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Unquantized recording + extra humanization


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Really digging deeper and deeper into the MBSQ. Loving it so far! I come from a band background and am doing a lot of electronic livesets at the moment where 'the human touch' is essential. I haven't figured a way out for my problem/option/(request?) and couldn't find anything on the forum here.. So here goes:

It would be great to be able to select a note and move it a little to the left or right - timing-wise - with the for example fast-forward or backward buttons. Like in the newer Elektron stuff where you can select a note and adjust the micro-timing by moving it a few ticks forward and backwards. I notice that with my Tempest this has drastic results in making it feel more human :-)

A great addition to this feature would be an added parameter at the humanization section which randomly varies the 'ticks/micro-timing'! 

Please excuse me if this is already available. I'm still absorbing the manual and this might just passed my brain (or my brain was full after nights of reading and practicing).

Edited by Jwiering
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for shorter tracks, this already works by increasing the resolution (more steps, different divider) - this allows slight offbeat notes on "wrong" steps.

E.g. you could bump up a 16-step track to 256 steps and then have 1/16th step "human" errors. These can either be recorded live from the keyboard, or be "scrolled" on demand. The next version (on the STM32F4) might even support more steps per track (512 or 1024? :-)), which will help even more.

Also have a look at the Humanization MIDI effect, that adds random glitches to different parameters.

Many greets,


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Hi thanks for replying!

I'm gonna check it out :-) Of course this would require a lot of thinking and scrolling through pages with a short melody, but hey it's a start! 

Still would be awesome to have control of micro-timing by selecting a step and nudging it a little bit, like the groove-templates do! :-)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond. 


Jørgen :-)

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i just wanted to share my view  :

some times ago, i experimented a custom firmware which use the delay layer to record that human touch ;

that way we can use the benefit of the 384ppqn, for any step resolution..

it would also be much easier that way to view and modify the quantization, re-quantize the whole pattern, use different quantization methods...

The way i did it is just a hack and it would be better written in a proper way (with a bipolar % of the the step length, from -50% to +50%..).

Maybe an idea for the seqV4+ ?

best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes exactly. Or played in melodies or bassline by an external keyboard. I really like the Midibox so far but what I miss is the human touch: everything is either hardquantized or swinged by a groove-template. I love me some slopiness sometimes and it would be great to have control over micro-timing per step, be it drums or notes or chords. So we can make our own unique grooves by hand.. Different everytime for every played in stuff.

I'm on holidays now so haven't tried out the suggestions above yet. But a dream would be to record a full 256 step pattern by keyboard unquantized and edited later afterwards tweaking the micro-timings to perfect. The icing on the cake then would be an option at the Humanization FX to randomise these microtimings. Wow! <3 

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Addendum: if you want full unquantized recording (but yet without any of the great functions, the SEQ has), you might give the MBLoopA a try:

Altitude wanted to create a PCB for it, if there is enough demand, and I really want to extend the firmware a little bit for more functionality (and not just voxel bling :-))

Many greets,




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  • 3 years later...

Hello, sorry this is a very old post.  I have a mostly-built Seq v4 and just going through the tutorials.  I noticed a graphic in one had a step start maybe an 1/8 note later, so I was looking for how to do that, but maybe it's just a mistake in the graphic.

Apart from making a 256-step pattern, or humanizing, is there still no way to "scoot" the start of a step, at least to a later start time?

Thank you, hope I'm not being annoying!  Just wanted to be sure so I stopped looking around for this.

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