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WTB MB-6582 Base and CS PCBs


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Esher,


Not cursed - but I am having trouble finding info about the current state of the postal service there.

In March USPS and other shipping services were not accepting any parcels bound for Russia due to a 500 ton backlog of mail stuck at various transit points.


If you have any reliable sources of information please share, all I have to go on are stories from many people still waiting on mail/parcels sent in November and links like:




which I do not automatically trust.


I can definitely relate since the postal service here is slowly imploding in a different way.


The guys who never received a reply were usually demanding to use a reversible payment method (ignoring the info on my site), or asking for a shipping quote without stating what they wanted shipped or giving a proper address for a quote, or asking for false value declaration. 


My apologies for the time it took me to reply..... I kept thinking I would dig up some new info that would verify that the situation has been fixed but found none.  Your email on July 17th has been open on my desktop since the 18th with me trying to find any assurance that a parcel will not end up in a pile at the airport.


I will send a shipping quote and payment info now via email.


Best regards



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Thank you Esher!  The email has exactly the info I was looking for - recent real experiences.


With what you wrote and more digging I see important parts of the whole story missing from the articles: 

Russian Post publicly warned that customs inspection was not properly staffed/funded to handle growing parcel volume years before it was more than a seasonal problem. 

Part of the 500 tons of piled up mail was due to other countries continuing to send containers to Moscow despite being told to spread them across other major ports.

The 500 tons was cleared quickly by moving it to other regions with customs inspection capacity. 


None of the "news" writes about good stuff/resolved issues since it does not generate ratings/hits/attention. 


Best regards



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