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I've done some midibox projects in the past (2x midibox8 and 1 midibox16-lcd), but I know so very little about programming.

Now I have a FireFace 800 Audio interface and I need to build a very simple 1 knob volume (CC 7) midi controller. I have some PIC16F84 04/P chips lying around that I want to use.

Has anyone made something similar ? Can I program the PIC with the MIDIbox 8 (1998) and not use the expensive MAX 186 ? 



...even an arduino would do! the pic16f84 has no a/d converters built in, whereas the arduino comes with 6 10-bit a/d-converters + usb. also the pic is not that easy to program, unless you have the pickit (or something similar) already.


overall i would say, that midibox for a single channel is a bit "over the top"...;-)

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