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STM32F4 not recognized by computer


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Hey all,

I finally got a Discovery board and managed to get the MIOS bootloader installed on it, but when I flipped the board around after connecting PA9 to the 5V pin, nothing. The computer won't even recognize that anything is plugged in. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

I'm running Windows 7 64 if that makes any difference.

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I have updated the firmware to the latest on the STM website, still nothing. The board powers on and the LEDs blink in a manner suggesting that the bootloader is active, but the computer acts like nothing is connected to it. I am connecting via the CN1 USB connector.

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CN1 is the miniUSB and is used to flash the bootloader via ST-LINK. It also supplies power to the target.

CN5 is the microUSB for uploading MIOS apps. Its "Vbus" is not connected to the +5V required to supply the MCU, so you need a jumper cable or a Core PCB. 

The issue with the older firmware is an absence of a USB connection in CN1 would hold the main MCU in reset. This was rectified in the later firmware update for ST-LINK v2.

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