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Zipper noise


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I am making some noise with my sammichFM.

I modulate op4 with op3, both sine and apply a slow attack to op3 with the envelope and I hear some pretty nasty distortion. It sounds like zipper noise. The same happens if I make the attack of op3 faster and modulate it with an LFO with sine shape. Did I do something wrong or is it a common problem I just have to live with? Is there some methods to minimize it?

I know FM can cause aliasing if to many operators modulate each outher, but do I also have to keep track of levels to avoid digital overflow (amplitude)?

I will upload audio sample soon.

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  • 4 months later...

Did you get to the bottom of this, in the end?

I haven't used my SammichFM for a while, but I didn't notice anything like this last I checked. On the other hand, I did get some pretty nasty digital distortion artifacts when I first put the thing together. They were solved by re-melting the solder on the SMD chips. You could try that, if you haven't already.

Just a thought.


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Did you get to the bottom of this, in the end?

I haven't used my sammichFM for a while, but I didn't notice anything like this last I checked. On the other hand, I did get some pretty nasty digital distortion artifacts when I first put the thing together. They were solved by re-melting the solder on the SMD chips. You could try that, if you haven't already.

Just a thought.


Thanks for the reply. I haven't managed to solve this. Thought it was just the way the chip worked since nobody had a solution. Did you listen to the audio samples? Is it the kind of artifacts you experienced.

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Thanks for the reply. I haven't managed to solve this. Thought it was just the way the chip worked since nobody had a solution. Did you listen to the audio samples? Is it the kind of artifacts you experienced.

This would be my first checklist:

- maybe the audiodriver from your soundcard runs nuts, change buffersize, or deactivate other Plugins if to free CPU and RAM

- if possible change to another soundcard or a different input.

- try different Outputs on your MBFM

- reduce the volume in MBFM Menu

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It happens with too high volume of the modulating OP.

You can reduce the volume (of op3 in your case) and use a higher multi instead, to get almost similar overtones.

Thanks! This did the trick! I am just not good enough with FM yet, but this was a good lesson to learn.

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