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Bassboy (digital bassline synthesizer)


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I`d like to inform you about cool little project of my friend Aleksandar Krstic. It is inexpensive bassline synthesizer based on ATXMega32D4. Me and kokipsiho had a chance to get one of the prototypes. Bassboy is now available for ordering trough Mikroelektronika: http://www.mikroe.com/eng/products/view/658/bassboy/

Here is the picture of the my bassboy from the prototype series. Now it is changed a little bit.


Aleksandar made a quick demo video...

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Nice! Is this a kit? Can you get crazy glitching/aliasing using extreme values? Do you have a secret desire to make a control surface?

The price is awesome, but the shipping is crazy... I'm thinking about ordering a few and splitting the cost between some friends.

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Nice! Is this a kit? Can you get crazy glitching/aliasing using extreme values? Do you have a secret desire to make a control surface?

The price is awesome, but the shipping is crazy... I'm thinking about ordering a few and splitting the cost between some friends.

Not sure about glitching possibilities ... it is classical MIDI bassline synth. Control surface is in developing phase. Actually, I already have a working prototype. It is well known x0xb0x sequencer that I did for myself, and now we are planing to join the forces and create a CS for BassBoy so result will be something like digital x0xb0x based on parts that are easily available. I must say that Aleksandar is planing drum module as well based on same SSP (small synth platform) as he calls it.

Yes, shipping price is high, but you know all problems I had when organizing x0xb0xes from Serbia. Ordering multiple BB is best way to save on the shipping significantly.

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Great project and a very nice price!

I guess that the CS will run on a second chip which sends the parameters to the "SSP" via MIDI?

Is it possible to reprogram the chip, resp. to try code modifications?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, CS will be on another board/chip connecting with BassBoy and SQ303 a sequencer from x0xb0x.

I`m afraid project is not open source, but I hope he will realized the benefits of OS projects, and will change his mind. I`m working on it. ;)

Edited by Sasha
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It could be directly connected to a MBSEQ V4, especially since a special 303 Edit view is available meanwhile.

Parameters can be controlled from a dedicated Mixer Map, complete patches (stored on SD Card) could be sent from the SysEx menu :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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