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Midibox SEQ V4 Red LEDs constantly on problem?


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Hi all,

I have a problem, I can't find away to switch the red LEDs  off on step 1,5,7,9,11,13,15 on the sequencer, they are constantly on even when inputing notes.

I have not used the sequencer in a few months & switched it on today & can't recall the lights been on constant before.

I have updated the firmware to the latest V4.92 & it still happens.

It is probably something really simple & I have just forgotten, well I hope it is!

Here is a  pic showing what I mean.

Hoping someone will be able to help me out.


Thanks in advance


All the best



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Does this happen on every page of the sequencer?


if so, i would open it up and start checking for shorts on the control surface, like bridged solder points.

You could also reflow each solder joint to make sure, and be sure to clean the board with isoprpyl alcohol to remove any flux residue that may be causing th issue.

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@Smithy Thank you for getting back to me.

It happens on every page  same LEDs lit.

@latigid on Thank you for replying too, I only have the Wilba HW file released as part of latest firmware package. (I removed the previous .91 Wilba HWfile)

I tried uploading the standard_v4 & the tk MBSEQ_HW.V4 files to see if the LEDs stay on the steps like before, The outcome no LED's are not on any of the steps.

(Not sure if this helps a diagnosis at all)

I uploaded the latest Wilba HW file & they are back!

I am not sure, where to go from here.

Any help is very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance

All the best

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To be clear, the correct path of the HWCFG is



How are you uploading the HWCFG file? Does your SEQ have an external SD card slot? Did you try formatting the card/ensuring that there's only one instance of MBSEQ_HW.V4?

Are all of the buttons (and encoders) working? If there's a hardware problem with the button-LED matrix, then you should see issues there too.

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