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Motorized jog wheel


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After a whole week of researching these midi DJ consoles I decided on the Numark Omni Control because of the lower price, good features and pretty rugged housing. If I wasn't a newbie in the mixing business or I had large amounts of money to spend I would've gotten the NS7

which has motorized wheels which seem pretty freaking amazing.

I only came across this site when I figured that if I want to do any actual scratching, I'd need something better than the Omni. I wasn't even aware of the huge community of diy midi dj consoles or I might have looked to build one myself. Either way the order is through, and I wanted the audio interface that the omni has to offer. I saw rasteri's job wheel and that seems to be perfect but has anyone thought of including a motor in there? Seems to me it would be a great addition to the digital dj experience. I'm continuing my research and I have to buy a midi interface as well as soldering equipment since I just moved to alberta and left everything I had back in Quebec... Any thoughts and ideas appreciated and much gratitude for rasteri for the development of his model.

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Hi Andy

i allready made some thoughts about it for myself ( im also building a controller)

It would be possible but:

atm there is no solution to emulate timecode, therefore you have to use the scratchmode of the jog as a workaround.

this requires a the motorisation of a jogwheel with custom speedcontrol, controllable via the core.


resolution of speedcontrol (faders)

electrical / mechanical durability of the motorization

flutter / speeddroop (german: Gleichlaufschwankung, dunno the right vocable for this word^^) of the motorization

i think the last one is the main problem if you really want to use the thing for gigs.

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I understand the issues, I wonder how the ns7 functions and if it would work with traktor instead of it's native software. I'm guessing we're going to need a pretty complex controller for this thing in order to use the scratch mode, I think you could make the motor belt driven so that the belt simply slips when you scratch, that'll save the strain on the motor. Hmmm to the drawing board we go, the scratch mode way seems to be the only option, we just need a good speed control circuit.

Perhaps if this fails, I can probably easily incorporate a touch sensitive platter to improve the thing, because if I build this thing I want it to be more effective at scratching than my omni board..

Edited by djandy
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think (not totally sure though) the biggest problem is the resolution of the midi protocol resp. the datastream it can handle. As far as i know it just not fast enough

to handle controller data like this flawlessly. IMO that´s one of the reasons the ns7 and the other itch controllers have a proprietary hardware implementation.

But thats wild guessing...so better ask T.K.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I am also wanting to know more about making a midi dj controller; i have the Numark mixtrack and i wanted to make something similar to that except with 4 channels, the ability to controll 4 decks, a single RCA input (not really imparitive to the design but cool in my head)to allow connecting of a turntable, a large array of knobs, switches and faders to controll effects, motorized platters (i would probably salvage them from a turntable and as a result use standard 12" vinyl for scratching [useing the controller to scratch like the Numark CDX]) and an onboard audio interface. So essentially an NS6 with motorized platters and an in. I have seen a couple DIY controllers on the internet (nammely the fuzzywobble controller) but I wanted as much help as possible on BULIDING one not buying a custome made one. Before i really start worrying about the motorized platter can my other needs be met? or should i consider scaleing down?

Edited by kid vic
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