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SDCard Problem


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I'm using a PC, but there's no difference when I'm restarting MIOS Studio after I connect USB to the core. When the connection failed once, the error is always the same until I start it up without sdcard and put the card in the slot after startup of the module.

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Hi Beat, I don't know if what I am seeing is the same as you so I tried removing the SD-card to see if it would come up. I removed the SD-card, plugged in the USB port, then brought up Mios Studio. It did come up OK with status indicating OS, release and such, but when I press the QUERY button I get a timeout error of "Timeout on query request.". If I type HELP in the Mios Studio it returns the help information and then the QUERY function works OK. With the SD-card installed, then I get an error and its sometimes very difficult to get the USB connection working properly.


I think this is also relaited to not installing the GM5 driver in the PC. My PC is Windows 7 - 64 bit. I have 2 LPC units running Midio128. When I bring up one of the units up it shows the USB ports as "GM5 Port 1-4" and this unit comes up in good health all the time. But the other one has issues. It shows the USB ports as MIDIO128 for the first port and "MIDIIN2-4 (MIDIO128)" for the final 3 ports. The only reliable way I have found to get it to work so I can down load new software is to select MIDII2 port for both IN and OUT ports then reselect them to the MIDIO128 port.


What are the USB port names you see when your unit powers up? This might give a clue to the issue.



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So I installed the GM5 drivers now and tried to format the sdcard. It's a 4GB sdhc card, I'm waiting now for 10minutes yet, is this normal? The command "sdcard_format yes, I'm sure" is grey, so I think it's working on the formatting?

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There are USB driver issues in Windows, still.

I have had problems with all drivers (GM5, Windows, Korg). 

The most recent Bootloader fixed some of the issues, but I'm still having problems with the File Browser functionality *unless* I recompile the app for *one* USB port (not four).

Typically the file transmissions fail during transfers related to editing a file.

From memory, I have this experience with applications: SEQ V4 and NG, on OS's: Windows 7 x64 and WinXP.


For simplicity, we might ask TK to include a binary with only one USB port enabled in the pre-compiled zip for MIDIbox NG?


Having said all of that, I don't know that it will fix the current problem of this thread, but it is something that needs to be eliminated anyway.

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So sdcard formatting was a long process. I was to impatient, after a long time, the message came back that everything is OK with formatting now.


I have material for a second LPC17 core module at home so I will build it now to countercheck the issues I have.


Thanks a lot for the quick answers!


Could please somebody reply on my question about the backlight of my display. I only have to know if the backlight should be on after startup. If yes I have to search at my hardware, if not I have to search the correct command in the program. I still have to learn  a lot, thanks for your patience :-)

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By all means build another core and see if you have the same problem...

BUT...There are still real problems with USB drivers under windows. They only affect sdcard operations as far as I know, and are solved by having only 1 USB port enabled in the firmware. The pre compiled binary has 4 ports enabled...

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You are right Duggle, there are problems with the USB drivers under windows which is the only OS I am familure with.  By building another core you will find out some of the issues.  I have been living with issues like not recognizing the default Midi USB port so its difficult to down load a new version of my test software.  See previous post.  When I load the GM5 driver, all problems go away.  This includes any SD-card issues.  But when I disconnect my MidiBox 1 and then connect my MidiBox 2 hardware to the PC USB port, the PC doesn't use the GM5 drivers but uses the default Windows driver instead.  I would expect a different instance of the GM5 drivers to be used rather than the default Windows driver on this different but similar hardware.       

I don't know now the switch-over from Boot software to Runtime software is done in MidiBox, but I suspect that they share common tables or code during the switchover.  You talked about defining only 1 USB port.  If I recompile the Midio128 software with this change, do I have to worry about updating the boot software?


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I've noticed the same thing with a second core using Windows drivers instead of GM5.

I think it came down to which physical USB socket I plugged into in the PC, in my case.

Definitely make sure you have the latest bootloader (1.010, I think it's called). In my case this improved the handling of multi USB port applications to the point where I could route different USB ports to different MIDI ports on my SEQV4 handling MIDI events and SysEx perfectly for the first time. However, the File Browser does not work right in this set up.

I had the same problem on my NG core on another PC, (I found, naturally, that no File Browser with NG was totally unacceptable, so I recompiled for 1 USB port and now all is fine).

So to answer your question, my advice is to update your bootloader, and then load the app build that has just 1 USB port enabled.

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I've noticed the same thing with a second core using Windows drivers instead of GM5.

I think it came down to which physical USB socket I plugged into in the PC, in my case.

