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Deleting Unused Media & CAPTCHA on Wiki?


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I have been moving my pages around and things and was trying to clean things up a bit. In particular, I began moving my MB-SID rackmount project into it's own namespace. The problem is that now I have a buncha extra media files I would like to remove but lack the permissions to do so. Who do I talk to about doing that? I didn't want to waste space on the server, however small that space may be.

Also, I *HATE* having to enter a CAPTCHA for every page edit. I actually have rather poor eyesight and often use a larger than standard font. The problem is that the CAPCTHA is comparatively small. About 90% of the time, I have to enter it twice when saving a page. Can be please please do away with this, or just use this for logins? Logins seems like a great compromise because I only have to go though that pain once and then I'm good to go.

A wiki is a place that should provide easy and open access to information and if the goal is for people to actively use it, should the process not be made as easy as possible (within reason obviously)?

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This has been discussed before. No we cannot. While I do agree that captchas are excessively annoying, they're necessary. We have a huge wave of spam bots trying to kick all available doors in at the moment so *removing* a captcha is certainly not an option.

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Is it a problem with accounts getting hacked or something? If not, why not just enable it for registration and make it sufficiently complex?

That said, how about the deleting problem? I don't mind just leaving clutter there as much but it seems like a waste :) And just a larger pile that may have to be cleaned up later?

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OT and as a sidenote... it´s a mad world... captcha wars... captcha generators, captcha-breaking-bots, captcha-generator countermeasures, the current trend is going towards "crowdsourced" people in bangladesh, which are cheap and more effective than captcha breaking bots and are already used to "register" on high-volume sites.

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