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MbseqV4 and TR808 bassdrum


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Hello, i need a little help..

I've built TR808 BD from Eric Archer ( http://ericarcher.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/tr-808-bass-drum-diy-project.pdf )

It works good when i trig it manualy with a switch connected beetween +12v and Trig. (accent connected to 12V)

I'd like to trig it from MbSeqV4 from J5A (LPC17core). I've connected J5Aao to 808 trig and J5Avs to 808 ground.

Is it correct?

In MbSEQ menus, i didn't found how to route a track or a layer to gate1. 

How can i have access to gate1?


If i understand well, if 808 accent is connected to +12, i could trig with 3,3v pulse without Aout or amplifier circuit.

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I've found at Hardware options/CV out :

"Tracks can be assigned to the outputs in the MIDI event menu. It's also possible to route incoming MIDI events to the AOUT/gate triggers in addition (this replaces a CV interface completely). The AOUT channel and trigger routing is described in the "Special Pages" chapter of the User Manual. "

But the link is empty. It is in work i think.

And in event menu i haven't found a parameter to route the track to gate1. There is port AOUT but it doesn't seem to work.

I tried to select BUS1, and in the Midi Menu, i routed it into Aout chan1, and it doesn't seem to work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still have my probrem with triggering it from MBSEQV4.070

I tried to connect a led beetween J5AA0 and J2Vs to try to find how i can have a 3,3v gate from the MBSEQ, but no results.

Someone can help me please? How can i be sure i send a gate trigger to J5A0?

I tried a lot of possibilities into ENENT MENU and CV configuration, but no results.

from Eric Archer:

"If you are planning on triggering the circuit from a logic signal, the easiest way is to tie ACCENT to +12V (+15V), and connect the logic signal to TRIGGER.
This schematic includes my diode-cap-resistor network. This makes trigger behavior independent of pulse width (unless the pulse is super short of course)"

" If you’d like to trigger these drum modules manually, it is easy.  All you do is get an SPST momentary pushbutton and wire it between +15V and the Trigger input terminal.  You need to use the diode-cap-resistor trigger circuit here.  Otherwise you will get a weird sound at the moment you release the button.You can also trigger them with piezo discs and make a drum pad.  get some medium or large plain piezo discs (20mm diameter for example).  Wire the piezo between the Trigger terminal and GND.  When you tap the piezo, it will sound the drum.Remember, the Accent terminal has to be high (+2 to +15V) for the drum to make sound. "

I've connected Accent to +12V  , trigger to LPC17CORE J5AO and 808 ground to J2Vs 

Is it correct?

Edited by matoz
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If the bass drum triggers when it is connected to 12v, then maybe the signal from j5.ao is not strong enough. You might want to experiment with a relay. Look into the midio128 page on ucapps.de. The switch S1&S2 between 12v and the 808 bass drum trigger, and vs & vi operated from j5.. Or maybe even a FET switch might work?

I' m not an expert on this but it crossed my mind. Maybe it helps..

Edited by Martijn
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thanks for the answer, yes, the relay could be a solution, but in the seq, how can i send the trigger of a track to J5AO? In Event menu, with seqV4.070 i couldn't find "gate1" . Where in this monster should we route the track signal to "gate1"??

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It won't be possible to control a 808 bass drum from a J5 output, because you will need a 1 mS trigger!


Such triggers are only available at DOUT pins, and they have to be configured in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file:



# additional gate triggers are available on common digital output pins of the
# DOUT shift register chain - they are assigned to AOUT channel #16 (Note C-1, C#1, D-1, ...)
# define the shift registers which should be used here (each provides 8 gates)
# Note that SRs assigned to this function cannot be used as LED outputs (exclusive function)
# Allowed values: 1-16, 0 disables the function, all other values invalid and not allowed
# if set to 1, the DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
# useful for analog drums

They will work at 5V - like on the MB808 (the second reason, why shift register outputs are used instead of 3.3V based J5 outputs)


DOUT bassed triggers can be accessed over AOUT channel #16 as described in the manual: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So i chained a second Dout module to the first used for leds (it is seqV3 control surface). I connected Vs of the first shift register of the second dout (so i inderstand it is SR5) to 808 ground and D0 to 808 trig.

