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AOUT_NG with MB-SEQ V4 wilba's CS


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Hey all,

So I got my AOUT_NG built, and I calibrated it successfully using my MB-6582. Fuzzylizard gave me his recompiled operating system for my MB-6582 so that J6 was enabled.

Now that I have the AOUT_NG hooked up to the sequencer it isn't registering any CV values being sent from the seq. Do I also need to enable the AOUT in the sequencer software? If so, does anyone have a recompiled copy they'd be willing to send my way? I haven't gotten down to learning the software end of things yet.



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You don't need to recompile the firmware.

Just edit your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file on SD Card:

# define the AOUT interface which is connected to the core
# 1: a MBHP_AOUT module
# 2: up to 4 (chained) MBHP_AOUT_LC modules in 8/8 bit configuration
# 3: a MBHP_AOUT_NG module

unmount the SD Card on your PC or Mac and reboot the core to reload the file.

Ensure that you are using the latest firmware release.

The AOUT_NG module wasn't working in Beta19, I fixed the driver and tested the AOUT_NG module in the latest beta20 release (as documented in the ChangeLog)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the quick reply Thorsten. I got as far as editing the file and changing the value to 3. I'm still not getting any readings on my multimeter.

Here are the steps/settings I'm using. Looking at the "event" page. G1T1 Type: Note Port:AOUT Chn: 1 (this corresponds to CV#1, right?) Layer A Controls: Note

My understanding is that if I have "Controls" set to note the channel I choose (up to 8) corresponds to the CV channel on the AOUT_NG, and if I have "Controls" set to CC then I am using the CC #'s to control the CV values... example: CC #16 would control CV channel 1.

I used the mbseq_v4_interconnections.pdf as a guide for connecting the AOUT_NG to the Core32.



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Everything correct.

Possible errors:

- Jumper J26 not stuffed

- Resistor Array R32 not stuffed

- wrong wiring between CORE_STM32::J19 and AOUT_NG

- +/- 12V not connected to MBHP_AOUT_NG module (you could measure the low range voltage of the TLV chip directly at JP1 and JP2, see schematic)

- JP1/JP2 jumpers of AOUT_NG module not stuffed

When testing the CV voltage, the sequencer should play *different* notes (otherwise you won't notice a change)

e.g. with c-1, C-0, C-1, C-2 the CV channel should output 1V, 2V, 3V and 4V

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Here is what I am sure is correct:

- Jumper J26

- Resistor Array R32

- +/- 12V connected to MBHP_AOUT_NG module

- JP1/JP2 jumpers of AOUT_NG module stuffed

What I think may be the culprit:

- wrong wiring between CORE_STM32::J19 and AOUT_NG


- I haven't enabled AOUT_NG correctly in the config file... Although I changed the value from 1 to 3 so that should be right.

As for the wiring between the the AOUT_NG and the Core32 I need to take a closer look again. Everything worked great with my MB-6582, which is the pic based core, so the wiring is a bit different. I think I have it correct, as it isn't that complicated, but you never know...

Either way I'm pretty sure I've narrowed it down to these two options. I'll post back when I get it working, or if I absolutely can't get it to work.



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Question: Is it a possibility that the Resistor Array in R32 is bad? The one I have in there is the 102, not the 103, which to my understanding is the correct one. It IS oriented correctly. I have checked everything and all is correct. The AOUT_NG works beautifully with my MB-6582, so I know for sure the problem isn't on that end.

Here is the piece of code I changed:


# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup


# define the AOUT interface which is connected to the core

# 1: a MBHP_AOUT module

# 2: up to 4 (chained) MBHP_AOUT_LC modules in 8/8 bit configuration

# 3: a MBHP_AOUT_NG module




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  • 2 weeks later...

So i guess it is update time... I still can't get the AOUT_NG to work with my MB-SEQ, but it works fine with my MB-6582. SO where I'm at is that I know the problem is somewhere on the SEQ end.

I get a 5 volt reading on the 5v power rails on the AOUT_NG when it is hooked up to the SEQ, and I know that I have it connected correctly. Also When I have my multimeter clamped to the CV pins on the AOUT_NG I get a reading of 0.02...

Questions: Is there a method to test the resistor network without de-soldering it? Would someone be willing to post me a copy of there MB-SEQ V4 files that they are using successfully with Wilba's control surface and an AOUT_NG? I know that's an annoying request, but for the life of me I can't figure this out.



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One mistake I made was ordering the wrong type of resistor network, there are two types, you need the type where there is resistance between pin 1 and all other pins. The one I had used had resistance between pin 1 and 2, 3 and 4 etc, WRONG

you should be able to measure this easily on the backside of the PCB.

