know where can I find an OpenOCD 0.1.0 installer (for Windows)? Also, does the Core have to be connected to the wiggler at all time?

BTW, is it normal for a LED to lighten up when the wiggler is connected to the parallel port? By the schematics I thought that the wiggler needed a power supply from the STM32 core :unsure:

Edited by Primate
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I also tried wit 0.2.0. version of OpenOCD but with no luck. I have a feeling it's a minor obstacle but I'm a total noob. Does anybody know where can I find an OpenOCD 0.1.0 installer (for Windows)? Also, does the Core have to be connected to the wiggler at all time?

BTW, is it normal for a LED to lighten up when the wiggler is connected to the parallel port? By the schematics I thought that the wiggler needed a power supply from the STM32 core :unsure:


i've sent you a link, try that and post back here.

one thing i remember doing was copy those .cfg files to the same directory so i didnt have any issues with path names..

i have no LED on mine. or did you mean on the core?

mine wiggler was core powered, but my core was powered with wallwart/plugpack not USB.

check your voltages.

check you're using 74HC244.

check the correct transistor (if not check pinout).

check resistor values.

sorry but all this was done on a now dead laptop!

openocd does still give some error but the bootloader uploads fine.

i'm sure you'll get there in the end..

it can be annoying but you learn something along the way, and it's great once it does work!

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one thing i remember doing was copy those .cfg files to the same directory so i didnt have any issues with path names..

I have placed all files (parport_lpt1.cfg, STM32F10x.cfg, STM32F10x_upload.script, project.bin) to C:\Program Files\OpenOCD\0.1.0\bin

i have no LED on mine. or did you mean on the core?

I have soldered a LED+resistor between Ucc and GND on the wiggler.

mine wiggler was core powered, but my core was powered with wallwart/plugpack not USB.

check your voltages.

check you're using 74HC244.

check the correct transistor (if not check pinout).

check resistor values.

I power it trough a USB, voltages are 2.9 V, I think that's ok.

I'm using a Phillips 74HC244N, it has a little bit different pins then 74AC244 but I have taken that into account.

Transistor and resistors are ok.

I also doublechecked the wiggler connection.

openocd does still give some error but the bootloader uploads fine.

Do you maybe remember what errors?

Here is what I get when I try to get it going:

OpenOCD 0.1.0.

C:\Program Files\OpenOCD\0.1.0\bin>openocd -f parport_lpt1.cfg -f STM32F10x.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.1.0 (2009-01-21-21:15) Release

BUGS? Read http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk/BUGS

$URL: https://kc8apf@svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/tags/openocd-0.1.0/src/openocd.c $

jtag_speed: 0

Error: missing privileges for direct i/o

Runtime error, file "command.c", line 456:

Open OCD 0.2.0.

C:\Program Files\OpenOCD\0.2.0\bin>openocd -f parport_lpt1.cfg -f STM32F10x.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.2.0 (2009-07-18-09:50) Release

$URL: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/tags/openocd-0.2.0/src/openocd.c $

For bug reports, read http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk/BUGS

parport port = 888

jtag_speed: 0

jtag_nsrst_delay: 500

jtag_ntrst_delay: 500

Error: Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented

Error: missing privileges for direct i/o

Runtime error, file "command.c", line 469:

As you can see there are two repetative errors
Error: missing privileges for direct i/o

Runtime error, file "command.c"

What are the odds that this is windows 7 related?

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As you can see there are two repetative errors

Error: missing privileges for direct i/o

Runtime error, file "command.c"

What are the odds that this is windows 7 related?

yeah the direct i/o error is windows 7 related.

i used win xp. try a virtual machine? :hmm:

the parport drivers don't work with vista and above i think.

this is the one i used: http://www.direct-io.com/Direct-IO/download.htm

this one says nt/2000: http://www.beyondlogic.org/porttalk/porttalk.htm

there is another one too, what was it called? :ermm:

edit: it was called port95. useless also.

so grab this and let us all know how it goes, verified working win7x64, also x86 ver incl.


you do have to rename InpOut32.dll to DLPortIO.dll (and place in openocd directory)

good luck! it's your best bet with win7.

Edited by SMIDIRIN
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I successfully uploaded the bootloader...BUT via COM port (ROM based UART Bootloader method) :frantics:

I wasted three days to get the JTAG going but with no success and I think that the COM port method is the easiest one. First of all less hardware components are required for the job (a COM port connector, four 100nF capacitors and a MAX232). Second and most important the bootloader upload is painless and quick. So all the noobs out there be aware of this.

Never the less tnx to everybody who helped to get my Core going...and now for the fun :D

Best regards,


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