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TM 4 BLM16 - TriggerMatrix remote via BLM16x16x


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V01.0 is up and Running >>> 160117_TM4BLM_V01.0.zip

old versions:

BLM-Scalar-Communication: BLM-UI @ skelleton level.... no Midiprocessing @ all but some basic Matrix-Userinterface Code (for programmers only...stripped down a bit...) >>> 160110_blm_scalar_communication.zip


first a view vocables:

TM short for TriggerMatrix? >http://midibox.org/forums/topic/18839-trigger-matrix-note-processing/

BLM16x16x short for ButtonLedMatrix?  > http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19736-blm-16x16x-build-guide

Usage? > http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19207-tekkstar-midification-of-a-tama-techstar-306/


The Trigger Matrix is the Midi-Center in my Live-Music-Equipment, it interconnect follwing Device-groups:


I will remote my Triggermatrix-Project via the BLM16x16x, they are comunicating together via Midi:




BLM Layout 4 the Perform-Mode, the 2nd Mode is the EDIT-Mode, where i can change the Trigger-Routing (not displayed here)


Melody Retrigger, take the incoming Melody Notes from the Keyboard and trigger it with the Incoming DrumTriggers

Drum-Trigs are simple Trigger-Routes

The 4 Pots on the BLM are not used (since i removed them)

2x 2x40LCD + 17 Encoders + 2 Buttons are the UI 4 the TM, the rest is controlled via BLM

thx to TK and his BLM-Driver... it works simple and fast as hell now... also code is reduced much....factor 50 or more...


work in process

Edited by Phatline
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  • 2 weeks later...

UI-Updates on the TriggerMatrix-Side:

from a bulk-order i have more then enough 2x40? LCDs....good point to make something with it

use this crimp-able Connectors:



1st Display (up), Deep edit things - like give the track a name, or change the ProgramChange-Bank, or load tracks, or LiveSets (in Future)

2nd Display (down), Fast Access -Performance, like Random-Kill, Decay-Time, Velocity Offset - there are 2x4 Encoder because, i split the whole output-Matrix in 2 Parts:

Line0: Melody Retrigger-Parts   (Bass, Lead,  Space Synths, Samplers)

Line1: Mono   Retrigger-Parts    (for Drums, Filters usw)

i want to perform them separately, with much space for my fingers...a 2x4 LED-Bar-Encoder Board would be nice instead!


Edited by Phatline
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  • 2 months later...

since i had a MB-SEQ-CS-PCB many years now - unused, without any case or frontpanel....

i decidet to hold it and use it :cheers:

i programm now a TriggerMatrix version for a more generic UI...  so other people can "reUse" it, i skip my prototype UI.

BLM16x16+x ( @latigid on )

MB-SEQ-CS ( @Wilba )

MB-LRE8x2CS ( @Fairlightiii )

To adapt my code i had to find out the pin-out of the new UI... here is the result:

TriggerMatrix @ Generic
            MB-SEQ CS
62   54   ENC 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
59 50 SR 1   1   1   1   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   5   5   5   5  
SWING   PIN 6   4   2   0   6   4   2   0   6   4   2   0   6   4   2   0  
63   55    
58 49 ENC 16 JOG                                                          
ROUTE FullVel SR 6                                                          
46   38   PIN 2                                                          
57 34                                                                    
CC SetVel     BLM+x
47   39       32 33 40 41 48 49 56 57 24 25 16 17 8 9 0 1
56 33     39 38 37 36 47 46 45 44 55 54 53 52 63 62 61 60 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4
            Intro Vel-Inv QntRec Swing Copy Paste Clear     <Move Move> STORE LOAD Qnt16 Qnt32 Qnt64
Kill Hi Set Hi     35   42   43   50   51   58   59           26   27   18   19   10   11   2  
14   30       35   43   42   51   PAGE                                    
10 26             Copy Paste Clear   BEAT     STOP PLAY REC < > < >
Kill Mid Set Mid     37   44   45   52   53   60   61     1   28   29   20   21   12   13   4  
15   31       0?   41   40   48   FOCUS                 18   19   11   3   2  
9 25                                                                    
Kill Lo Set Lo     MB-LRE8x2 CS 2.5 in seriell to MB-SEQ CS Wilba                              
6   22       ENC Kill_M Dcy_M Vel_M     Delay Swn16 Swn32       BTN                  
8 24     SR 7   7   8   8   9   9   10   10         LED                  
            PIN 0   4   0   4   0   4   0   4                              
            ENC Kill_D Dcy_D Vel_D Kill_T FullVel Vel_Lo Vel_Mi Vel_Hi                            
            SR 7   7   8   8   9   9   10   10                              
            PIN 2   6   2   6   2   6   2   6                              


programming setup:



Edited by Phatline
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a jam session with the old UI:



Triggermatrix as DrumSequencer, Trigger-Router, Melody-Retrigger > Soundengine: Nord3(efx), NordDrum2, KorgER2

2x Boss RC300 as Loopstation for Melody Loops (Subouts are routed to my filterdistortionADR-Drumtriggered-device...)

LiveGituar on a Gutiarsynth RC20 (that makes them etnical sounds, no not the drums they are typical NordDrum2 yesss)


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