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Question: Is it a possibility that the Resistor Array in R32 is bad? The one I have in there is the 102, not the 103, which to my understanding is the correct one. It IS oriented correctly. I have checked everything and all is correct. The AOUT_NG works beautifully with my MB-6582, so I know for sure the problem isn't on that end.

hey i figure R32 is on the core32 (not the aout) and that'd be why your aout works with your mb6582 and not mbseq..

the 102 is 1k.

the 103 is 10k.

different indeed.

also resistor networks come in flavours as mentioned. you need the 'bussed' variety.(common pin 1).

shouldn't be a problem once that's corrected and if you have a socket in R32 position but not correct resistor network you can solder 4 normal resistors together in the 'bussed' style. :smile:

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Thanks for the help. I got a kit from SmashTV, so the style of resistor network should be right, so I think I either got a defective one or fried it somehow. It is definitely the correct value RC as well. I'll look up directions on how to build a RC myself with 4 resistors and see if that does the trick.



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Do you own a multimeter?

Could you please measure the voltages between ground and J19:SO, J19:SC, J19:RC1 and J19:RC2 when

a) the MBSEQ firmware is running (so that output drivers are enabled)


b) the core is in bootloader mode (J27 stuffed during power-on) so that output drivers are not enabled

This would help to understand if it makes sense to continue with HW checks, or if a special application is required for further analysis.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Do you own a multimeter?

Could you please measure the voltages between ground and J19:SO, J19:SC, J19:RC1 and J19:RC2 when

a) the MBSEQ firmware is running (so that output drivers are enabled)


b) the core is in bootloader mode (J27 stuffed during power-on) so that output drivers are not enabled

This would help to understand if it makes sense to continue with HW checks, or if a special application is required for further analysis.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

I do own one...


A)J19:SO: When powering up: 3.89, and after the SD card is found .10

J19:SC: When powering up:4.55, and after the SD card is found .11

J19:RC1: 3.93 steady.

J19:RC2: 3.93 steady.

B)J19:SO: 3.89

J19:SC: 4.55

J19:RC1: 3.93

J19:RC2: 3.93



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all,

I'm just checking in just in case my question got lost in the busy shuffle of things since it took me awhile to respond with my voltage test results... basically a veiled *BUMP*...;-)



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  • 1 month later...

Another update:

I helped my bandmate set up his AOUT_NG with his MBSEQ V4, and everything went fine (we used my all my cable to connect the AOUTNG to J19 of the Core32).

This leads me to believe that I must have some sort of hardware issue with the Core32, since my AOUT_NG works fine with my MB6582.

I'm wondering if someone can direct me to some sort of interconnection test app that I can use with mios studio? I checked for shorts and bad solder joints around J19, and couldn't find any.



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Good to know that this is really not related to a firmware issue (I already feared that my AOUT_NG is somehow different from others...)

Attached you will find a modified version of the mbhp_core_stm32_module IO check application.

Before upload remove the AOUT_NG module from J19.

I reduced the list of pins which are checked to J19 IOs:

static const io_pin_t io_pin_table[] = {
{ "PB5", GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_5, (1 << EXPECTED_FAIL_IPL) }, // On-Board Pull-Up connected
{ "PB6", GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_6, (1 << EXPECTED_FAIL_IPL) }, // On-Board Pull-Up connected
{ "PB7", GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_7, 0x00 },
{ "PC13", GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13, (1 << EXPECTED_FAIL_IPL) }, // On-Board Pull-Up connected
{ "PC14", GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14, (1 << EXPECTED_FAIL_IPL) }, // On-Board Pull-Up connected

It automatically detects shorts on the board and sends error/debugging messages to the MIOS terminal (-> MIOS Studio).

Checks will be done with a period of 5 seconds (not immediately)

And now the trick: just use a cable between Vss and a J19 data pin to force a short - the application should notify this.

If you don't get a notification, you know that the connection between STM32 and J19 doesn't exist (-> open, e.g. bad soldering)

If you always get a notification for certain J19 pins, you know that there is a permanent short (-> check solderings between these pins)

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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Thanks for the app!

Here are my results:

I started with no short, and then I created a short on each data pin using the schematic as my guide... I did not create a short between ground and 5v... I ignored the LCD message "please disconnect LCD's" as it didn't seem to matter for this test...

[72780.631] ====================================

[72780.631] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72780.632] ====================================

[72780.632] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 0 errors

[72780.632] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 0 errors

[72780.633] Running-1 Test found 0 errors

[72780.634] Running-0 Test found 0 errors


[72780.634] ====================================

[72780.634] Test found 0 errors


[72785.636] ====================================

[72785.636] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72785.639] ====================================

[72785.640] Toggle PB5 0->1 FAILED

[72785.640] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72785.641] Toggle PB5 L->H FAILED

[72785.641] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72785.641] Toggle PB5 0->1 FAILED

[72785.641] Running-1 Test found 1 errors

[72785.641] Toggle PB5 0->1 FAILED

[72785.641] Running-0 Test found 1 errors


[72785.642] ====================================

[72785.642] Test found 4 errors


[72790.647] ====================================

[72790.647] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72790.647] ====================================

[72790.647] Toggle PB7 0->1 FAILED

[72790.647] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72790.648] Toggle PB7 L->H FAILED

