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Starting The SID Project


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Thanx for the reply, TK.


I have some questions straight away:


1. The word "application" means a certain hex-file, correct? In our case, we only needed to upload the 8580-version of the hex-file, right? No other hex-files (applications) needed? (We uploaded the .hex-file to all the 4 cores separately by switching the jumper, was that necessary or would it be enough to upload it ONCE to the master core?)


2. Firmware - is that the bootloader that was preburned from SmashTV?


3. In the manual, it says that on boot-up, the first row should read "E002 A001 Ld Chn. 1" but ours read "E002 PInt Ld Chn. 1". Is something wrong here?


4. So we have LEDs not lighting up as they should - how can we debug this? (and, is it possible that the LEDs are correctly installed, and something in the software wasn't installed correctly, thus making some LEDs not light up?) UPDATE: Ran Wilba's LED matrix test = all LEDs 100% working


5. It says in the manual that the first step is to click the LEFTMOST SELECT BUTTON. Nothing happens when doing so, which probably mean that at least one button is not working (probably more). I read something about an application called MIDIO128 - can we use this together with MIOS Studio to test if all the buttons are working?



Again, a big thanks for the patience of helping us. We wouldn't do much progress without you.



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UPDATE: We found Wilba's matrix LED-test in an old topic and managed to upload the test-hex-file and ALL LEDs are working! :phone:


But why on earth are only 3 LEDs lighting up on boot-up? :pinch:

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UPDATE 2: As I've mentioned earlier, we have sound coming from the synth, so we know at least that one of the SID-chips were working. We removed both and tested with only one chip in SID 1A (the rightmost socket when facing the midibox), and there was NO sound. Moved the chip to 1B (second rightmost), and there we have sound. Tried with the other chip - same result. So both chips are working, but I'm worried that the SID-socket 1A is faulty.

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1. The word "application" means a certain hex-file, correct? In our case, we only needed to upload the 8580-version of the hex-file, right? No other hex-files (applications) needed? (We uploaded the .hex-file to all the 4 cores separately by switching the jumper, was that necessary or would it be enough to upload it ONCE to the master core?)


Yes, since the bootloader and MIOS are already installed (these are different .hex files), you only need to install the actual application anymore - only one of the .hex files in the MIDIbox SID V2 release package. I guess that you selected the right one.


You've to install MIOS and the application also for the other PICs (the MBSID Slaves).

An application update via master core will only be possible (in future), once MBSID has been installed on all slaves.

IMPORTANT: keep in mind, that each slave needs a dedicated Device ID (1, 2 and 3). Only the master PIC should have device ID 0

See also: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_in.html



2. Firmware - is that the bootloader that was preburned from SmashTV?


The firmware consists of the bootloader, MIOS and the application (MBSID V2 in your case)

SmashTV only installs the bootloader

You have to install MIOS and the application.




3. In the manual, it says that on boot-up, the first row should read "E002 A001 Ld Chn. 1" but ours read "E002 PInt Ld Chn. 1". Is something wrong here?


I don't think that anything is wrong here.

Such details can change from time to time




UPDATE 2: As I've mentioned earlier, we have sound coming from the synth, so we know at least that one of the SID-chips were working. We removed both and tested with only one chip in SID 1A (the rightmost socket when facing the midibox), and there was NO sound. Moved the chip to 1B (second rightmost), and there we have sound. Tried with the other chip - same result. So both chips are working, but I'm worried that the SID-socket 1A is faulty.


You could use the mbsid_testtone application to check if the SID socket is really faulty, or if this issue is related to a configuration issue:



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you, TK, for the answer.


1. We ran the mbsid_testtone and there is a tone coming from all 8 sockets, 3 of which produces a somewhat lower volume, but still a tone. Is it very strange that some sockets produce different db?


2. About the mbsid_interconnection_test_v2:

Starting the test, it says you need to connect the multimeter to pin A0. Where exactly is this pin? Should the test be done with or without the SID-chips, or doesn't it matter?

EDIT: Managed to complete the test. All pins, on all 8 sockets, are OK.


3. When booting up the synth after the 8580 setup-hex file has been loaded into all 4 cores, only 3 LEDs shine up and some of the SELECT buttons are not working.