Definitely make sure you have the latest bootloader (1.010, I think it's called).

If you do more testing you will find out that the GM5 drivers will always follow the MidiBox hardware unit that was pluged in when you installed the GM5 driver.  Any other unit will use the default Windows drivers.  The Midi port doesn't change this.  It seems like Windows is keying off something like a serial number stored in the LPC17 core.  I built a 3rd LPC17 core and it also uses the default windows drivers rather than the GM5.   I wonder if this specific problem is in the PC side?  Or maybe MidiBox is initializing the USB structure types wrong that causes this to happen.  I'm just guessing here.  It would make sense for all MidiBox hardware to use the GM5 drivers in the PC and load a different instance of the same driver in case a 2nd MidiBox was plugged into the PC at the same time.  That way you would have 8 names to select from rather then 4.




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What I'm seeing is this:

With MIDIbox KB and SEQV4 (LPC17), as I described will use GM5 driver if plugged into a certain USB port, Windows drivers if plugged into another. Then, if I swap the USB ports they are plugged into, the drivers also swap. From this it would seem that the GM5 driver associates itself with a certain physical that was used during it's installation. I could try installing GM5 on the other port out of curiosity sometime.

What I do notice is that the File Browser functionality is more profoundly defunct using GM5 rather than Windows Drivers (i.e both faulty with slightly different signs and symptoms)

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I updated the application to NG 1.020 from the precompiled zip.

  • After disconnecting the core and restarting MIOS Studio, the 4 USB devices appear, but Query does not work on any of them.
  • I run the GM5 installer and uninstall.
  • Now MIOS Studio can communicate with the Core and 4 USB devices appear, but the File Browser fails during opening a file for edit.
  • I run the "Install KORG USB-MIDI Device" from the start menu, "ERROR: No Device plugged in"
  • I select "unistall" for MIDbox NG device in Device Manager
  • I run the "Install KORG USB-MIDI Device" from the start menu, "Allow Hardware Wizard to run", or similar
  • The device enumerates and shows MIDIbox NG in device manager
  • I run the "Install KORG USB-MIDI Device" from the start menu, "ERROR: No Device plugged in"

So unfortunately I am unable to actually install the KORG driver :-(


To restore things to functional again I have had to reflash the Core with single USB device firmware build NG using UART midi from a GM5 Interface module.


I'll also mention an interesting observation, with the GM5 drivers: Both the Core USB devices and the GM5 module appear as "MIDIbox NG" which was very confusing at first.

This also occurred with 4 USB midi device version of NG and the GM5 module with the windows drivers,(If I am not going completely mad....which is conceivable ;-) . 

Now that I am back to my single USB device build NG with the windows drivers I see "MIDIbox NG" (x1) and "[2] Ploytec GM5 www.midibox.org" as I should and it's all working fine.

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Ok, in order to bring these windows issues to an end, I will integrate a new bootloader option into MIOS32 which enforces the usage of a special descriptor which only specifies a single USB port.


This should allow to enable the workaround without the need to recompile the application.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That sounds good to me.


And just to support the impression that something is wrong on the Windows side of things: I am having issues with my Win7 32bit system not recognizing different cores as well. I installed the GM5 drivers long ago, because I have one GM5x5, one LPC17-based and one STM32-based experimental system, and one LPC17-based SEQV4. I have never gotten around to look into when exactly communication starts to fail, I cannot see any pattern. This is mainly a problem with the experimental systems, when the cores will just not be recognized after the upload of a new software. I then have to reboot the core, quit MIOS Studio (sometimes just rescanning for MIDI devices works) and start over again. I am never having issues with the SD card, though.

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Just for more infos, on my side about this issue : on my first laptop (Dell D630, WinXP 32 SP2) I basically have the problems described by Duggle .

-Barely no way to load any "big" NGC file in the file broser like default.ngc (the file opens in the editor once over 20 times) loading stays stuck at 98-99%. With a powered hub, it gets even worst, as it barely loads 6/7% of any file before it says "no response from mios32 core during reading operation".


-when testing config files (copy/paste of the "getting started" examples from user manual) nothing involving banks works properly : bank is allways 0 in the debug window when pushing the bank select buttons.


-The weirdest, With simple example files like "hello.ngc" : let's say I've got two files "hello1.ngc" and "hello2.ngc" with two different text strings just to differenciate them. I can manage to do :


load hello1

save hello2

and it works as it should. but after that, sometimes, when loading "hello2.ngc" in the editor, I get the surprise that the content of default.ngc has overwritten the original content of the file ! I've checked many times: it's not a mistake on my side...


load hello2

save default

doesn't work. It says that default.ngc is saved but when loading it, it simply loads the original default file.


after that, sometimes, when loading "hello2.ngc" in the editor, I get the surprise that the content of default.ngc has overwritten the original content of the file ! I've checked many times: it's not a mistake on my side...


