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Connecting 4x MF_NG modules


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I built 4x the MF_NG module. The first one is working fine.

How do I connect and program the MF_NG modules among each other?
Like this?


And set the mode to "link forward" at all modules, just set the last module to "link endpoint"?

And... I guess I have to set the device ID for each MF_NG module? But how do I have to set the device ID? Can't find any adjustable value within the MIOS software?





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  • 1 month later...

I can't get it working. :rolleyes:


I tried to use the step by step instructions shown in the readme file when downloading the "change_id_v1_9g.zip" file.
But the link is dead:  http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_gpasm.html

My PICs already burned. So i guess the easiest way is to use mpsam.
I tried that, changed the the id in main.asm



#define MIOS_DEVICE_ID   0x00    ; the device ID (0x00-0x7f)




to #define MIOS_DEVICE_ID   0x01    ; the device ID (0x00-0x7f)


Not sure if 0x01 will be correct, is this correct for my 5 MF_NG modules? :
0x00=Device 1 (Motorfader 1-8)
0x01=Device 2(Motorfader 9-16)
0x02=Device 3 (Motorfader 17-24)
0x03=Device 4 (Motorfader 25-32)

0x04=Device 5 (Motorfader 33-40)


I get 115 errors.




Cannot open file (Include File "mios.h" not found)


Hmm... "mios.h" is located in /include/asm/mios.h
I tried to copy everything to /include/  but that doesn't help. :shifty:

Help! :rofl:

Idea: What about putting the assembled file with IDs 1-10 online so that everyone can download them?
(I guess that people who want to build more then 10 devices will know how to do it anyway) :smile:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Roelli

The NG doesn't support more than 4 MF_NG Modules and the .Hex files for those 4 Modules are in the change_id app included. So you shouldn't need to set up the tool chain. All trough your right that the link is somehow miss leading...


Then you have to go on with configureing them to "Midibox Link Forwarding point" in the "MIOS_Studio" "MBHP_MF_NG" "TOOL" dropdown. Serial Out then has to be linked to the Serial In of next MF_NG Module and the Last Module has to be set to "Midibox Link End Point" and connected to the Serial In of your Core.

best regards


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