I've change hardwconfig like that: (i've save it and copy it into Sd card)

  • # Allowed values: 1-16, 0 disables the function, all other values invalid and not allowed  (why allowed values 1-16?)
  • DOUT_GATE_SR1   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR2   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR3   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR4   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR5   1
  • DOUT_GATE_SR6   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR7   0
  • DOUT_GATE_SR8   0
  • # if set to 1, the DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
  • # useful for analog drums

In event menu i selected Aout port chan 16 and played note C1 to C4 without result. could you explain "allowed values 1-16"?

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At the start of the seq (after power on), after he has found the SD card, there is these indication: HW:* 

How can i be sure the hardwareconfig file i copied into the SD card is running?

I've copy it in the sd card and reloaded the seqV4.070 into the LPC1769 core.

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The DOUT_GATE_SR* flags define the shift register assignments.

Each shift register has 8 outputs


Could it be, that you assumed that DOUT_GATE_SR* selects a DOUT pin number? Then this would explain the confusion.


How can i be sure the hardwareconfig file i copied into the SD card is running?


MBSEQ would output an error message if the file contains an invalid command.

E.g. write an invalid command (such as XXX) at the top of the file, thereafter "reset" the core (enter the reset command in MIOS terminal).


After startup, the MIOS terminal should output following message:


[368171.630] [SEQ_FILE_HW] ERROR: unknown parameter: XXX


Btw.: it's much more comfortable to edit the file directly with the MIOS Filebrowser


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It won't be possible to control a 808 bass drum from a J5 output, because you will need a 1 mS trigger!


Such triggers are only available at DOUT pins, and they have to be configured in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file:



Hi Thorsten,


How can I do a 1mS trigger with MIDIO128V2?

Or better :

is it possible ?


In these evening I am soldering a CORE for a MIDIO128V2 to try to trigger 808 voices and have designed with two NOT a "pulse time  regulator"

but I will be more happy if I reach the goal with no external hardware.


Thanks and best regards




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Hi Antonio,


you would have to add following snipped into the source code (src/main.inc) after the USER_SR_Service_Finish label:



    clrf    MIOS_PARAMETER1
    movlw   0x00 ; first SR
    call    MIOS_DOUT_SRSet
    movlw   0x01 ; second SR
    call    MIOS_DOUT_SRSet
    movlw   0x02 ; third SR
    call    MIOS_DOUT_SRSet
    ;; etc... add more MIOS32_DOUT_SRSet based on the same scheme if desired



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,


Thanks for your reply.

I do not see any reference to the timing, so, it must be the time of execution of the instructions

to determine the duration of the pulse. Right?

Do you think is possible in future add in MIOS STUDIO a pulse time set function?

To manage gears who need pulses instead of continuos ON state.


Thanks and best regards



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No - USER_SR_Service_Finish is called each mS after the shift register scan. By clearing the SR registers in this hook it's ensured that the pulse will only be active for one update cycle (= 1 mS)


I won't add new features to PIC based firmwares anymore. Programming in assembler is too cumbersome and error prone...


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, so i've got time on this project, i would like to send a trigger to TR808 kick from the first shift register (D0-Vs) of the secound DOUT module i've installed. i'loaded last version V4.078, with last MIOS.

When i try to edit MBSEQ_HW.V4 with mios filebrowser, mios studio says "invalid response from MIOS32 core during read operation" after that, when i Query the Core it seems Core doesn't response in midi IN.


In my text editor photo, do i select the right choice?

When i disconnect and reconnect SD card MBSEQ respond like on photo 5. HW -  is it correct?

When i put invalid parametters such as XXX on HW file, nothing happen.

On photo 6, we see asterix after AOUT * does SEQ says AOUT 16 isn't availlable?


There is a problem somewhere, but where?








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When i try to edit MBSEQ_HW.V4 with mios filebrowser, mios studio says "invalid response from MIOS32 core during read operation" after that, when i Query the Core it seems Core doesn't response in midi IN.


