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SEQV4 - Header Issue Control Surface PCB...


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I have soldered header pins in J1 J2 J3 J4 now upon looking at them I am worried I will not have clearance for the connectors to attach to them once the front panel is connected... Now I have try'd to desolder one row of pins and it is a bitch gonna stop now in hopes that they can stay as they are... I planned to remove them and solder them to the other side of the board...





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The back of the board is a better place to put them, although you only really need a header for J1 (/J2), the rest could be wired directly. Try sliding off the plastic base (or cutting it) and push each pin out individually. Divide and conquer is the motto for multi-pin desoldering.

Edited by latigid on
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Hey guys thanks... I managed to get them all out which took a while due to such tight tolerances... My biggest fear was ripping traces off... The heat from the iron softened the plastic enough on the header that hey could be pulled out.. I need to observe these issues before assembly and not after... Still have to memory that one of the led's (31) I think is oriented opposite to the rest plus I manged to notice an IC installed the wrong way too...


Julian is shipping my front panel off today...

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