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STM32F103ZET6 will suit?


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I have a core board with STM32F103ZET6 on it. Like this one: http://cgi.ebay.fr/UET-STM32F103ZET6-144-pin-core-board-/220836877086 (STM32-Z-UET CORE BOARD Schematic.pdf)

Just want to know - will MIOS work on it, or am I need exactly 64-pin chip: STM32F103RB/STM32F103RC/STM32F103RD/STM32F103RE?

PS: tried to upload mios32_bootloader_v1_008 to this board over JTAG, but when I connect the board to the PC after uploading bootloader, my PC can't recognize the USB device.

Also the crystal resonator is 8MHz on that board, but in CORE_STM32 Module schematic there is 12MHz - if this is a problem then I need a bootloader source code to recompile it for 8Mhz... Or will it be easier to change crystal on my board?

(Sorry, I'm a newbie in STM mcus.)

Thank you!

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julienvoirin, yep, changing crystal to 12 MHz helped! Device was recognized by my PC and by MIOS Studio 2.2.4 :)


Now I need to make some DIN and DOUT extension modules to test other functions.

Or is there a way I could test some functionality on the naked core board?

are you interested by an exchange against à midibox STM32 core module ?

What do you mean? (English is not my native, so...)

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What do you mean?

you send me your board, i send you my midibox Stm32 core module, ready to go (i need a smaller board to fit inside a Roland Juno) ; and i can resale you a DIN module.

to test your "core" check SVN :


folder benchmark

folder mios 32 test

folder tutorials/forwarding event (send on usb0 and get response on USB1 for example)

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you send me your board, i send you my midibox Stm32 core module, ready to go (i need a smaller board to fit inside a Roland Juno)

Great idea, but I'm from Russia, and not only post service works really bad here but it will also cost more than $20 (which was the cost of ebay lot)... :(

What about testing? Is there a way to simply test modules with this board?

Maybe a script or a program (don't understand all the MIOS stuff yet)?

Oh, you've added info about testing, thanks! Will try it later.

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ask access to SVN and check.

Who do I need to ask for access?

you've got 64MB of RAM !!!!! that's huge !!!

That would be great if it were true. But only 64 KB... So some bug in the program?..

i've changed a litlle the test program, try this and tell me if it works (yes i am very interested by your board ^^ )

Uploaded your hex to the board by MIOS studio. Everything is fine (I think). But what should happen? When I press buttons on virtual midi keyboard in MIOS studio (at the bottom) - status LED blinks (yes, I connect status LED to the board already). Thats all...

Actually I've already done DIN module (not tested yet).

PS: sorry me my stupidity just have not much time to read all the manuals for now...

I think, I should start with this one: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=windows_mios32_toolchain_core :) And will do it later...

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Uploaded your hex to the board by MIOS studio. Everything is fine (I think). But what should happen?

upload the hex selecting MIOS31 port1

In MIOS Studio, then you will change the output port to port2 : if you play some notes on the keyboard, you will see them as data in the Midi out window and at the same time (just 1 or 2 ms of difference) in the Midi In window. then invert the stuff : you output from port1 and receive on port 2

what does the app ? it forwards midi messages from USB0 to USB1 and messages from USB1 to USB0

notice than changing the port will cause a error message : that's normal as the communicating port with mios studio is Port1


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julienvoirin, I was confused, because I had no port1 or port2 at the beginning. Actually I had only 1 USB devise in MIDI IN/OUT...

But after some unplug/plug cycles the second USB device showed up:


But still its name is not MIOS32 port1 or port2 like on your picture.

But it works! Yes it transfers notes.

Now I need a DIN module test app. I found this one http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fexamples%2Fsrio%2F think that it is what I need. But I need to compile it... And first of all I need to setup toolchain...

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julienvoirin, downloaded svn, toolchain and other stuff, compiled \trunk\apps\examples\srio. uploaded it to a board, but get no response from my DIN module...

Maybe DIN module is not functioning, maybe I need to connect it to other pins on this mcu... Think I need to check if my module working first.

Update: checked DIN module on Arduino board - all 64 (I have 8 x 74hc165) pins reads correctly (on 5 volts and on 3.3 volts) -> DIN module is OK.

So the problem is somewhere else... I think I need different setting of the toolchain to compile apps for this core.

I've tried to set MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F103ZE but get error on make (there is no .ld file for that core).

Update 2: copied \trunk\etc\ld\STM32F10x\STM32F103RE.ld to STM32F103ZE.ld


compiled without errors, but still no response from DIN :(

What am I missed out? I think, that pins maybe different on this core.

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This is something you want to check in the chip's datasheet, available from the manufacturer's website!

Already checked with MicroXplorer - no luck.

SPI1 on both 103RE and 103ZE are on pins PA4-7.

SPI2 on both are on pins PB12-15.

In the test script readme said:

Pin connections:

o RCLK (A4) -> RC pin of MBHP_DIN/DOUT modules

o SPI1_SCLK (A5) -> SC pin of MBHP_DIN/DOUT modules

o SPI1_MISO (A6) -> SI pin of MBHP_DIN module

o SPI1_MOSI (A7) -> SO Pin of MBHP_DOUT module

So SPI1 and PA port - tried and no luck...

I think I missed something in the MIOS itself...

And for that purpose I placed question on the forum: maybe somebody could point me to right direction...

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I can only say that some changes will be required to get this device properly working.

I could help you on this (not immediately, but maybe in 2..3 weeks).

Could you send me a board so that I'm able to try this by myself? Because remote-diagnosis is too time consuming.

Maybe an important hint: check especially if all pull-up resistors are installed on the pins you are using - they are essential, because most pins are configured for open drain mode.

Just compare with the MBHP_CORE_STM32 schematic

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi, TK.! Nice to see you here!

I could help you on this (not immediately, but maybe in 2..3 weeks).

If I can't figure it all out by myself in this 2-3 weeks then I'll be very happy if you help :)

Maybe an important hint: check especially if all pull-up

Yep! That was the problem! I was going to use them in final version of the device but totally forget them in testing... Shame on me... :blush:

Added couple of them (on RC and SC pins) and now all is working!

post-11217-0-51020300-1346386899_thumb.j post-11217-0-49795100-1346386903_thumb.p

It was actually PB12, PB13 and PB14 pins (like in the MBHP_CORE_STM32 schematic) not the PA4, PA5 and PA6 (like it was said in the README.txt for the "srio" app)! So there is a mistake somewhere.

Next step will be DOUT making (made some PCBs already - need to solder components).

I will share the info about my project when It will be done.

PS: my DIN modules:

post-11217-0-90517300-1346387606_thumb.j post-11217-0-29829900-1346387611_thumb.j

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