This could be related to a USB driver issue under Windows

In your snapshot I can see that it worked once, therefore: what happens if you try it multiple times?

Could you please also check the same with the GM5 driver?



When i disconnect and reconnect SD card MBSEQ respond like on photo 5. HW -  is it correct?


yes, the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file will only be loaded after power-on (or after you typed "reset" into the MIOS Terminal).

It won't be loaded when you reconnect the SD Card. This should ensure, that somebody is able to swap a SD Card with an incompatible MBSEQ_HW.V4 file (e.g. from a different MBSEQ hardware) without overwriting the initial hardware settings.



When i put invalid parametters such as XXX on HW file, nothing happen.


yes, because you have to reset the core to load the changes.



On photo 6, we see asterix after AOUT * does SEQ says AOUT 16 isn't availlable?


yes, because no AOUT interface has been selected in the CV configuration page.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten, thanks for your answer.





It work well if i doesn't try to edit HW file in mios studio.

I tried multiple times, Mios studio stop loading at different bytes.

After that, when i query the core, the midi in seems to be blocked and there is no response from core.

I have to restart Mios studio to be able to query the core and have an answer.

I will try to have my GM5 tomorow to test with it.




i haven't AOUT interface, i just want to send a trigger from DOUT (second DOUT module Vs;D0, first shift register., so the 5th shift register of the chain.)  Should i select one Aout interface in CV config page to have  AOUT chan 16 availlable? If yes, witch?





For all testing moments, i always restart the core.


i can't understand in HW file why allowed values 1-16 if each shift register provide 8 gates. why 1-16? witch value should i select for SR5? (trigger is connected to VS-D0 of the first shift register of the secound Dout.)




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Do you need to have a DOUT board to be able to send a trigger to the DOUT chain? I'm not really clear on what the basic setup for adding say 8 trig outs to a wilba midibox seq would be or how that addressing really works. Can anyone enlighten me? I know I've seen seqs with trigger outs but I'm not sure how they were built. Is there anyone who has done this who has a photo?

Thank you!


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i haven't AOUT interface, i just want to send a trigger from DOUT (second DOUT module Vs;D0, first shift register., so the 5th shift register of the chain.)  Should i select one Aout interface in CV config page to have  AOUT chan 16 availlable? If yes, witch?


Yes, just select any AOUT interface, such as MBHP_AOUT



i can't understand in HW file why allowed values 1-16 if each shift register provide 8 gates. why 1-16? witch value should i select for SR5? (trigger is connected to VS-D0 of the first shift register of the secound Dout.)


Up to 8 shift registers can be assigned to the trigger function, and each shift register provides 8 outputs.

You just specify the shift register number.


If you want to use the 5th shift register, you've to specify:


# if set to 1, the DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
# useful for analog drums


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I love you Thorsten!!! many thanks!  wonderfull!!!


I'm silly, i realize how it was simple and behind my eyes!!! ahahaha


I tried with GM5, in midi, impossible to query the core, (see photo).

Core receive reset command, but no answer received in mios studio.

After that, Mios studio didn't want to close. I had to use window to close mios studio that was totally blocked.  I've repeat that several times.

In midi in, i receive strange parameters modification like program change, some notes, note off, on channels i never use.

Last year, it was inverse, seqV4 application was loaded with GM5 because it didn't work with USB. Now, USB work (not totally, impossible to edit with file browser) and GM5 midi is problematic.


I was thinking about appli like ADW cleaner and Adblock (block adds from internet). A friend installed them in my PC last week. Is it possible they block midi in flux?







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Cool! :smile:


I'm not a windows expert and therefore can't give you so many hints on driver issues.

At least it works on the two PCs I've access to - under WinXP and under Win7, without GM5 driver only when "single_usb" mode has been configured with the bootloader application, and with GM5 driver also when multiple ports are allowed ("single_usb off")


There is an alternative driver from KORG which might work better: 

(you've to de-install the GM5 driver first before installing a new one)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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