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Amiga/C64 psu for mbfm


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PIC18's have an operating voltage range of 2 to 5.5v so you are within the maximum limit (just). On the basis that the PIC is the most important component there, you should be OK. You are outside of +/- 5% which is what is generally considered acceptable PSU tolerance though.

The only concern I would have is if the voltage was originally closer to 5v, this could indicate possible failing components in the PSU (The .3v could be AC ripple if the regulator is on the way out) but I don't know the design of the C64 PSU so this could be normal?



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If it says commodore on it and was advertised as a commodore it is a commodore....so sayeth the markings :)

It is.. because it was Commodore who made Amiga. They also made C16, VIC20, Plus4, PET and a ton of other machines too..

Apart from that they also made pocket calculators and wristwatches - a little background on Commodore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_International

Amiga PSU http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/images/amiga-psu.jpg

Commocore 64 PSUs http://jope.fi/cbm/cbm/c64psu.jpg

Amiga PSU has 5V and -12V/+12V with square plug http://www.hardwarebook.info/Amiga_500/600/1200_Power_Supply

C64 PSU has 5VCD and 9VAC with round plug http://www.allpinouts.org/index.php/Commodore_C64_Power_Supply

Anyways, we're OT here ;) initially i just wanted to mention it

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I looked at using an Amiga PSU as a temporary measure so didn't want to chop the connector off. Looke like the socket for these things is hard to get held of, but didn't look very hard.

Opened it up to solder my wires directly to the pads (not to be recommended) and found some of the voltages were high, think I got something like -17V off load.

Played it safe(?) and used a PSU from some kind of old computer equipment that has sat in the junk box for a while, seems to work fine except there is a smell of burning dust and a little purple flash sometimes....

But it works.

Needless to say, do not take chances with mains voltages, but you knew that bit already.


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