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Lemur BLM


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I am trying to figure out how to use the Lemur BLM template.


First: do I need to have a wireless router to use it without a computer? Ideally I would like to connect the ipad directly to the hub that is powering the midibox! This only sort of works, in that the USB ports on the Midibox are visible to the ipad and I can start and stop and somewhat edit sequences. However some of the buttons do not work as expected. I suspect it might have to do with the OSC part of the setup, which I do not understand. :)


I made a little video showing the best I've gotten it. Notice that the eighth step in the sequence never gets highlighted, it's also unselectable and the 16th step highlights the 9th one! I'm confused. In this case I'm connecting the ipad directly to the USB hub, but the same thing happens if I use a USB to midi adapter and set the BLM port to the MIDI port.




Thank you !!!

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Well I'm trying to get it working with a V4, but had issues with my v4l as well...It could be a bug in Lemur, they just did an update recently and I'm pretty sure I had this working before.  On the other hand, my v4 crashes totally when I select the OSC outs as the BLM scalar in the midi settings! I'll do more testing with my V4L tonight and see if I can get those settings saved on mine.


It will recognize Lemur over USB or MIDI but it's not working quite right as shown in the video above. If anyone else can check the BLM_scalar setting in 4.079, it's under MIDI->Misc. Move the encoder up above the usb and midi settings and let me know if it stops responding. TK's got me digging into the code and I must say that it is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside!

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Well nothing jumped out at me looking over the BLM code so I tried downgrading Lemur. iOS apps appear to be nearly impossible to downgrade if you don't have a backup handy. This is exactly why I stopped using software to write music. I'm about to throw this stupid ipad out the window. Talk about non-free software.

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Interesting, this is working perfect for me with the Camera Connection Kit. Barely any setup at all when I plug the sequencer directly into the ipad. Select a port in the lemur setup and assign a port to the blm in sequencer and its working. Was working fine for me over wifi with lemur daemon as well but I havent tried that in  while. Ill check it when i have more time. I'm using an ipad air with the lastes ios and lemur.



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TK's got me digging into the code and I must say that it is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside!


Thanks for the compliment! :)


Hopefully I will get some time to doublecheck the most recent Lemur version at my side this weekend.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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OK I've been able to do more testing with another LPC17 core. For sure if I set BLM_SCALAR_Port to 64-67 (The OSC ports as I understand it) neither a firmware flashed with a SEQ or SEQ v4L will boot. I got those numbers by setting the default port and then looking at MIDI_DefaultPort, so I could be off with that assumption and if they are nothing at all, I could see that causing problems.


Then I did some more testing of the Lemur BLM. Basically it seems to work fine with the V4L firmware. It also seems to mostly work with seq v4, with the exception of drum mode, which of course is the killer app of the BLM for me.  I'm not sure how deeply I ever used drum mode before so I can't say for sure that this was working for me before, but I am still trying to get my hands on a copy of Lemur 4 to test whether or not the issue was introduced by their update.

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Is it working on your V4l?  I installed the new lemur file and created a MBSEQ_GC.V4 file with the OSC and BLM_SCALAR settings - the settings stuck on reboot, but still not seeing any button "led feedback" in lemur.  I didn't have time to do any troubleshooting yet - I'll dig into it more deeply when I have time.  But it'd be good to get confirmation that it's working on someone's V4L if that's possible. 

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I did that - specifically:


- set osc_remote 3
- set osc_local_port 3 8000
- set osc_remote_port 3 8000
- set osc_mode 3 1
- set blm_port OSC3
- store


USB works without issues (although I have to hardcode the connection into the MBSEQ_GC.V4 file on the SD card), but ethernet/OSC doesn't seem to work.  The V4's ethernet connection is working fine.


t's not too much of an issue since I can use USB, but I thought I'd check if anyone else has the ethernet connection working before I try troubleshooting it anymore.

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It still works at my side, but I noticed a problem with the "store" function - it doesn't store the network setup.

Could this be the problem at your side? (check the current configuration with the "network" command)


The fix will be available with the next release.

Meanwhile you could enter the configuration directly into the MBSEQ_GC.V4 file:




OSC_RemoteIp 2
OSC_RemotePort 2 8000
OSC_LocalPort 2 8000
OSC_TransferMode 2 1

(note that in this file the connection numbers are counted from 0)


After the changes, enter "reset" to reload the configuration.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It still works at my side, but I noticed a problem with the "store" function 


Cool - Store hasn't been working for me.  I wasn't sure whether that was a bug or whether it was something on my end.  I'll try again once the next release comes out, and I'll also try entering the settings directly into the GC.V4 file.




How are the BLM_SCALAR_Port numbers calculated?  Is that documented anywhere?

Edited by borfo
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Cool.  Thanks.


In case anyone finds this thread looking for BLM_SCALAR_Port numbers, here's the relevant section:


  DEFAULT    = 0x00,
  MIDI_DEBUG = 0x01,

  USB0 = 0x10,
  USB1 = 0x11,
  USB2 = 0x12,
  USB3 = 0x13,
  USB4 = 0x14,
  USB5 = 0x15,
  USB6 = 0x16,
  USB7 = 0x17,

  UART0 = 0x20,
  UART1 = 0x21,
  UART2 = 0x22,
  UART3 = 0x23,

  IIC0 = 0x30,
  IIC1 = 0x31,
  IIC2 = 0x32,
  IIC3 = 0x33,
  IIC4 = 0x34,
  IIC5 = 0x35,
  IIC6 = 0x36,
  IIC7 = 0x37,

  OSC0 = 0x40,
  OSC1 = 0x41,
  OSC2 = 0x42,
  OSC3 = 0x43,
  OSC4 = 0x44,
  OSC5 = 0x45,
  OSC6 = 0x46,
  OSC7 = 0x47,

  SPIM0 = 0x50,
  SPIM1 = 0x51,
  SPIM2 = 0x52,
  SPIM3 = 0x53,
  SPIM4 = 0x54,
  SPIM5 = 0x55,
  SPIM6 = 0x56,
  SPIM7 = 0x57
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  • 1 month later...

Dear fellow Midiboxlovers,


I have a problem with getting my midibox connected to Lemur. The template is on my iPad, I tried different settings in the BLM_Scalar menu on different ports, but without success. Keep on gettin' that disconnection button in the upper corner of my iPad.


I use the latest lemur Template and connect my iPad and midi box with a camera connection kit & USB-Midi cable. Could it that I have to change settings or the script of the Lemur template, caus' it was designed for operation through OSC, while I try to make a connection with that USB-midi cable?


Hope someone can help to sort this out and get the job done .. l look so much forward to enter tweakin' heaven ;-)

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The operation via USB is working fine, but I never tried it via the camera connection kit.


Are you able to send & receive MIDI events from other iPad apps?

If not: there is a general problem with the camera connection kit.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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