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MDIO128 connections

chapelier fou

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i've mounted my core, my 4 DIN and my 4 DOUT. I installed the MIOS32 bootloader. And (unless i am wrong) i've loaded the basic MIDIO template with the MIOSSTUDIO. So i thought i was ready to do some tests. But :

The J1 on DOUT and DIN are 2*5 pins, but on the schematics, they are supposed to be 1*5. What's the reason for this ? So which rank of pins should be used ? Can i find somewhere some pictures of detailed inside of midio128 ? i'd like to know an elegant way of pugging all these.

(on a side note, as a newbie, i plugged the 2*5 J1 of my DIN to the 2*5 J8/9 of the core, to make tests....this resulted by heating the ICs on the DIN, could the be broken ?)

Thank you.

I'll come back very soon with new problems, but believe me, i am doing my best.


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Yes, all correct.

The easiest way to connect this is with a 10 pin (2x5) IDC (Insulation Displacement Connector) and 10 wire ribbon cable. See number 33 and 34 here http://www.midibox-shop.com/buy.html if you don't know what they are.

Using this J8/9 (all 10 pins) is connected directly to J1 of the first DIN or DOUT board. More 10 pin IDC and ribbon cable to connect J2 of first board to J1 of second board. DIN and DOUT can be in any order, as both signals are present on the 10 wire ribbon cable.

I can take a photo if you are still not sure.

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That the connector i've tried. Sorry but i still don't get it.

Let's see :

a 10 (2*5) connector in the J8/9 of the core. No prob. But then, one half of the wires go to the DIN chain and the other half to the DOUT chain, right ? So it makes 5 and 5 wires, but going to 10 and 10 connectors. i think one row is useless in the J1 DINs and DOUTs connectors ?

A photo would be great of course.

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Please check the connection part at the bottom of these pages : http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp_dinR5.html and http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp_doutR5.html. Which row should i use ? How would you connect the ribbon cables (avoiding soldering would be more elegant) ? maybe with a 5 pin connector ?

(i hope i didn't broke anything with my wrong wiring test...)

thank you very much.


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Here's a picture, sorry about quality it's a phone camera.


First module is DIN, second is DOUT, there's another DIN after that (not shown).

The DIN/DOUT PCBs pass through all 10 pins to the next board, so you don't have to worry about which row of 5 to use.

For the shift register heating issue, ensure that each shift register is inserted and oriented correctly in socket.

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Thank you for the picture.

Sadly, you don't seem to have the same core as me.

And one thing bothers me : how could you possibly chain a DIN to a DOUT ?? SmashTV's doc is really clear about it : DINs can be linked to DINs, and DOUTs to DOUTs....

I'll be out for three days, i ll try to get in touch with Tim from SmashTV


Thanks again

Edited by chapelier fou
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findbuddha and julienvoirin have it right, but this is much easier to wire than it is to explain......

And one thing bothers me : how could you possibly chain a DIN to a DOUT ??
On the R5 DIN/DOUT board layouts I connected the J1 pin not used by that module to J2 (so a DIN board carries the serial lines needed for a DOUT from J1 to J2, and the DOUT carries the serial lines for a DIN the same way).

Sadly, you don't seem to have the same core as me.
It is the same on all current generations of Core module. J8/9=SPI port for DIN/DOUT.

A mixed DIN/DOUT chain on the same cable works great assuming the usual limits are observed (app support, keep the cables short etc.)


SmashTV's doc is really clear about it : DINs can be linked to DINs, and DOUTs to DOUTs....
From my DIN R5 info page: "Routed SO from J1 to J2 (so a DIN:DOUT chain is possible)"

From my DOUT R4 info page: "Routed SI from J1 to J2 (so a DOUT:DIN chain is possible)"

I did this design tweak because IDC connectors + ribbon cable are cheaper and save hours of build time, or because I am a slacker and don't like building fiddly SIL cables..... choose your favorite answer. ;)

Best regards


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