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MIOS upload problem MB652


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Hello all,

so I've built the bare board for the MB652. I put all 4 pics in, after testing voltage points etc. The LCD said READY, so I thought all was well. I went to upload the latest MIOS, 1.9g and now it says either "no response from the core" or "MIOS8 cannot open bootloader" So now MIOS studio will not talk to the PIC. The LCD now just displays blank squares.

What have I done?! The PICs are from Smash TV, the board is REV 1. I have lifted the xtals a bit so there is no short.

I have tried each core and none talk to mios studio. So I suppose it must the midi section rather than the core..Any ideas?



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More info...when I turn on the core I get the correct f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7 midi in message. Unfortunately it is accompanied by No response from MIOS8 or MIOS32 core! I have put the PIC(4685) in a core that I know works, my MB808 core. So have I somehow screwed up the bootloader? All I did was try and update the MIOS...any thoughts?



edit: So it is not consistent. Not all PIC send a message to the in port. 1 chip occasionally gets to the stage where it says Application is up and running. I managed to update the MIOS on this chip. I am using the same core, swapping chips and getting confused with all of this. 1 working PIC, one which just sends a message and another that does nothing. The one that works device ID is 02.

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When you have bought your PICs from SmashTV, they came with an already preinstalled Mios as the sticker on the ICs suggests. That´s the reason why the display output "ready". Without Mios it would just have said nothink like it does now.

So did you try to upload Mios or did you try to upload an application?

The Message F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 means that your bootloader is fine and your pic is running.

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So out of desperation I built the pic burner on the ucapps site. I now managed to get the one PIC that was sending the F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 message fully working,

Great! However the other 2 are still unresponsive. I reloaded the bootstrapper via the pic burner, successfully. Hooked up to the MIOS studio still no joy. I have tried swapping cores, but it appears that it is something with the chip. Am I missing something?



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yes, I'm testing different chips in the same core on the MB 6582 baseboard. I got the PICs from SmashTV, they are all PIC18f4685's. I was trying to upload MIOS 1.9g to them as they came with 1.9f on them. After this didn't work, on a core I knew was working, I uploaded the bootloader hex file via a pic burner. This fixed one chip, but 2 are still unresponsive. It says the PIC has been burned correctly, so I don't think that is the problem.



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Which PIC burner and PIC burning software are you using?

Are you sure you're burning the correct ID onto the PICs?

Could this be some issue with PIC ID=0 working and ones with a different ID not working?

Check which bootloader you are burning, it should be bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f4685.hex

Similarly, check which MIOS you are trying to upload (not burn), it should be mios_v1_9g_pic18f4685.hex

Keep testing using the same Core each time, and maybe even trying to burn PIC ID=0 onto all four PICs when you burn the bootloader. After MIOS is installed on all four PICs, you can use another app to change the PIC ID to something different, or just burn again with PIC ID=1,2,3

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I'm using the PIC18 software along with the MB pic burner. I can not see anywhere to change the ID while uploading via the pic burner. I assume all the ID's are written as 0 when there is a fresh install of the boot loader. Same situation, 2 chips are still not talking with MIOS studio. But the boot loader is apparently uploaded successfully. I am now assuming I have 2 corrupt chips and have ordered 2 more from SmashTV...

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I'm using the PIC18 software along with the MB pic burner. I can not see anywhere to change the ID while uploading via the pic burner. I assume all the ID's are written as 0 when there is a fresh install of the boot loader. Same situation, 2 chips are still not talking with MIOS studio. But the boot loader is apparently uploaded successfully. I am now assuming I have 2 corrupt chips and have ordered 2 more from SmashTV...


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Hi all,

so I got 2 new PICs from SmashTV. Now I have 4 working cores, 1 master and 3 slaves. Cool! So all I can deduce is that somewhere along the line I managed to fry 2 pics. What confuses me now is the fact that I can successfully upload the boot loader to one of these pics, but then when I hook it up to MIOS studio it sends absolutely zero info on power up. I'm pretty new to this pic programming stuff, so please bare with me!

Anyway, I should forget about it and get on with testing troubleshooting the rest of the MB-6582. I just have 2 pics which I feel can somehow be resurrected, or maybe I have fried em so hard they are unsaveable. If I can upload the boot loader does this prove they are healthy?



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