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Prototyping Board


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Dear Midiboxer,

I would like to build some new module for my modular synth and i need professional PCB.

I saw on the web that there is a lot of different company (PCBcart, Eurocircuit, expressPCB, RayPCB...) who make PCB but i don't know which one is the "best" in price, quality, delay...

Thank you to share your experience with this different company or other.


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Hm.... with such a great service it could make sense to provide optional .brd files for MBHP module variants, such as DINX1, DOUTX1 and a mixed DIN/DOUT board.

If somebody needs such a downstripped PCB, he could just order it here.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I <3 DorkBot. The only very minor gripe I have is solder pads aren't tin plated - just bare copper. But one just solders on-top of it anyway and, in fact, I find copper easier to solder on than tin plating myself.

They are faster than BatchPCB, and for the same price, you get 3 boards, not 1. Plus, as TK mentioned, he accepts Eagle .BRD files directly.

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I <3 DorkBot. The only very minor gripe I have is solder pads aren't tin plated - just bare copper.

I don't believe this has been the case - you probably got lucky and received gold plated pads because someone payed the extra on your panel. So far, all my orders had this feature, but Laen won't give any guarantee that this is the case everytime.

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Ah. Looked like copper to me but I didn't really give it a close look. If it's gold plated, that's cool :) But either way, as long as the solder sticks to the pads I'm happy, and it seems to. I've had some boards with SMD pads as well through Dorkbot and was happy with the results.

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Let's check the quality & service:

Laen <pcb-order@laen.org>

Re: PCB order mbhp_ainser64_v1

Hi Thorsten, welcome to the order!

Your boards are in and on the January 30th panel. Your total is now $66.95USD.

(for 3 boards = 17 EUR per board)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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