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No problem with the display itself, it's HD44780 compliant, but like Duggle stated  you plan to use multiple of these the wiring might be a pain...


Thank you for this information.


And you are right about the wiring difficulty. In fact i'm planning to use a little piece of veroboard to convert the 1x16 to 2x8 pin with some DIL and SIL Pin Header. Then i should be able to connect the LCD "normaly" ^^





Look attractive for this price! :)


Concerning the adaptor: Ilmenator proposed that a PCB layout for a small adaptor could be created and ordered at Osh Park:


I liked this idea, and will probably go for this solution.


Best Regards, Thorsten.


Just created an adapter and ordered it at OSH Park:

(The J15 connector will be mounted upside down, therefore the pins are mirrored - it's 1:1 compatible with a 2x20 CLCD, the same cable can be used)


Three boards are available for $7.40 :smile:
Best Regards, Thorsten.

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