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The MB-6582 is finally ready! Pics and sound demo.


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It's finally done and working perfectly!

I took some pictures (not very good ones), and composed a multi-track demo using only MB-6582 sounds.


I would like to thank the following people:

TK, Hawkeye, NorthernLightX, rosch, ilmenator, jojjelito, kristal=, Antix, Altitude and Johey.

You guys have a great community here and it's an honour to be part of it.


Best regards


Robert Engstrand (Scifo)

Helsinki, Finland

Edited by Scifo
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Great to see a newborn MB6582 - and very cool northern demo-like sounds!

Hope you enjoy the MB6582, I have the feeling, the SIDs have captured the souls of the kids that were sitting in front of their C64s in the 80s and 90s, that´s why they sound so nice! :-)


Many greets,


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Great job! Just finished reading your build log, and your finished box is quite nice. You and your father should take a bow!!

Hope you don't mind but I linked your vid to a topic on Chipmusic.org. We were discussing SID options and your demo video is a very good example of the MB6582 ;)

Congrats, Yogi

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