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Midifying a minimoog


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I'm in the process of building a minimoog from spare parts and I thought that while I'm at it, I could midify it. Has anyone here pondered this?

I did exactly that.

Mine didn't have a keyboard and was in a not too pretty state when I got it.

I installed a cut up midi keyboard -> Midi Merge -> Midi to CV -> into CV in's on Minimoog

(The merge is so that I can sequence it, and play over the top easily)

+ Heaps of timber work.

Now I've got a Minimoog that responds to Midi, spits out Midi and looks awesome.

For ease of use, I used a Doepfer Midi-CV from their modular range.. though you could use midibox CV.

I've got a few extra knobs near the mod wheel that I use to route velocity to Filter and amplitude.

Best of luck


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I chanced upon a pair of Pratt-Read keybeds from an old Hammond organ, so I thought I'd come up with some sort of optical means of detecting keystrokes. While investigating how to do this (particularly with some conversation with Seppoman), I came to the conclusion that doing so would involve an unreasonable parts count and high cost. At up to two dollars apiece, 44 slot or reflective detectors get rather expensive. Furthermore, I'd need a comparator with each key unless I use a more costly detector with logic output. I've decided to instead use a Fatar keybed.

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I'd need a comparator with each key unless I use a more costly detector with logic output. I've decided to instead use a Fatar keybed.

I don't know why you'd want to try and "re-invent the wheel" so to speak.. For $20-$30 you can pick up a 4 octave midi controller.. Cut off an octave. done.

The only thing that annoys me about what I've done is that the doepfer midi-cv doesn't have note memory. so, if you play a C, then while still holding the C, play a D, then let go of the D, nothing will play (Even though you still have a C held down)

Even the simple/cheap Synhouse MidiJack has a 4 note memory. very annoying sometimes.



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