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Most of my midibox consists of din/douts. I also have a requirement for 3 pots and have a (PIC based) core and a din module (chained to the other modules which are all running midio128). A couple of questions:

1) What is the best software to use on the core for this purpose - midibox64? I like the configuration for midio128 from MIOS studio, is anything similar available that will allow me to configure the core associated with the ain?

2) Given that I only require 3 pots would it make sense to remove 3 of the 4051 chips to avoid having to ground all these unused inputs? If so can I remove any 3 or should it be IC2 - IC4?



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When i need to test just one or two pots i just connect directly to J5, and i then go into the asm file and change these lines and then recompile, it saves me having to ground things.

So obviously i connect the pots as follows, Pot1: Vs/Vd/A0 Pot2: Vs/Vd/A1 Pot3: Vs/Vd/A2 (connecting to correct pins on pot!!)

So i open for example setup_midibox64e.asm in my text editor

#define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 64 (the amount of pots/faders connected, more than 8 needs an ain board and MUX to be enabled)

#define DEFAULT_ENABLE_AIN_MUX 1 (needed for when you use the ain boards and more than 8 pots)

I then change them to this as i only need say for example 3 pots and no mux as im connected directly and not through an AIN board



by doing this, the software only looks for the first 3 inputs on J5, the other 5 are not looked at and therefore i do not need to ground them.

Hope this helps

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When i need to test just one or two pots i just connect directly to J5, and i then go into the asm file and change these lines and then recompile, it saves me having to ground things.

So obviously i connect the pots as follows, Pot1: Vs/Vd/A0 Pot2: Vs/Vd/A1 Pot3: Vs/Vd/A2 (connecting to correct pins on pot!!)

So i open for example setup_midibox64e.asm in my text editor

#define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 64 (the amount of pots/faders connected, more than 8 needs an ain board and MUX to be enabled)

#define DEFAULT_ENABLE_AIN_MUX 1 (needed for when you use the ain boards and more than 8 pots)

I then change them to this as i only need say for example 3 pots and no mux as im connected directly and not through an AIN board



by doing this, the software only looks for the first 3 inputs on J5, the other 5 are not looked at and therefore i do not need to ground them.

Hope this helps

That helps a lot - I think I will give this a go. Many thanks for your detailed response.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hehe nebula, your point is good. I have for several years worked with alarm systems. The company that makes them sais to ground all unused zone inputs in the system, and that is the way we learned how to do it back on the seminars - through a resistor that is. But I came to a point in time where I stopped doing so, and just did the job 10 times as fast in the firmware. But grounding the ains is good practice yeah hehe. Can avoid future trouble when u tweak the firmware and forget about the floating stuff, and can't understand what happens to your box hehe. At work when I did those systems I made my own standard not to ground the inputs, and that way I know it is always that way :-).

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