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My SEQV4 - Finished electronics !!!


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Thanks Keeze, it is encouraging !

When i try

sudo aptitude install lib32gmp3-dev

i get everytime :

Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "lib32gmp3-dev"
Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "lib32gmp3-dev"
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 78 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.


Edited by Lamouette
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, some news on my side !

I have now installed a proper ubuntu on a disk partition, and could do some make files without any problems, i really enjoy this OS, so well done on your side guyz :innocent:


For my SEQV4 :

SEQ is working

2 Quad-IIC working

Line driver working

Aout_NG working

TPD Working


So it is a long road i did, and i am close to the end of the project ! Thanks a lot for you awesome help, and you really friendly behavior ! I learned a lot about different things, i am now a proud soldereing guy, but i know i have lack of electronic and programming knowledge ! Also, speaking in english everytimes here helped me a lot to improve my language ! :cheers:

But the road is not ended yet !

I want to use the line driver to make a separate eurorack module, which would include, a TPD, the AOUT_NG for the cv, and 1 or 2 DOUT for the gate/trigger/clocks.

Here is my question, i read about problem with the TPD not at the end of the DOUT chain.

It is not a problem to connect 1 or 2 DOUT on J2 of the LINE DRIVER RECEIVER, and plug the TPD at his end ? (if i assign the correct Shift rehister number) ?

Edited by Lamouette
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I trided to modifiy the shift register number, but it is not working :

As the TPD in normal connection, is connected to 5 6 7 8 9 10, i suppose the shift register 1 2 3 4 already used by the wilba panel. (1&2 by wilba BLM, and 3&4 by BPM digit)

I tried to put the TPD at the end of the chain, to avoid problems, so :

Original config :

# See also http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=tpd_pcb

# set to 1 or 2 to enable the relative track position display
# 0: TPD disabled
# 1: TPD enabled - columns are cathodes, rows are anodes
# 2: TPD enabled - columns are anodes, rows are cathodes

# define the DOUT shift register to which the columns are connected (0=disabled)

# for a 16x16 TPD: define the SR to which the right columns are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the green LED rows are connected (0=disabled)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the right green LED rows are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the red LED rows are connected (0=disabled)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the right red LED rows are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup

# AOUT interface now selected in CV Configuration Menu and stored in MBSEQ_GC.V4 file
# please scroll through the menu to find this page!

# the 8 CV gates can be assigned to a shift register (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# - 1st CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D7
# - 2nd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D6
# - 3rd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D5
# - ...
# - 8th CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D0

# and DIN Clock Outputs can be assigned to a shift register as well (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# D7..D0 will output individual clock or start/stop signals which can be configured in the CV configuration page
CLK_SR        0

# additional gate triggers are available on common digital output pins of the
# DOUT shift register chain - they are assigned to AOUT channel #16 (Note C-1, C#1, D-1, ...)
# define the shift registers which should be used here (each provides 8 gates)
# Note that SRs assigned to this function cannot be used as LED outputs (exclusive function)
# Allowed values: 1-32, 0 disables the function, all other values invalid and not allowed

# if set to 1, the additional DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
# useful for analog drums

Modified config :

# set to 1 or 2 to enable the relative track position display
# 0: TPD disabled
# 1: TPD enabled - columns are cathodes, rows are anodes
# 2: TPD enabled - columns are anodes, rows are cathodes

# define the DOUT shift register to which the columns are connected (0=disabled)

# for a 16x16 TPD: define the SR to which the right columns are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the green LED rows are connected (0=disabled)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the right green LED rows are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the red LED rows are connected (0=disabled)

# define the DOUT shift register to which the right red LED rows are connected (0=disabled, use only 8x8 TPD)

# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup

# AOUT interface now selected in CV Configuration Menu and stored in MBSEQ_GC.V4 file
# please scroll through the menu to find this page!

# the 8 CV gates can be assigned to a shift register (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# - 1st CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D7
# - 2nd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D6
# - 3rd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D5
# - ...
# - 8th CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D0

# and DIN Clock Outputs can be assigned to a shift register as well (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# D7..D0 will output individual clock or start/stop signals which can be configured in the CV configuration page
CLK_SR        6

# additional gate triggers are available on common digital output pins of the
# DOUT shift register chain - they are assigned to AOUT channel #16 (Note C-1, C#1, D-1, ...)
# define the shift registers which should be used here (each provides 8 gates)
# Note that SRs assigned to this function cannot be used as LED outputs (exclusive function)
# Allowed values: 1-32, 0 disables the function, all other values invalid and not allowed

# if set to 1, the additional DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
# useful for analog drums

But i got nothing on the TPD... Any thoughts ?

The TPD have 9 Shift register but i can only see 6 assigned on the MBSEQ_HW.V4

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Thanks a lot Hawkeye, you have been a really great helper !


Now i have to work the case, but that should be easier for me.


I will keep my thread updated, it could be a great help for someone like me who strart from nothing !


And finnaly it is funny as the first pcb i ever solderd (a DOUT), is the last i added to my build ! it was fun to check my first solder :)

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  • 6 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but since I went through this, and was getting the same error:

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found

 I figured I'd mention how I got it working. The bottom line is that most of us have 64Bit Linux installs that don't support 32Bit apps out of the gate. To get that you need to add i386 support. For Ubuntu, you can check if you have it already by running this in a terminal:

dpkg --print-foreign-architectures

In the output you should see i386. If not run this:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update

And try running make again. If it still won't run, or if you're on another Linux distro, you may be missing libraries, and what you'll need will vary, but essentially you'll want to Google for running 32bit apps on a 64bit version of your distro. I also added gcc-multilib, which may or may not have been necessary:

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib


It's weird that Linux says "not found" instead of a more informative error. I rabbit holed for awhile in the wrong direction because of it. Oh well, I suppose that's part of the journey :D

Edited by tonedef
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