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DINX4, DOUTX4 current PCB layout versions needed


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i'm looking for current pcb layout versions of DINX4 and DOUTX4.

I want to merge DINX4, DOUTX4 and DIO Matrix pcbs into one file and have them produced as one board, but only DIO Matrix is available as current .brd file on ucapps.

Can someone help with the files and maybe merge them into a single file, since i don't have experience and software to do this by myself.

Thank you very much.

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3 hours ago, ilmenator said:

Also, you could "build" (design) the layout yourself,and to your specific needs, as the schematics are freely available. For these rather simple schematics there is very little magic involved.

You're totally right, but i have too many tasks in front of me. Some things have to be done with a simple solution.

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5 hours ago, tago said:

Sorry, i don't want to sound like a beggar. Am i a cheapass asking for this?


not providing Board Files, "avoid" cheap china copies of the design... the other question is: is it relevant for Modules?

I mean DIN-DOUT Module BoardFiles are not needet for Mass-production,

a few People are interesting in DIY,

a bunch of that people make Midi Stuff,

a very fiew of this Bunch of people prefer Modules - and all the work and problems that come out when wiring things... so where is the market?

- a Copy-Relevant Product is a all in One PCB where someone have spent days... to route all the things (BLM, Sandwich, MB-SID and all the Frontpanel stuff) --- because it is not module - it is almost comercial-quality - or comercial suitable > it could end in a china copy, without getting any money for your days in work... how ever just my thougths.

By the way: @http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_dout.html it is written: "Layout Data (revised PCB) ask SmashTV" - do you ask him already? it can take some time that he answer.

Edited by Phatline
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As tago is after something specialised, namely combining DIN, DOUT and DIOMATRIX (apart from a nicer pinout, I still don't understand why a DIOMATRIX is required) on one PCB, the onus is on him to get the boards fabbed himself (as already mentioned). There are value-added considerations that go beyond a cheap price from China:

  • learning how to use the software properly
  • learning the process of ordering, although it's not too difficult
  • spending many hours/days/weeks on each design
  • making fatal errors on the PCB meaning you have to pay for another run
  • quality considerations, though the standard has increased significantly in recent years 
    • arguably you're in a better position by dealing with the company directly if such issues arise
    • also it's less important for small quantities only bought for yourself
  • perhaps buying software, though there are libre programs like KiCAD


The upsides are saving some money and you might say learning a new skill (the essence of DIY). 

The decision to open source the gerber or board files for MBHP would be at the discretion of TK. and/or SmashTV. For the latter, this would undermine his prospects as the de facto provider. If you value his service, especially for other PCBs like the Core etc., consider the situation where he can't continue due to lack of demand across the whole shop.

@phat: DOUTX4 is the default way of outputting clocks gates and triggers, so quite relevant for SEQ and MBCV users.

Edited by latigid on
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Hi @Phatline

i only want some boards for my own purposes that i would saw into single pcbs. Maybe i made it not clear enough. I do not want a special layout, simply all three pcbs on a single pcb. I think it would be the cheapest to produce them that way.

If i can't get the DIN/DOUT pcbs, i could order more DIO Matrix boards instead and be done with it.

Is it allowed to send the ucapps .brd file to a manufacturer?

Thank you



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General tips:

  • clearance looks quite small; increase the distance between traces, pads and holes
    • avoid running traces between pads if possible (e.g. SI)
  • route ground/0V as a plane rather than a thin trace
  • route power as a thicker trace
  • avoid layer changes if possible (minimise vias, e.g. D4)
  • minimise traces crossing; normally I run +5V around the outside of the board.
  • identify the orientation of components better using silkscreen (ICs, RNs)
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22 hours ago, tago said:

Thanks @latigid on

Regarding MBHP_DIO_MATRIX_V1 pcb

I see large ground polygons on the photos and quick-view, but can't see them in Eagle. Will the .brd work none the less?

To be sure you should generate the gerbers and check them before rather than sending the .brd.


Just now, tago said:

Can someone tell me why there is a S0 track on this photo which is not in the schematic?

For when you chain DIN and DOUT serially rather than with a split IDC. 


Just now, tago said:

RC seems to be bridged although it says RC1/RC2 on the Core32 schematic. Why is that?

RC was shared for MIOS8 but is split for MIOS32. To maintain upward compatibility, separate the two. 

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On 16.12.2016 at 11:34 PM, latigid on said:


On 16.12.2016 at 11:21 PM, tago said:

Can someone tell me why there is a S0 track on this photo which is not in the schematic?

For when you chain DIN and DOUT serially rather than with a split IDC. 

Ok, if i want to chain DIN, DOUT and DIO modules i'll need both SI/SO lines, right? What does split IDC mean?


On 16.12.2016 at 11:34 PM, latigid on said:



RC seems to be bridged although it says RC1/RC2 on the Core32 schematic. Why is that?

RC was shared for MIOS8 but is split for MIOS32. To maintain upward compatibility, separate the two. 

What modules would need seperated RC1/RC2 lines?

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3 hours ago, tago said:

Ok, if i want to chain DIN, DOUT and DIO modules i'll need both SI/SO lines, right?



3 hours ago, tago said:

What does split IDC mean?



3 hours ago, tago said:

What modules would need seperated RC1/RC2 lines?

None at the moment, future compatibility.

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