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Newbie Seq4 problems


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so I'm all fairly new to this midibox stuff, so please bare with me.

I've completed building my seq4 but am having some difficulties.

When I power on all seems good with the stm32. I've loaded the latest hex file, it reads the sd card and seems well.

However the din and dout doesn't seem to be working at all. No encoders, buttons or leds do anything. The douts and dins are getting power.

The boards are bought from smashtv, so I don't think that is a problem. I've looked for shorts etc and have so far found nothing. I've tried unplugging various parts of the din's and try and get just one section interacting, but know luck.

I'm sure I'm missing something very simple. Could it be that I have not copied the correct MBSEQ_HW.V4 file into the sd? I must admit that I was struggling on how to correctly get that file onto my SD and probably did it wrong..

Anyway, hope that wasn't to much of a ramble.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!



p.s. my soldering iron just literally blew up, the cable got so twisted it shorted itself. Woops!

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thanks for the tips.

So I took the SD card out and checked that S0/S1 go to the right places. I do have power selected. I have the 220 ohm resistor network (although I made my own with 4 resistors as I haven't got an array).

On 4th(or 5th, lost count!) inspection I saw a couple of grounds were missing.

The result: after powering on the firmware loads and now some leds light. Every 4th led of the step leds (1st, 5th, 9th and 13th) are lit.

On power up Track 1 led flashes a few times then goes out. Layer A is lit as is Edit led.

Apart from this there is no change, the encoders and buttons do nothing.

I feel like I'm getting closer though. Any ideas?

Thanks again


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Yes, the 2 examples are the way I wired it, or meant to wire it!

I'm trying to find an error in wiring right now. To narrow down any errors would it work to unplug all the din's apart from one jumper and test the encoders or pots that are connected to that jumper?

That way it might eliminate errors that might be elsewhere...Or does everything have to be connected for it to work?

Also I'm assuming vs is common throughout. Is that correct?



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check that every encoder and switch has at least +5V at one pin, that every LED is connected to ground for its small lead (anode)

and not very sure that a DIN can be connected to a DOUT. You need to do an Y cable from the corefalse a DIN can connect a DOUT (at least for R5)

did you swap the shift registers ?

Edited by julienvoirin
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so I checked the din's and they are correctly labeled. But in doing so I found my error. S1 on the din "in" is not labeled. So I had wired S1 to S0 on J9. Doh! Now it appears to be working. Wicked!!! On to testing and trying to delve into how much this sequencer seems to offer! Sure I'll only be scratching the surface though...thanks for your help, sorry for wasting your time with my stupid error!

I do have one more question.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to copy the correct setup file into the SD card.



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MISO MOSI for thoses who knows ..

how I'm supposed to copy the correct setup file into the SD card.

edit file for your needs with textedit, save and copy it to the root of SD Card

there are some folders to add :




keep an eyes on the walkthrough

and it must be formatted in DOS (fat16)

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