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mb-6582 firmware upload problem


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So, I know similar issues get posted all the time, but I can't seem to find a solution that has worked for me. I'm trying to upload the mb-6582 firmware, but it seems that the core is not recieving midi. I know my midi interface is sending midi becuase I can see the indicator light flash as MIOS studio sends info. Also, MIOS studio is recieving the upload request, so I know MIDI is being recieved by MIOS studio. However, I keep getting a 'No response for MIOS8 or MIOS32 core' message in MIOS studio. I do have the jumper at J11 connected for core 1. Just for kicks, I tried placing a pic in the core 2 socket, and moving the jumper to position 2, but with the same results.

I saw this note on the construction guide but I'm not sure it pertains (I currently only have 1 pic inserted in core1):

Don't forget R80. This resistor is required for the CAN Bus to function. If you populated all the Cores and they aren't working, then you probably forgot R80.

I think I'm just being retarded, but I can't locate r80. Please forgive me, I assembled the baseboard nearly a year ago and am just getting back into working on it.

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You need to troubleshoot the MIDI.


You can't tell yet whether it's MIDI In or MIDI Out that is the problem.

i.e. MIOS Studio sends SysEx and expects SysEx response. If MIDI In doesn't work, the PIC won't respond. If MIDI In works, but MIDI Out doesn't, the PIC responds but it's not received by MIOS Studio.

Do the loopback tests etc. The how-to is for Core8 module, but you can use the MB-6582 base PCB diagram to match things. Don't forget that J11 controls which PIC Tx pin connects to the MIDI Out (via the 220 ohm res).

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ok, I think I found the issue. I used sil headers where the midi jacks would normally go because I'm reusing a c64 case, and this allow me to get the baseboard into the case the way I want it. Admittedly, I'm pretty inept when it comes to assembling the cables that connect to those suckers. I thought I had them working, but aparently not.... I'll make some new cables and try again. Thanks for that link, it definately helped :)

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What do you mean by "clicky oscillators"?

For example, during startup there is a loud audible click from two of the SIDs during the attack period of each of the notes in the startup chime. The SIDs in my sammichSID don't do this, neither do the 6581s that I have.

edit: The thing is, they don't seem to do this after startup, so maybe they don't need to be replaced after all. Either way, I need more SIDs, as I only have 4 in there now ;)

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I attached two files, one with the startup sound where you can hear the clicks (It seems like they are usually louder, but that could just be me) and one with some random notes where the clicks are no longer occurring. Assumming they do actually go away after startup, I'm not gonna worry about it much.

startup clicks.wav

no clicks.wav

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Something does sound a bit wrong there... and also, when you look at it in a sound editor, you've got lots of strange stuff going on. Your left and right channels aren't matched, and it looks like it's almost clipping it's so loud. Compare it with the sample I made and tell me what you think.


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Something does sound a bit wrong there... and also, when you look at it in a sound editor, you've got lots of strange stuff going on. Your left and right channels aren't matched, and it looks like it's almost clipping it's so loud. Compare it with the sample I made and tell me what you think.

It just seems strange that this only seems to happen with the start-up chime, but then again I haven't used it with the java editor yet to mess with the attack times to see if I can replicate it within a patch.

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Both channels are significantly different, but both of them have the same clicks. The clipping however was all me, I had the levels too hot on my mixer. I'm guessing the channels don't match perfectly because one is a 6852 and one is an 8580, even though I thought they were supposed to be sonically identical. I didn't have the channels eq'ed differently from each other or anything. I'm 100% positive it's the SIDs causing those clicks though, because if I put the same SIDs in my sammichSID, the problem moves with the chips.

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If you want to reproduce this same sound in a patch (after startup), this is what the patch is... converted from the registers being set:

Volume set to 15

Filters off.

OSC 1 Pulse waveform, Attack 0, Decay 0, Sustain 8, Release 8, Pulse Width 800, everything else zero/off.

OSC 2 and OSC 3 are off.

This is almost identical to the init Lead patch... looks like only Sustain and Release are different.

It would be interesting if you could reproduce the click in a patch, or not, and then know if it's a startup-only issue or your SIDs being clicky.

So the 2x 6582A that came with the sammichSID don't make this clicky sound?

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If you want to reproduce this same sound in a patch (after startup), this is what the patch is... converted from the registers being set:

Volume set to 15

Filters off.

OSC 1 Pulse waveform, Attack 0, Decay 0, Sustain 8, Release 8, Pulse Width 800, everything else zero/off.

OSC 2 and OSC 3 are off.

This is almost identical to the init Lead patch... looks like only Sustain and Release are different.

It would be interesting if you could reproduce the click in a patch, or not, and then know if it's a startup-only issue or your SIDs being clicky.

So the 2x 6582A that came with the sammichSID don't make this clicky sound?

Actually one of the 6582s that came with the sammichSID kit is one of the SIDs with the problem, the other is fine. So I swapped out the clicky 6582 with a good 8580 in that kit. It's important to note that the 6582 with the issue was good when I got it, it crapped out after about an hour of initial use. The one I replaced it with has been running just fine ever since.

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