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C64 Power supply broke


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Hi Back again.

Fixed some electronic bugs in my MBSid, everything works fine now I have the problem that the original c64 power supply is broken. The 9v Ac part does not come out, but only the 5V Dc. what can be broken internally? This is my second Power supply I broke, Could it be overheated, because of excessive power consumptions or something?


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Usually it's the 5V part that goes. Maybe you have a bad connection or an intermittent cord. Or you may have shorted and burned out the 9VAC part.

In some parts of the world, the C64 power supply can be taken apart. Here in North America, they can't.

There are numerous discussions here about brewing your own C64 power supply. It might be helpful if individuals who have built one could consider creating Wiki pages to document their creations.

I still plan to make a C64 power supply myself, as I have blown up about 3 of them in the past few years. I have already bought all the components. I still need an enclosure, and I *do* plan to re-use the cable with the DIN plug from one of the defective power supplies.

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Yes, build a new one - the old ones are unreliable... I would have documented building mine, but don´t want to collect bad karma points, when people are electrocuted when following the doc... :-(

You can build one of these:


and it will work very fine, if you

a) place the voltage regulator filtering capacitators very close to the 78S05

b) add a second 2200uf ripple filtering capacitator in parallel


Just make sure you take care when operating with high voltages and always unplug the psu before working on or near it.



Edited by Hawkeye
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Thanks for the quick replies, guys!

Yes this is also my third Psu, and it's most of the time the 5 volt. Mios boots, but a very soft sound arrives at the jack outs, it is like the Sid is trapped in a small box :) -->Measured only 5V on the SID!.

Think a self made Psu, like Peter will do the job, great work! I will start to read myself in on your topic and start building as soon as possible!

Thanks Again

Greets, Youri

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alternatively you can built the PSU mentioned here:


It is a combination of a regular transformer (e.g. from 220V to 9V AC, or from 110V to 9V AC for North Americas :-) ) together with a switched PSU for the 5V supply. I have used a dual line 220V to 9V transformer with 2 x 2,7 A and a switched 5V mini PSU with 5A. What you see on the picture is the prototype in order to check the quality compared to the original C64 PSU. Now I will move on and complete it. When it is finished it will be able to supply two MB6582 or two C64 computers at the same time :-).

I have now compared my version with the original C64 PSU and I can't make out a difference. This PSU is easy to build, so you should consider it.



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