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pcb's i the UK?


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Does anyone based in the UK offer pcb's etc?

Postage costs are killing me from abroad.



The closest shop to you, is in germany.

Have you looked at Mikes Midishop?


And everyone is in the same boat as you when it comes to paying customs duties when paying postage.

Since the goods are of high quality and are the cheapest they can be, its worth the postage imo.

Edited by Smithy
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The closest shop to you, is in germany.

Have you looked at Mikes Midishop?


And everyone is in the same boat as you when it comes to paying customs duties when paying postage.

Since the goods are of high quality and are the cheapest they can be, its worth the postage imo.

I totally agree with what you are saying about quality and prices,I have been ordering from Mikes myself and have no complaints but I just screwed a board up and the postage is more than the board itself........so I just thought if the boards could be sourced in the UK it would be lower postage costs leaving more cash for parts........which has to be a good thing.........I think yes.gifno.gif



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i get my stuff from smashtv and what with the quality and the care taken with deliveries i have no problem paying the customs charges etc. yes its a pain when you mess a board up you have to then order a new one. try sending mike an email and ask if there is a cheaper way he can mail you the one board replacement? he may suggest something.

im dreading my next order with smash because with what i have on the list already, u.k. customs are going to rob me blind!

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