[72790.648] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72790.648] Toggle PB7 0->1 FAILED

[72790.648] Running-1 Test found 1 errors

[72790.648] Toggle PB7 0->1 FAILED

[72790.649] Running-0 Test found 1 errors


[72790.649] ====================================

[72790.649] Test found 4 errors


[72795.656] ====================================

[72795.656] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72795.657] ====================================

[72795.657] Toggle PB6 0->1 FAILED

[72795.658] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72795.658] Toggle PB6 L->H FAILED

[72795.658] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72795.658] Toggle PB6 0->1 FAILED

[72795.658] Running-1 Test found 1 errors

[72795.658] Toggle PB6 0->1 FAILED

[72795.660] Running-0 Test found 1 errors


[72795.660] ====================================

[72795.660] Test found 4 errors


[72800.664] ====================================

[72800.664] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72800.665] ====================================

[72800.665] Toggle PC13 0->1 FAILED

[72800.665] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72800.665] Toggle PC13 L->H FAILED

[72800.666] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72800.666] Toggle PC13 0->1 FAILED

[72800.666] Running-1 Test found 1 errors

[72800.667] Toggle PC13 0->1 FAILED

[72800.667] Running-0 Test found 1 errors


[72800.667] ====================================

[72800.667] Test found 4 errors


[72805.673] ====================================

[72805.673] Testing GPIO Pins for shorts/bridges

[72805.673] ====================================

[72805.673] Toggle PC14 0->1 FAILED

[72805.674] Push-Pull Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72805.674] Toggle PC14 L->H FAILED

[72805.674] Pull-Down/Up Toggle Test found 1 errors

[72805.674] Toggle PC14 0->1 FAILED

[72805.674] Running-1 Test found 1 errors

[72805.675] Toggle PC14 0->1 FAILED

[72805.675] Running-0 Test found 1 errors


[72805.675] ====================================

[72805.675] Test found 4 errors

I was hoping for something that would stand out, but everything looks fine to me... Are there any other tests I could try?

Thanks so much,


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  • 4 months later...


sorry to step into your thread grizz, but it seems like we are both having the same problem with our Seq V4 and the AOUT_NG Module; I also have a full working Seq V4 from Wilbas Bulk order, configured correctly to work with the AOUT_NG, set up G1T1 correctly, connected the AOUT_NG like shown in the hookup diagram, Checked the Module for all voltages, but cant read any voltage on the CV output. already checked all the above, nothing wrong up to that point, just didn't run the IO check application yet... but while reading this, I am wondering, did you get it to work in the meantime grizz?

and, as I have the SeqV4 running via USB Power on my imac, do I need to attach a 5V source in order to power the AUOT_NG? or will it also work with the USB Power supplied?

maybe this is my fault...?!

really hoping to get this module working, but I dont have any clue where to search for further faults... :(

do you have any tipps for me?

thanks & regards,


Edited by mokkinger
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Hi Mark,

sorry to step into your thread grizz, but it seems like we are both having the same problem with our Seq V4 and the AOUT_NG Module; I also have a full working Seq V4 from Wilbas Bulk order, configured correctly to work with the AOUT_NG, set up G1T1 correctly, connected the AOUT_NG like shown in the hookup diagram, Checked the Module for all voltages, but cant read any voltage on the CV output. already checked all the above, nothing wrong up to that point, just didn't run the IO check application yet... but while reading this, I am wondering, did you get it to work in the meantime grizz?

He bought a new AOUT_NG and this one worked for misterious reasons.

If you are not able to solve the issue by yourself, would it be possible that you send me your module for further analysis? Because if this is a robustness issue, it would be good to know for me.

and, as I have the SeqV4 running via USB Power on my imac, do I need to attach a 5V source in order to power the AUOT_NG? or will it also work with the USB Power supplied?

maybe this is my fault...?!

Do you mean that your MBSEQ V4 is powered directly from the Mac w/o external supply, resp. an externally powered USB Hub?

Yes, this could cause an unstable voltage with the effect that the AOUT_NG module won't work properly.

Under certain conditions my own MBSEQ V4 crashes sporadically when it's directly powered from a Macbook Pro.

Therefore I always use an USB Hub.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi thorsten,

thanks for your reply; sorry for posting this issue twice, as I wasn´t sure if anybody still checking this thread I opened a new one with my question in the SEQ forum...

and, yes, I used only the USB power of my imac yesterday. then nils told me this could be insufficient, and so I plugged the seq into another 5V supply - but without any success on the CV out... still no reading on the DMM :(

I am kind of lost now cause I dont have any other core lying around to swap and see where the actual fault might be. on J19 on the core32 I have 4,9V and 3,9V on two of the Pins but there isnt any voltage change when changing the Note Values on G1T1... is this because the DMM is too slow to monitor these values?

and, yes, sending the AOUT_NG to you would be a great option - would you do the check for me, so I can maybe sort out the problem and order a new module at smashTV...?

let me know if I should mail it to you, ok?



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