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pcb for alternate SEQ4 panel design


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i'd like to order a pcb for a SEQ4 control panel i designed, but i would only afford it if others ordered one as well due to the discounts.
one of the initial ideas is to build a layout around a 40x4-lcd.

here's a conceptual draft to give you an idea:

these are no exact positions of the elements, the drawing is a study on a ui-design leveltechnical requirements will certainly lead to minor design changesand there is still the opportunity to throw in great ideasthe button caps used here are 18,5x18,5mm/~0.73x0.73ini have some vintage RFT-button caps (i currently know one cheap source; 0,2€ per cap) i will connect to buttons with custom 3d-printed adaptersthe f-keys are quoting the C64-keyboardas this is certainly not a solution for everyone, i intend to design the pcd so that you can mount widely available button40x4 LCD paneldimension: ~330x240mm/13x9.45inthe red star sits on the data wheel encoderi would order at MakePCB, unless i find a less expensive opportunityprice per piece / number of pcbs: ~118,80€ / 1; ~27,70€ / 10; ~18,50€ / 20; 12,20 / 50; excluding shipping (i ship from germany)i'm aiming commitments for 10 pieces before i actually start layouting the pcbas Wilba's PCB it would include all elements to hook it as DIN/DOUT-module to a core modulea bulk order for associated parts may be organised as well, depending on the feedbacktime frame: none yet, but certainly not delivered this year

to explain my motivation on this: as i have all parts for this, i will build it. propably it will be on breadboard connected to dio_matrix-modules. the only point that detains me from a pcb is the price. so if i can evaluate that there are chances to order this in bulk, i will work on a pcb. due to time limitations i cannot afford that otherwise.
comments on the design are as welcome as questions and of course commitments of interest. Edited by SuburbanBoy
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It looks as if your encoders are sitting dangerously close to the LCD - this can cause mechanical problems. Also, I would advise you to do the PCB layout first to verify that it is actually possible before you ask people here for any commitment. Then you would ideally do a protoboard to check that your PCB actually works as intended. Then is the time for bulk orders. PCB layouts tend to be faulty the first time around, even less complex ones.

You should also state the potential cost and availability of the buttons / button caps you are going to use. This could be a major decision factor for some.

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It looks as if your encoders are sitting dangerously close to the LCD - this can cause mechanical problems. Also, I would advise you to do the PCB layout first to verify that it is actually possible before you ask people here for any commitment. Then you would ideally do a protoboard to check that your PCB actually works as intended. Then is the time for bulk orders. PCB layouts tend to be faulty the first time around, even less complex ones.

You should also state the potential cost and availability of the buttons / button caps you are going to use. This could be a major decision factor for some.

thanks for your response. i modified the initial post in order to answer your points. i hope that clears some of them.

have a nice day!

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<disclaimer>I have no mbSEQ nor do I know how it works, everything I say is mere speculation, also my comments go beyond the ui-level of design</disclaimer>

If the "fast" button is only toggles the speed of the encoder, you might wanna consider using an encoder with a built in button - turn to change the parameter slowly, push and turn to change the parameter fast. Otherwise you'd either have to hold the button with your right hand and turn the encoder with the left (the rest of the design makes it seem like you're right-handed) or hold the fast button with your pinky while turning the encoder.

The LEDs under the "step view button are way too close to it. There'll be virtually no panel between them. You typically want to keep the panel > 1.5mm in all places.

As ilmenator suggested - it's never too early to throw some real life measurements in there - the 1-16 buttons appear to be rather close to the display, depending on the body shape of the buttons.

Solo/Mute buttons: I'd probable go with different colors for the LEDs. Take a look at your favorite DAW - I am pretty sure they have different colors there.

Typically, it's incredibly helpful to print the whole thing 1:1, put some button caps and knobs on it and pretend to be using it. That's one of the easiest ways to find weak spots in my opinion.

HTH :flowers:

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Yup, nILS is right - mapping FAST to pushable encoders is incredibly helpful and really intuitive. It is FAST2, called temporary fast, or "push-to-fast", which enables this behaviour. The normal FAST toggles the state, where FAST2 is only active, while switched.

Personally, i´d not recommend a 4x40 display "narrow" approach for the SEQ, because you will be covering the display with your hand when operating GP buttons 1-8 and encoders 1-8 half of the time.

Many greets,


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Personally, i´d not recommend a 4x40 display "narrow" approach for the SEQ, because you will be covering the display with your hand when operating GP buttons 1-8 and encoders 1-8 half of the time.

I agree with this, it will not be very ergonomic IMO. I find having the displays and the encoders spread out on the Wilba panel really encourages two handed usage of MBSeq :)

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i made a parts arrangement:

post-6434-0-61382100-1356297537_thumb.jp post-6434-0-84560500-1356297558_thumb.jp post-6434-0-82370500-1356297578_thumb.jp post-6434-0-24037200-1356297590_thumb.jp

it should always be possible to see the part of the screen you're editing. myself, i have no need to see the whole display at any moment.

what worries me more is that it's hardly possible to turn two adjacent knobs.

If the "fast" button is only toggles the speed of the encoder, you might wanna consider using an encoder with a built in button - turn to change the parameter slowly, push and turn to change the parameter fast. Otherwise you'd either have to hold the button with your right hand and turn the encoder with the left (the rest of the design makes it seem like you're right-handed) or hold the fast button with your pinky while turning the encoder.

i don't like push-buttons. and i prefer my ring finger. anyhow it's a good point, both could be implemented:

  • pushbutton-datawheel
  • exchangeable mapping of (UP/DOWN) and (FAST/ALL), though it would be preferably swapped around the display for the left-handed
    The LEDs under the "step view button are way too close to it.

    • these are no exact positions of the elements, the drawing is a study on a ui-design level
    • technical requirements will certainly lead to minor design changes

    Solo/Mute buttons: I'd probable go with different colors for the LEDs.

    i haven't looked on the LED-details yet. the pcb would (i doubt it will happen) have one LED per button (except Step View has two or duo).

    I find having the displays and the encoders spread out on the Wilba panel really encourages two handed usage of MBSeq :)

    the only thing i do with two hands is masturbating. drool.gif

    actually, i'm not very well coordinated when it comes to the use of both hands.

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