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A little help with DOUTS on Wilba's board


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I have a question about the LED light normal behavior can someone verify what is the normal functionality of the transport LEDS (play/stop/pause)? i.e should they light when the key is pressed? Mine dont do anything. Also, I have the track group 3, track 1, track 3, trigger layer B, parameter layer 3, Step view and solo all permanently lit.. The 595s check out sorted, fell victim to the step view LED..

Edited by Altitude
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yeah, I do. The odd LEDs were a result of putting the step view LED backwards. Can you comment on the transport LEDS?

When seq is playing the play key will stay lit and when its stoped the stop key will stay lit and same for the pause key. The ff and rew keys only light up when pressed and turn off when not pressed.

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Well, for me it is a case of iamtoocooltoreadtheguideitis so i missed the part about certain LEDS being oriented differently from the other ones (namely the step view and the transport ones). Put them in the right orientation and I am good, everything works..

Edited by Altitude
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