More revelant (maybe) : I just changed the "READY" message at startup in the default.ngc for "HELLO", just for testing purpose. So, when power cycling the NG, it says "HELLO", and not "READY". now, imagine me doing the dance of the victory on my couch, because it works ! So, lets go back to the "rotate me!" experiment on the getting started page, click, click, in my hello.ngc config, no problems. So, encoders are basically working, now let's load the default.ngc file again... Wich says "READY" instead of "HELLO"!!!!!!!  from what I understand, the NG just acted as if there wasn't any default file on the SDcard and recreated one new, erasing the previous one with "HELLO" as starting message.


By the way, on my other laptop, (an almost dead Dell D620, with no cpu cooling, very slow, that barely works 15 minutes before it freezes completly, with WinXP 32 SP1) I don't have any of those issues, file editing, bank creation, loading, saving, everything, so far, from what I can check in less than 15 minutes, works flawlessly... too bad it olny last so little time on a laptop with yoghurt and chocolate all over the screen and keyboard, so many missing keys, and a not working trackpad and buttons : My only midibox compatible computer is my 2 years old daughter's toy . Damn...




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Alright, try again with the Bootloader Update package V1.012 (to enable the single_usb option) and with MBNG V1.021


Don't use the GM5 driver anymore, the windows legacy USB MIDI driver works fine with a single USB port.


Something came in my mind while reading your report: is the SD Card still working reliable after all the experiments? E.g. if the directory wasn't updated correctly - maybe even unrelated to the USB issues - maybe due to a power issue - then corrupted filepointers could lead to the effect that two directory entries point to the same (physical) file.


Therefore I would propose to format the SD Card again after the application updates to ensure that a corrupted filesystem won't lead to wrong assumptions at your side


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, more on this topic :


first, last ng version in conjunction with the new beta version of mios studio seems to have corrected some issues I had:

my midibox is now able to handle conditional events (with exact same ngc file used without modifications).



here is the simple TEST.NGC file I was trying to get working (and which works now as it should):


LCD "%C"

ENC n=1 sr=1 pins=0:1   type=detented2

EVENT_BUTTON  id=5  type=meta  meta=UpdateLcd  range=0:1  button_mode=Toggle  lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="Mode #%d"

EVENT_ENC id=1 if_equal=button:5:0 type=CC cc=16 lcd_pos=1:1:2 label="Enc %3d"

now, in order to make it my default config when powering my midibox, I type the folowing in the command line of mios studio:


load test


save default


then, when I power cycle my midibox, I get a "READY" message at power on (like if "factory default" DEFAULT.NGC was loaded again".

BUT: operating button #5 and encoder #1 make the unit working like it should in my TEST example.

here is then how my DEFAULT.NGC looks like :

# Reset to default

# LCD message after load
LCD "%C@(1:1:1)READY."

EVENT_BUTTON id=  5  type=Meta   meta=UpdateLcd  range=  0:1    offset=  0  ports=1000100000001000  button_mode=Toggle  lcd_pos=1:1:1  label="Mode #%d"
EVENT_ENC    id=  1  if_equal=BUTTON:5:0  type=CC     chn= 1 cc= 16   range=  0:127  offset=  0  ports=1000100000001000  lcd_pos=1:1:2  label="Enc %3d"

# SysEx variables
SYSEX_VAR dev=0 pat=0 bnk=0 ins=0 chn=0

# ENC hardware
ENC n=  1   sr= 1  pins=0:1   type=detented2

# DIN_MATRIX hardware
DIN_MATRIX n= 1   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 2   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 3   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 4   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 5   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 6   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 7   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 8   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 0 sr_din2= 0

# DOUT_MATRIX hardware
DOUT_MATRIX n=1   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=2   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=3   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=4   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=5   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=6   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=7   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0
DOUT_MATRIX n=8   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  sr_dout_sel1= 0 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_dout_r1= 0 sr_dout_r2= 0  sr_dout_g1= 0 sr_dout_g2= 0  sr_dout_b1= 0 sr_dout_b2= 0

LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 0  pattern=1000000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 1  pattern=1100000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 2  pattern=1100000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 3  pattern=1110000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 4  pattern=1110000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 5  pattern=1111000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 6  pattern=1111000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 7  pattern=1111100000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= M  pattern=1111110000010000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 8  pattern=1111111000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 9  pattern=1111111100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=10  pattern=1111111100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=11  pattern=1111111110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=12  pattern=1111111110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=13  pattern=1111111111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=14  pattern=1111111111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=15  pattern=1111111111100000

LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 0  pattern=1111110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 1  pattern=0111110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 2  pattern=0111110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 3  pattern=0011110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 4  pattern=0001110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 5  pattern=0001110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 6  pattern=0000110000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 7  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= M  pattern=0000111000010000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 8  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 9  pattern=0000011000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=10  pattern=0000011000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=11  pattern=0000011100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=12  pattern=0000011110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=13  pattern=0000011110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=14  pattern=0000011111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=15  pattern=0000011111100000

LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 0  pattern=1000000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 1  pattern=0100000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 2  pattern=0100000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 3  pattern=0010000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 4  pattern=0010000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 5  pattern=0001000000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 6  pattern=0000100000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 7  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= M  pattern=0000111000010000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 8  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 9  pattern=0000001000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=10  pattern=0000000100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=11  pattern=0000000100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=12  pattern=0000000010000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=13  pattern=0000000001000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=14  pattern=0000000001000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=15  pattern=0000000000100000

LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 0  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 1  pattern=0000010000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 2  pattern=0000111000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 3  pattern=0000111000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 4  pattern=0000111000000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 5  pattern=0001111100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 6  pattern=0001111100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 7  pattern=0001111100000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= M  pattern=0011111110010000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 8  pattern=0011111110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 9  pattern=0011111110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=10  pattern=0011111110000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=11  pattern=0111111111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=12  pattern=0111111111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=13  pattern=0111111111000000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=14  pattern=1111111111100000
LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=15  pattern=1111111111100000

# AIN hardware
AIN enable_mask=000000

# AINSER hardware
AINSER n=1   enabled=0  cs=0  num_pins=64  resolution=7bit
AINSER n=2   enabled=0  cs=1  num_pins=64  resolution=7bit

# KEYBOARD hardware
KEYBOARD n=1   rows=0  dout_sr1=0  dout_sr2=0  din_sr1=0  din_sr2=0  din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
               scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=0  note_offset=36 \
               delay_fastest=5  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100
KEYBOARD n=2   rows=0  dout_sr1=0  dout_sr2=0  din_sr1=0  din_sr2=0  din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=32 \
               scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=0  note_offset=36 \
               delay_fastest=5  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100

# MF hardware (has to be configured for Motormix protocol!)
MF n=1   enabled=0  midi_in_port=0x00  midi_out_port=0x00  chn=1  ts_first_button_id=0  config_port=0x00
MF n=2   enabled=0  midi_in_port=0x00  midi_out_port=0x00  chn=1  ts_first_button_id=0  config_port=0x00
MF n=3   enabled=0  midi_in_port=0x00  midi_out_port=0x00  chn=1  ts_first_button_id=0  config_port=0x00
MF n=4   enabled=0  midi_in_port=0x00  midi_out_port=0x00  chn=1  ts_first_button_id=0  config_port=0x00

# AOUT hardware
AOUT  type=none  cs=0  num_channels=8

# ROUTER definitions (Note: chn=0 disables, chn=17 selects all channels)
ROUTER n= 1   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 2   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 3   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 4   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 5   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 6   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 7   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 8   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n= 9   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=10   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=11   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=12   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=13   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=14   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=15   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17
ROUTER n=16   src_port=USB1  src_chn= 0   dst_port=OUT1  dst_chn=17

# Ethernet Setup
ETH dhcp=1  local_ip=  netmask=  gateway=

# OSC Configuration
OSC n=1  remote_ip=  remote_port=8001  local_port=8000  transfer_mode=MIDI
OSC n=2  remote_ip=  remote_port=8001  local_port=8000  transfer_mode=MIDI
OSC n=3  remote_ip=  remote_port=8001  local_port=8000  transfer_mode=MIDI
OSC n=4  remote_ip=  remote_port=8001  local_port=8000  transfer_mode=MIDI

# Misc. Configuration
DebounceCtr 20
GlobalChannel 0
AllNotesOffChannel 0
ConvertNoteOffToOn0 1

It seems that the events and hardware definitions of my TEST config have been "merged" into the initial default.ngc . Isn't the new ngc file supposed to replace

the former one when I save it under "default" name ? Am I missing something ?


anyway, this is now way more manageable, and VERY BIG THANKS to you, TK, for such a powerful and inspiring tool ! I have to think to "buy TK a beer" or several...



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