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Remote BPM?


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  • 4 weeks later...

maybe this is slightly different from what fcerberos has in mind, but:

What if we could Tap Tempo the SEQ V4 from a remote controller, with a cc or a note or something?  I mean, it has a tap tempo button like many other devices.   It also has remote functions for external control, see http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fschematics%2Fmidibox_seq%2Fmbseqv3_remote_functions.ps. Maybe it is possible to link a remote key to the tap tempo function?

Then you would have to program the stop, start and tap tempo note to your FCB1010, which I know can be done. 



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Yes, that would also work!
I already have transport pedals assigned to the FCB at the remote location where I play another instrument.
(I'm using the FCB analog switches because for the midi remote you need to send two notes and the FCB can send
only one, and have no more left for the tap)

So yes, a note on a specific channel for tap tempo would be ideal.


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Remote functions can also be accessed through a cc. see MBSEQ_HW.V4, you might want to try and change it.

# MIDI Remote Keyboard Function

# The note number which activates the remote function
# 96 = C-6 (some MIDI monitors display C-5)
# 0 disables the remote keyboard function

# The CC number which activates the remote function
# (e.g. to control it with a footswitch)
# Allowed numbers: 1-127 for CC#1..CC#127
# 0 disables the function (default)

So  if you put cc 14 in instead, you activate remote mode with a cc 14 => 64 and deactivate it again with  cc<64.  Then you can save the FCB note for a remote command (play, stop, anything) (btw do you know the FCB UNO firmware?)


And maybe maybe, it will only require a minor tweak in the code to get remote tapping.

The code for tapping tempo with a button is in seq_ui.c:  s32 SEQ_UI_Button_Play(s32 depressed)
    return SEQ_UI_BPM_TapTempo();

Then there is the remote control routine  s32 SEQ_UI_REMOTE_MIDI_Keyboard(u8 key, u8 depressed)

with an empty entry  at

    case 0x43: // G-4
      return 0; // ignore

( and E-4 & F#6) where we might try instead:

    case 0x43: // G-4
      return SEQ_UI_BPM_TapTempo();

I don't know if there are other dependencies in the code, but TK will certainly know.  

If my assumptions are correct, may we kindly suggest him this tiny extra functionality?

Edited by EsotericLabs
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  • 8 years later...
On 1/27/2016 at 3:30 AM, fcebreros said:

Is there something I'm missing?

i know it is a bit late


just in case you wanna know

TRANSPOSER and ARP. --> Port and Chn. settings will determine port and channel that accepts midi data for Midi Remote Control



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