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note off (HEX 80)


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I think I suffer from the same issue. I have a WTPA2 8-bit sampler wich I can play manually, or by midi. Manually works great but I can't get tight loops of e.g. 4 bars. Midi from ableton works also  great, I can record really tight 4 bar loops, and by playing the loop an octave higher it doubles speed, great machine. But if I play it from my SeqV4 I can record music (it starts recording on CC#3) but when I play the sample with notes it only triggers the sample to play, but it doesn't stop at the end of the note. It does stop at the end of the notes comming from Ableton.

I didn't understand yesterday but as I read your/this thread now I think this is the issue.

I also would like note-offs, so any help or comments appreciated!

Edited by Elektruck
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I added this request to the wish list, but the implementation won't be so easy because there are many implications in the firmware for sending NoteOn with velocity 0 to turn off the note.

Changes at many places will be required, especially in the MIDI scheduler, sequencer core, live and recording function, MIDI router, etc...


(just thinking loudly): it might be easier to add a "modification" option directly in the MIOS32 kernel, but SW wise it would be a dirty patch which should normally be prevented to avoid unexpected side effects in later developments.



However, did you already request a firmware fix from the manufacturers of these synths?

Because they don't work according to the MIDI specification.

I guess that some other devices can't control these synths correctly as well.

In addition, Note Off events will disturb the "running status" feature, hence you will notice some additional latency if MBSEQ would switch between Note On/Off.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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After studing the WTPA2 manual again I found this sentence:
"WTPA is fully capable of handling and generating running status messages (and interpreting NOTE ON messages with a velocity of 0 correctly as NOTE OFFs)."
So my problem needs a different solution, any idea?
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Especially if this feature (which should be commonly supported by all MIDI devices) is explicitly mentioned in the user manual it could be related to a problem in earlier firmware versions... ;-)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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