My gut feeling says that all hardware is working (or at least correctly assembled), and that something is not correct with the software. COULD it be that the USB MIDI interface haven't been able to completely transferred the hex-file to the synth correctly? That there are some parts on the software missing, hence some of the LED's and buttons are not working. Or is that an impossibility, cause the synth won't even start up if the hex-file hasn't been received 100% ?


4. To test the buttons/encoders, should we use the MIDIO128 for this? Are there any instructions on how to use this program?


5. Which SID-socket is the boot-up arpeggio played from (just curious)?


Best regards


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1. We ran the mbsid_testtone and there is a tone coming from all 8 sockets, 3 of which produces a somewhat lower volume, but still a tone. Is it very strange that some sockets produce different db?


Are you using identical SIDs?




COULD it be that the USB MIDI interface haven't been able to completely transferred the hex-file to the synth correctly?


Did your father get any error messages during the upload?




That there are some parts on the software missing, hence some of the LED's and buttons are not working. Or is that an impossibility, cause the synth won't even start up if the hex-file hasn't been received 100% ?


Can't be excluded.

Another upload could help.

But consider, that a previously incomplete upload could lead to a wrongly initialized patches into the BankSticks - and this could explain, why some SIDs are not working (e.g. because parameters of the left side SID are corrupted).

This could be solved by uploading the preset library.




4. To test the buttons/encoders, should we use the MIDIO128 for this? Are there any instructions on how to use this program?


MB6582 uses a button/LED matrix configuration, therefore MIDIO128 (V2) can't be used for testing.

There are no debug instructions for this.




5. Which SID-socket is the boot-up arpeggio played from (just curious)?


Left and Right SID of the master core


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Are you using identical SIDs?


 We ran the testtone-application without the SIDs. Socket tone only, cause we've already confirmed that both SID chips are working.


Did your father get any error messages during the upload?




Can't be excluded.

Another upload could help.

But consider, that a previously incomplete upload could lead to a wrongly initialized patches into the BankSticks - and this could explain, why some SIDs are not working (e.g. because parameters of the left side SID are corrupted).

This could be solved by uploading the preset library.


Exactly what file is the preset library? Don't find any in the download section.


MB6582 uses a button/LED matrix configuration, therefore MIDIO128 (V2) can't be used for testing.

There are no debug instructions for this.


Ok. Let's hope the preset library will fix this issue.


Another thing: There's a trimpot under each 4 PICs and one a bit lower to the right. When we turn the pot under PIC1 (master core), it adjusts the LCD contrast. And, what are the other 4 trimpots for?



Thanks, TK!


Best regards


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We ran the testtone-application without the SIDs. Socket tone only, cause we've already confirmed that both SID chips are working.


Hm! This is strange. It can't be excluded that a wrong resistor or capacitor has been soldered for the small transistor based amplifier unit which is connected to Pin #27 (see also http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_sid_v2.pdf)



Exactly what file is the preset library? Don't find any in the download section.


Because it's in the same release package like the firmware (-> presets directory)




Another thing: There's a trimpot under each 4 PICs and one a bit lower to the right. When we turn the pot under PIC1 (master core), it adjusts the LCD contrast. And, what are the other 4 trimpots for?


One is for the backlight brightness, the remaining ones control the LCD contrast for the slave PICs. They are only useful if a LCD is connected to a slave for debugging purposes.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dad sent the MB6582 to me. The setup8580 hex file is still not working for me (Dad had the exact same result), but when I load in the v2_vintage sysex, everything seems to work except the encoders. Same thing with the setup_tk2 hex file - works perfect.

All LEDs are working, all tactile switches are working, the synth sounds perfect, I can edit the sounds (with the use of the switches) etc, but not a single encoder is working.

I found another thread here 

which sounds pretty much like the same problem I have.

Wilba's answer tells something about that the ground connection to the CS PCB might be broken.


(We're just at the finish line now, I just need to crawl the last damn meter :fear: )


Any thoughts, TK, or others out there?

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My Dad was confused when he skipped the GND connection between the base board and the CS, reading somewhere that it's "not necessary".

I took a close-up picture on the headers, just so you guys know how it looks like there.

Please tell me that at least one of these headers need to be connected to the CS for the encoders to work.

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