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[solved] No SID sound ! (CORE8+SID)


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I finished building and configuring a CORE8 + SID module (with 8580) + DIN + bankstick tonight but I get no sound out of the SID module...

I got most of the parts from Smashtv (thanks again Tim!).

CORE8 module works great along with the bankstick & DIN. I uploaded the V2 program to the PIC, uploaded the sounds to the bankstick and built a basic CS with 1 encoder and 6 buttons, and I can go through the menus without trouble.

I'm using a C64 power supply that I connected using the "mbhp_sid_c64_psy.pdf" doc (the only difference is that I used 2 220uf caps in parallel instead of one 470uf as I did not have one).

I checked voltages (IC1 28-14 = 9v ; IC1 25-14 = 5v ; IC2 & IC3 8-16 = 5v).

I used a 7809 instead of the 7812 on the SID module as I'm using a 8580. I also changed C1 & C2 caps to 6.8nf (or should it be 22nf?).

I tried to get sound using a controler keyboard, then through my soundcard with cubase, finally with the MIOS program, but I don't get anything except a little buzz (maybe I should go for the "optimized psu" ?) and a very light kinda digital sound when I press keys on the midi controller or through midi software. But nothing else !

I tried different 8580 chips (I started with one chip whose filters are not all working, then I tried with a fully tested SID).

This is very frustrating and I would be very grateful if someone had a clue...

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I also changed C1 & C2 caps to 6.8nf (or should it be 22nf?).

22nF seems to be recommended/common for 8580/6582. This only affects the filter though and is not the cause of your problems.

From your description, there's a bunch of things that can be wrong:

- core -> sid module interconnection recheck the wiring and try the interconnection test app (http://ucapps.de/mios/mbsid_interconnection_test_v2.zip)

- sth is wrong in the audio output circuit - check the polarity of the caps and make sure you have the right transistor (also check the orientation)

- sid is dead. Let's hope for the best ;)

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Hi nILS,

Thanks for your quick answer !

I rechecked the components on the SID board : BC547 and electrolytic caps are the right way. I re-rechecked voltages on the SID socket and 74HC595 and eveything's right.

One thing bothers me though :

On Tim's boards (CORE and SID), the J10 (CORE) and J2 (SID) don't seem to have the same setup :

J2 :


x SO RC x VS

J10 :



This means I connected SID J2 SC to CORE J10 MD (there is no MD on SID J2). Is this just a matter of labeling (SC instead of MD on SID J2)?

I'm going to try the test app you recommended right away and I'll post the results.

Thanks again.

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Errr well, there's another issue... I'm too dumb to understand how to use the test app ! :rolleyes:

I uploaded it to the CORE but I don't understand where I have to check voltages A0 ? A2 ?...)

Sorry for the trouble...

I also tested the SID with my MSSIAH and it's 100% working (filters and voices). That's a thing !

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I finally managed to test pins thanks to you guys.

Pins A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, RES# and CS# are fully responsive.

The trouble is with the other pins... D0 (pin 15) is always 5v no matter what, and D1 to D7 are always 0v. Since those pins are connected to IC3, I thought it might be the 74HC165 chip, but I replaced it with another one and I get the same results.

So what can it be ? other components ? link between CORE and SID (the issue with the MD and SC confusion)?...

Thanks again to be so patient and helpful!

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GREAT! :w00t:

I'm now officially a member of the awesome SID family. I've hear that there was a dance to perform...

Thanks to all you guys for your help. A special thank to Tim. Tim, you rock!

The great thing with debugging is that you learn from the mistakes you make and the tests you have to run. I'm starting to get familiar with the whole concept (which is a great thing because I'll be starting a MB6582 VERY soon... :wink: )

My girlfriend already thought I had autistic symptoms while I was building the modules, but what will she think now that I'm about to spend days, weeks, months exploring the sounds and possibilities of this killer machine? I have to hide it or she might get rid of it :D

Cheers to you all!

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